Do you want to win and save the huwhite race?
Pic related is what your leaders and representatives should look like.
Chads are going to drove in thousands of female groupies. And we all know that were there are women, there is imidiatly an influx of thirsty beta males.
Also you have to consider how looks influence the opinion of the masses, those who are good looking are almost always considered the good guys and right on everything.
Doing so would increase the popularity of the alt-right 10's if not 100's times.
What you need is Chad-nationalism.
Hello poltards, fit here
Other urls found in this thread:
The Jew as an individual is the original NPC
>Jews selling out other Jews to the Egyptians
>Jews selling other Jews out to the Romans
>Jews selling other Jews out to Charles the IV
>Jews selling out other Jews to Hitler
>Jews selling out their own nation
As prove, polish Lady explains two little known laws of the Jews
But How can red pilled Jew break the curse? Same as Millions of jews have done after WW I and over the 19th century
Repent the mind control and stop mutilating your male childrens dicks inducing trauma to make them programmable drones
is it possible to be a virgin and a chad? I’m very much religious
it is possible for Chad to refuse whores or he is not really Chad
do Jow Forums dwarfs with epic beards count?
Nah man. Refusing thots just makes them want you more. It's quite entirely chaddish as long as you're not doing it because you're afraid to touch a lady or whatever like that.
thats a very feminine man
it should be done exactly to make them want you
to make them see you as their superior
to make them know their vaginas have no control over you, even if you are dying to get it
He has defined cheekbones
doesnt change he looks feminine
Not even a simple typo. A legit spelling mistake.
>That kid is 15 years old
RIP: my manhood
Absolutely, brother in Christ. I didn’t wait for marriage and I live in sorrow for the women that I have mistreated and for giving into the unholy thot. I am with one girl that I wish I could have waited for, she is perfect and we are going to wait for marriage. Lust will rot you, I believe that sex is a wedding gift from God.
Stay strong Jow Forumsadin. The Chad has an element of resisting the thots.
I need more hair. Hair is life.
Can you beard OP?
The Golden One doesn't seem to attract very many women to the right, although I agree that more fitness and beauty can only be a good thing, even just for attracting more and better men and getting lesser men on a better path.
>already hairy everywhere
Yes this is absolutely accurate. Anyone who believes in the 14 words etc must absolutely be spending every waking hour improving themselves (and the people around them where possible). Chad nationalism all the way. Speaking of, what happened to the /SIG/ self improvement general threads?
Machinist muscles > Gym muscles
I could crush this kid's face with my bare hands.
Who is this faggot?
they're all in Jow Forums now. sad times we live in.
I genuinely think he would take you, tubbo
His nose is too large
I bet most people who look like that *only* look like that and don't do anything else worth mentioning.
Forgot to add that you all should be around 10-15% body fat.
I'm so tired of the fat fucks, every time you see a pic of a poltard he is always an obese faggot. How do you want people to take you seriously? Why shouldn't normies laugh at you?
Get in shape now! Not tomorrow, not next month, not next year. Now!
hahaha, nah. I've fought bigger, beta fag.
Very true. How else do you think the NSDAP got the women's vote?
I like how Jow Forums sits around talking about their ideal men 24/7. Its literally just Jow Forums tier threads and mirring other men.
No, you guys never learn
Why is every thread about fitness full of people denigrating other mens physiques and looks? You sound like women that are in a bad mood.
The golden one is fit, but he has bad facial features.
When i say Chad, i mean some one who has male model face, is at least 6' and is fit.
>Jawlet detected
Lol visit Jow Forums, it's a bunch of closeted fags nitpicking eachothers bodies and talking about how Chad it is to not fuck women.
I'll add to the list of Jewish accomplishments
> Jews brought slaves when whites didn't want them
> Jews started civil rights movement when literally every president didn't want them in the country
> Jews changed immigration law to bring in shitskins from Africa, Asia, south America where previously it was illegal
> Jews created feminism and unisex fashion movement to break up the nuclear family and instill degeneracy
> Jews are behind the porn industry for the lols and destroy Christianity
> Jews are behind our healthcare policy and vaccines that kill and permanently damage millions every year
> Jews are behind the education system and the dumbing down of America
> Jews are behind the media and Hollywood to promote pedophilia and child sexualization
> Jews rub the federal reserve and the banks that have literally caused the value of the dollar to fall by 99% and every economic bust
>every anti white article is jew writer?
>every immigration influx into white nations is backed by jews?
>Every anti christian article is jew writer
>every anti Trump article is jew writer
>every pro gay article and news piece is jew created?
