Sweden's shift right has immigrants worried

>On Sept. 9, 2018, the far-right Sweden Democrats party won almost 18 percent of the votes and other far-right parties made a dent too.

> With the Sweden Democrats’ gains, many immigrants in Sweden fear their status will be revoked, that they will be sent back to war zones.

>“Immigrants are afraid,” Abdallah explained, but because of negative connotations attached to Islam in Sweden, “they don’t want to be seen as religious.”

>“I have lived in Malmö all my life,” she said, but lately, “I don’t know where I belong.”

>Youssef, a 24-year-old refugee who is gay from Aleppo, Syria, arrived in Sweden in July 2015.

>One day, Youssef was walking home with his boyfriend, Mohammed, when he was caught off guard.

>The two were holding hands in Eriklust, a predominantly white neighborhood in Malmö, when a black car approached, a window rolled down and a man shouted: “It’s not enough you’re a refugee, you have to be gay, too!”

>“We didn’t know how to react,” said Youssef. “We were just surprised.”

>Youssef said he initially considered Sweden as one of the better countries to be a refugee, with racism barely palpable in 2015.

>“But lately, it feels like it’s growing," he said. "‘Refugee’ is a bad word.”


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there is hope

Good job Ikea boys

Bump 4 sote bror

the will now rape at a higher rate because they know they will not have white pussy for long.

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save us hagberg

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>a black car approached, a window rolled down and a man shouted: “It’s not enough you’re a refugee, you have to be gay, too!”
On this episode of Things that Never Happened...

Based Sweden

Very good.

>“I don’t know where I belong.”
She does. She definitely does.

"war zones"
they mean turkey which was the first country they've passrd through

>“Immigrants are afraid,” Abdallah explained

My fuckin sides dude

>And then everyone clapped

There are state-funded campaigns that explicitly teach somalis, syrians and afghanis how to court and have sex with "blonde, blue-eyed" women. I shit you not.

Is that from a movie?
I believe it's illegal in Sweden to display a Swedish flag.

Don't forget about the one where they teach little boys to cut their own dicks off, wrap them up and present them as an offering to immigrants in order to apologize for the holocaust.

>The two were holding hands in Eriklust, a predominantly white neighborhood in Malmö, when a black car approached, a window rolled down and a man shouted: “It’s not enough you’re a refugee, you have to be gay, too!”
kek you can't tell me someone from here didn't sent this.

Refugee is absolutely a bad word, it means youve 100% given up on your homeland and genuinely expect another culture to provide for you

About time, sometimes I feel like I’m the only same Swede left

It's so obviously made up it's almost funny. The question really is why? What's in it for Youssef? He's not going to be sent home anyway, but literally 100% of all anti-gay attacks in Sweden are due to Muslims.


Nice, be afraid niggers and sandniggers


You dont have to exaggerate, cuckface

>Abdallah, a 29-year-old immigrant from Iraq who lives in Sweden, has worked for the past two years with ZigZag, an organization that focuses on increasing voter turn out and getting more immigrants to vote. She wasn't sure their efforts worked.
>She wasn't sure their efforts worked.
Yeah sure

Attached: no go zones.jpg (2000x1050, 278K)

Kill yourself, you dumb fucking piece of shit.

Why would any scream at fag refugees? Theyre not breeding

>want to live in Sweden after you graduate
>Sweden hates Islam now
W-will I be OK there?

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thing is
was speaking the truth, You o the other hand were just ironizing in a leftist manner of how "made up" all swedistan-stories are by making one up yourself
youre of no use here, leftist, just go back

Just imagine going there, adapting to a unimaginably cold weather (for their senses), learning a retarded language (note: BERG is pronounced like BERRY) and now they have to go back. Sick turn of the tide, but worth it.

They may go to Norway though.

>they thought they were marching to conquer the infidel
>they were actually marching to their graves

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>“It’s not enough you’re a refugee, you have to be gay, too!”
That wasn't an insult, they were just explaining Sweden's increasing appetite for diversity.

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No, they will just go a bit west.

NEWSFLASH: Sweden is currently heading towards re-election

this time, the wont hold back on the voter fraud so Sweden will turn red again and import millions of kebab peacekeepers


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>18 percent
Doesn't really matter as the other 82% spend more effort on not talking to SD than getting anything done.

>local Swede yells at immigrant for not being his bull
This timeline

>immigrants worried


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>I have lived in Malmö all my life

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>NEWSFLASH: Sweden is currently heading towards re-election
If you don't know what you're talking about, keep your dumb fucking whore mouth shut. There won't be a reelection, and anyone who believes there will be is a fucking retard.