>every bit of degeneracy in the media is jew created
>every pro white race mixing article is jew created
>every piece of fake news is jew created
That dude has a horse face and looks like he has a room temp iq
>thinking materialistic degeneracy will save the world
That's what put us in this mess.
>that dude is 15
Idk if he is 15, but if it makes you feel better teenagers are basically on natural steroids. The testosterone levels of teenagers is actually what bodybuilders are trying to reach when they take steroids.
Just about any male teen can look like that if he works out diligently, but as you get older it becomes harder to get the muscle, and easier to get the fat that covers up muscle
your kind will be the first to die in a
war setting. your body is conditioned
for a way of life not found in nature.
what do you think will happen once
you lose what you take for granted
that got you that fit life. chads are
poodles, look at the fighters in
afghanistan that have kicked american
chad ass. they look like monsters.
This, when shit hits the fan where will they get their supplements?
Who do you think normies and women will follow, the guy on the left or on the right?
>Pic related is what your leaders and representatives should look like
Gays whose purpose in life is self-grooming?
>machinist muscles > gym muscles
Muscles gained from > working out a muscle group and letting it rest 2-3 days before working it again will NEVER be as good as muscles that were gained more slowly over time from DAILY exertion.
Gym muscles are unironically more for show
t. A guy who has worked out forever and finds his muscles are mostly useless for performing a repetitive task requiring strength
>he actually uses this as an accuse to be an scrawny pot bellied basedkin
Maybe that would be ideal, but you're talking about maybe 5% of the overall population and basically 0% of the woke population there - and there are other concerns like intelligence and ideology to consider in a leader other than looks. There are probably only a few of the type of man you're talking about in a generation.
I believe you.
You'll never find a good husband with such high standards.
your body dysmorphia is not anyone's problem, you projecting cock bag.
>Jow Forums
It's the reason those Kung Fu guys are so fucking ridiculously strong. It isn't that they punch the tree with all their might once, it's that they punch the fucking tree for hundreds of hours with controlled force.
Can you believe people were actually shamed out of maintaining obvious truths like your pic related? It's crazy.
Unironically, neither
Grow up.
Oh yeah sorry, you should look like the average american
Being fat is just a disgusting thing, and I think most people can understand it deep inside even if they can't articulate it or be honest about it with others.
1. It shows that you clearly have impulse control problems, or lack of willpower
2. Most fat people do not make exercise a normal part of their life. Imagine being a human 10,000 years ago and you never fucking do anything to burn calories. People would hate fat fucks back then too.
3. For most of human history food has been relatively scarce for many populations of people, yet fat people clearly are consuming more than they need. Anyone who is thin and going hungry would look at fatties with disdain.
4. Fat people are presenting their least attractive version of themselves. There is always a finite amount of people to mate with, and fatties reduce the number of desirable mates even further.
I don't think fatties should go to hell, but they should definitely go to the gym
Yes, too bad I didn't do that myself. I'm 32 now, still good looking just married now. Wish I had saved my virtue for marriage, honestly. I was a jacked, sexy 18 year old infantryman in the early and mid war (OEF/OIF) and got pussy left and right. Bitches love war vets, especially real combat vets
It's more about being worthy of following.
When I am in power I will send you straight to the front. We need men like you.
Fite me
You are telling me that it's impossible to find a good looking man, who is also above average in intelligence and is also right wing?
Why not send the actual war vets? Like me and a few other anons? Just because they can lift does not mean they can handle combat. I've seen a couple big guys go in to straight panic attack in gunfights. Usually it was a mousy dude but I've seen it with my own eyes. Pick people with reliable track records for your ubermensch... Js
Whoever promotes alt-right is a fool and I hope he gets to be replaced.
>thinks i care about some burger opinion on a fking autistic thread
ok mr merica
You may not like it, but that is what peak performance looks like
Gym, then HELL.
Back to r*ddit, gypsy
Didn’t that guy turn into a tranny?
Probably these days. There must be some so.y infused HGH going around or something
Lets be trumptards together and be civic nationalist with a full blown adoration for zionists what can go wrong?
right here bebe...
Because civnats are just controlled opposition, we pull their strings. R/the_Donald isn't as clever as they so think
Are you really a national socialist, too? Oh you prankster! Let's go have some snickerdoodle swastikas
We dont pull anything its the same group that were doing it before, aka jews thats why you see them infiltrating it and reaching in position of power withing such movements and political groups.
I am an ethnic nationalist and not NS.
Yeah, I'm actually an ethnonationalist, myself
Hey Jow Forums remember that if the whites are replaced these shit browns will never rerack the weights, your gyms will be filled with cologne wearing pajeets, and fat goblinas will take every seat at the juice bar after their ten minute walk sets.
They already do that
old man muscles > all other muscles
everyone knows that
I like how this thread has degenerated into a bunch of insecure betas discussing their bodies rather than discussing the issue presented by the OP.
>chad nationalism
Why did this video flame out so fast?
sounds like you need to help us make it stop
Civ Nat is just one step to Nat Soc... You gotta get everybody on board first, then you continue to propagandize them. Slowly it emerges into the consciousness, organically, beautifully. You have already removed any filth that might oppose you, power is consolidated slowly. Allegiance and loyalty to the state is a value promoted throughout society. Indoctrination that appeals subtly to their inner nat soc, and leaves the door open for the next step.... Intelligence is gathered on any remaining enclaves of resistance.... and then opps... A purge... Maybe an external threat materializes, maybe a citizen brigade of the chosen is mobilized because they are finally ready. But in less than a month non-desirables are rounded up. They are allowed to operate in work camps until their origin country is determined and then then they are deported.
Agreed. However what we need is funding. No one wealthy supports ethnic nationalism, weird huh?
>Civ Nat is just one step to Nat Soc
Its not as we can see it in your society it doesnt lead to anything like that only a change of morals in general society but doesnt change the demographic problem.
Thats a lot of horseshit
It might be exaggerated, but it's broadly true. Young people never really understand how good they have it until they get old.
I'm not sure you understand. The demographic problem is dealt with by force. The society already has to restructure for civ nat to work out. That society becomes more immune to demographic changes. It is literally just a few hops to going full ethnocentrist. Germany was not nat soc in a day... they gathered their power, fanned their base, and they slowly removed rights from those they did not appreciate. Eventually they expelled them and went full out. What people don't seem to understand is that Nat Soc is an evolution of governance, its a system that must develop and evolve within its host culture. Most of what we think about with the NSDAP is surrounding WW2 and later years, but earlier on they had a much different character.
Wtf do you talk about by embracing civ nationalism you admit that demography doesnt matter only ideology does and Germany had right wing parties that were fighting communist from the moment the Kaiser abdicated.Not to mention you will never change anything by force in a society you are a minority already.
major gay face on this guy. do you regularly post faggots OP?
Rich people live in their own bubble, they don't give a shit about their own people.
The only way to convince them to support you is to promice that you will give them enormous tax cuts and good business deals once you are in power.
This is true for jobs like masonry or roofing but if you spent all that time in the gym and have no appreciable increase in strength then you were doing it all wrong.
Any tips for getting Jow Forums?
How many times a week and what would be a good routine? I have gym acess
So the guys who cannot read and spend most of their lives working out are supposed to magically think strategically enough to lead us?
The most brilliant thing most of these chads do in their lives is come up with a witty slogan for their personalized license plates.
Already told you, deception, manipulation, incrementalism. Some number of those who conceded to Civ nat saw it as a way to end the current opponent knowing that they would be subverting the new system towards fascism immediately. They know they will continue to push rightward, to consolidate power. That is already natural for power to do. Right wing is fighting communists in the US as well. There is a chance for civil conflict though probably not an outright civil war. There is a potentially that all of the birthright citizens are actually unconstitutionally here. Some number may be expelled. Voting will most likely require ID, people will demand it to protect us from Russian interference. White's are waking up friend, we aren't a minority yet and we wont be for a little bit. If we de-incentivize the current "breed here brown person" model that demographic trend will change will stall.
You are looking at it through the lens of today, and it looks impossible. But the framework does still exist. Instead look at it through the lens of that world. All there needs to be is the political will for these things to be done and it will be so. Ultimately modern history knows one thing... How vicious whites can be when pushed to the brink.
It's really true for like anything. Wrenching on a car, fixing the ceiling, carrying furniture around, any of these things require coordinated movements and stamina of the sort that you're not going to get if you just go to the gym to do a machine circuit. Better to do the machine circuit than nothing at all, but when Jow Forums memes about FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH it's actually true.
don't overthink it. for now do as many pullups, pushups, and crunches as you can until it starts to hurt. if it hurts too much the next day, take that day off and resume the day after
What's her name?
thats why i train every day, no rest just bite through the pain
A political figure doesn't need to be a genius, other people tell him what to say and write his speeches.
Smart people should be in the back ground creating strategies and policies, but the cover has to look good.
they aren't kung fu is a complete waste of time and money if you want to gain strength or self defense skills... thought this lie was killed 15 years ago?
>literally a male roastie who settled down