>If you don't know what you're talking about
then shut the fuck up kid you dumb fucking retard

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Those aren't Far Right, those are Pro-Israeli, Pro-Integration etc.

I honestly hope Sweden fixes its shit. They deserve a future. Germany however... leave them for their fate, they've been asking for it.

thats why you are such cucks you all talk but dont do shit. your example is good example. just pull up to faggot nigger and shout and not do anything. with this continuing left party will win and they will switch to working with annie lööf like annie changed side and bring in +300k niggers. enjoy lives. idk why u trying to paint such picture thats its going better for you

>contribute nothing to the social fabric
>refuse to behave like the Swedes around you

surely the refugees can't be blamed for this you bigots

Kill yourself mountain jew

What shift to the right?

SD has NO power and they wont get any power either
Expect a new Decemberöverenskommelse

>“It’s not enough you’re a refugee, you have to be gay, too!”

Excuse me but I don't know how to interpret this.

this. they're using stalling tactics and the possibility of re-election as a threat to make svensson less annoyed with the left-right coalition government that was known and planned already pre-election.

Calm down litle bitch estonia or we invade you again.

Better take care of the invasion of your wife's sore cunt, Sven

>Abdallah explained

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it still blows my mind that this happened

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army marching straight to hell.

Why is it always young men that are the "refugees" escaping "war zones" and not women, children and old people?

> far-right

I wish they were far-right

This is literally nothing.
It's all over for us swedes.
We will never be a swedish nation composed of actually swedish people ever again.
The game was rigged from the start.

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Why didn't you vote for AfS that wanted to start sending back people? It's one peacful way to be only ethnic swedes again.

>Why didn't you vote for AfS
Firstly i'm not a sw*de or a refugee so i cannot vote legally or illegally.
Secondly only FI can save sw*den, accelerationism is the only logical thing to root for.

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Worried enough to leave?

>Us Swedes
>Has Finnish flag

>I’ve lived in Malmo my whole life
That’s a good thing

> afs
> 0.3%

Hasn't this meme died yet?

based black volvo driver

confirmation bias

>“But lately, it feels like it’s growing," he said. "‘Refugee’ is a bad word.”
It's almost like you're a welfare leech and don't contribute to Swedish society in any meaningful way whatsoever, you camel fucker.

Shut up bong. You have no room to talk. America has a migrant problem and we are sending the military to the fucking border. You bent over and allowed your nation to be sodomized by the thick cock of your new Arabic masters.

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>sent the military to literally build settlements for the migrants
fucking based

Wait, this wasn't a photoshopped or deepfake meme? This shit actually happened? Holy fucking shit. Frogs explain yourselves now. What the fuck is wrong with Europe?

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>his boyfriend, Mohammed,
So Mohammed is gay eh?

This is my take away from the article.

"predominantly white neighborhood in Malmö"

>predominantly white neighborhood

Know how I know you lyin'?

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>thinking a tent concentration camp in the middle of the fucking desert is a settlement
Try harder. Don't forget, your nation's women survive from being Russian sex toys by our good graces.

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See what happens if they did that

>tfw faggot shitskins are worried

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The west parts of Malmö is white. It's an extremely segragated city.


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you are very stupid

He's an illegal faggot, instead of just being illegal.

It's because Youssef isn't really a gay but just getting gibs and white Swedish pussy

>and then everyone clapped

du gamla du fria

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There is literally nothing they are running away from except themselfs

>With the Sweden Democrats’ gains, many immigrants in Sweden fear their status will be revoked, that they will be sent back to war zones.
Eh. SD doesn't actually want to deport anyone who's already here. They have talked about increasing the benefits payed out to those who wish to return to their countries of origin however. Overall, however, what they've said needs to be done is exactly the same thing that the amazing Hans Rosling tried to explain to people near the end of his life. Namely that Sweden's current refugee policy is unsustainable and ultimately unfair. Sweden could currently fund the entirety of UNHCR with our refugee budget. We're spending more money on those who come from Afghanistan claiming to be minors than Afghanistan's entire state budget.

What we need to do is put a full stop to taking in more refugees - at least temporarily - and reform the system by which we admit them. Send more money to UNCHR. Create a limit for how many refugees we can admit yearly. Instead of only letting people seek asylum by coming here the illegal way, make it so that they can apply for it at our embassies so we can examine their cases there; if we find that they are in need of protection we can buy them a plane ticket to Arlanda.

>“It’s not enough you’re a refugee, you have to be gay, too!”
Let's make this clear, however. That man is an idiot. Being a gay man from the Middle-East is a very good reason for why he should have asylum here.

>“It’s not enough you’re a refugee, you have to be gay, too!”

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