2005-2007 (middle/high school)
>Dude Rush Limbaugh lmao
>Dude fuck Obama lmao
>dude Confederacy lmao
>dude Reagan lmao
>dude Catholicism lmao
>dude centrism lmao
>dude libertarianism lmao
>dude free markets lmao
>dude MAGA lmao
>Dude own the libs lmao
>dude guns lmao
ITT: your political evolution
>Balkanization Ancap
Acceleraltionist master race
Early high school
Late high school
Early College
Late College
It's been a wild ride desu
>1994 - 2010
>2010 - 2012
Fuck Muslims
Fuck Zionists (later fuck Jews)
>2013 - 2014
Dude I'm a Nazi lmao
Support Trump
Support Trump still, happy he wins
Blackpill, start to mellow
Still right wing, to the point it would offend normies. But I don't hate anymore, even Jews. I just think their behaviour is problematic
Would you guys hate me if I said I leaned left literally up until the 2016 election? I hated niggers and stuff don't get me wrong, but I bought into the "democrats care about us" shit. Wasn't til the media showed it's power level around 2016 with all the white-bashing and pro-Hillary propaganda that I got woke. I realized that outside of China/ Stalin's Russia/ Orwell, the media has no business literally telling people who to vote for. I realized if we don't stand and fight this shit now, we're all doomed.
also the memes were funny.
>Obama lmao
>fuck Romney
>Obama Lmao
>transitioning from liberal to libertarian
>Ron Paul lmao
>fuck democrats lmao
>black pill
>fags and trannies everywhere
>fuck Jews, race war now
Exit the womb (It's great out here)
> 2 days later, first words out of my mouth
Vote Nixon!
>Parents freaked out
I've never heard the end of their psychological damage since. It fucked them up pretty severely.
>Feels Good Man!
>Early high school
Blood red republican
>Late high school
>Early College
Conservative but not republican
>Late College
A motherfucking god of chaos.
no interest in politics
dude classical libertarian lmao
obama isnt that bad
lol i dont care about politics
ahah im edgy lol black metal
woah im an unironic nazi now lol
dude maga
>fuck Yugos
>fuck Turks
>fuck Arabs
>fuck Niggers
It's getting unbearable.
My entire life till 2008
>Don't care about politics
Obama gets elected
>Next 8 years of my dad complaining about Obama, with me continuing to not give a shit and think my dad is severely over exaggerating how shit obama is
>discover Jow Forums, hey it's actually interesting here
>Holy shit I had no idea the US was in such a bad state, can't stop reading about all the things I was lied to about my entire life. Also my dad was right, Obama was garbage
>Start reading about hu-white nationalism and the JQ
>Believe voluntary segregation and reducing foreign Jewish influence is the only way to save the US.
>Late high school (2010-2012)
>Early college (2012-2013)
>Mid college (2014)
>Late college (2015-2016)
>Now (2017-present)
9/10 people on this site either are not old enough or have not engaged with society enough to have credible political opinions about it
It's the rich
It might be the Jews
It's the Jews
It might me the ayys
It's the ayys
6th - 8th grade
>Full blown commie 12 year old retarded kid
8th - 9th grade
>Apolitical, was tired and embarrassed about how politically autistic I had been
9th - 11th grade
> Libertarian/lolbertarian/ancap
12th - College
>Mix between libertarian and fascist also supporter of Trump
Don’t blame me for being a commie, I grew up in Sweden among basedboys.
Fuck niggers
Fuxk spics
Fuck jews
Fuck (You)
Voted Kerry when I was 18, didn't like Bush. (I viewed him as a warmonger)
Voted Obama in 2008, didnt like McCain. (Viewed as warmonger too)
Didnt vote in 2012, Romney is a faggot and obama is a warmonger.
Voted Trump in 2016, hoping we go to war with China and Mexico.
Life has a way of waking you up to the reality that is around you.
Libertarian (registered independent)
Nat Soc
>that flag
>no 'fuck Jews
Ralph Nader
Fuck George Bush
Bernie Cucks,
Fuck Leftism
2008-2012 (begun in the second year of primary school)
>Niggers are stupid, arabs are evil, whites are perfect. I never considered arabs and blacks could disapear, and wasn't into politics, so I "tolerated" them. Bit of a civcuck.
>Can't support music, though I hold respect for videogames music/classical music. Develop hatred of nigger music and guitar, which causes me to hate the ones who play it further. Nationalist.
>Discover the rotten role of the european union, and "science". White nationalist, but still growing.
>Become pro Israel. Full white nationalist, understand God for the first time.
>White supremacist. It's fairly recent, but I always wanted inferior people to die in my hearth.
>can't believe Bush won
>Fucking towel heads!
>Damn, Bush is my savior
>Why are we invading Iraq again?
>Can't believe Bush won again
>A nigger in the white house? OK let's give that a try
>Fuck this nigger. Time for some Mormon sensibility.
>Can't believe the nigger won again
>Look at my big centrist brain
>Muh weed, muh guns, muh gays
>Big "L" I guess
>Wait, what do you mean "what's aleppo?"
>Fuck it, I can't let HRC rape babies in the white house again.
>Trump Train
>Build the wall! Deport illegals!
>Gas the bikes! Race more now!
Based and muttpilled
Before 2008: paleocon
After 2008: natsoc
Kys and take jannies with you
>Pre 1990
>Post 1990
Cant you faggots get on my level?
>let give a nigger a try
I hate you
>middle school
Haha family guy. Haha Stephen Colbert (back when he ran the Colbert Report, which was 'republican')
Fuck Obama. He's a celebrity
>Post Obama
Fuck humanity
>Romney...why not Ron Paul?
>very confused why Romney even lost, Obama hasn't done shit and he has had a ton of scandals
>Start looking deeper
Oh Jews. I'm a National Socialist now I guess
National Socialist. But I started to see flaws in capitalism that no one was answering. Why is it okay for Walmart to fire union workers? Why can companies move offshore for slave labor?
>Post college
National Syndicalist
2013 - democratic socialist
2014 -2015 socialist, and communist
2016 - (hard red pill years) massive swing to libertarianism, then nationalism
2017 -ethnonationalism, national socialism
2018 - Evolan Traditionalist, NeoReactionary Absolutist
Believe me, I hate myself too.
1994-2010: Nationalist
2010-2014: Libertarian
2014-: National Conservative
Embarrassing desu
>pre 2000
Dude what's politics, I don't know that Pokemon
I'm sorry about your Uncle, user, first responders have a responsibility and sometimes that puts them in danger
Fuck everything south and/or east of Greece
>2009, first payrolled job
Wait, what the ever loving fuck are these deductions? I worked my ass off, where's my money?
Fuck the government
Crashing this plane with no survivors
Also also anti industrialist, anti capitalist, anti third estate (liberalism in any and all forms) and pro radical environmentalist/eco-Traditionalist
Revolt against the modern world kinda thing
sounds like you never grew out of high school
only correct answer
2007-2009 (ms/hs)
>Dude Glenn Beck
>Right leaning centrist
>White Nationalist Libertarian
Better late than never desu
>Evolan Traditionalist, NeoReactionary Absolutist
Patrician choice my brother!
Also, the pic is perfection. It reminds me of our mountainous side
>pagan europe
>strong and united
does anyone actually believe that? I mean that's a ridiculous claim considering most Pagan tribes clearly were not strong, and even if they were strong they certainly were not united.
>muh Rome
Rome was receding, and ironically Constantine (the Christian) was the one who restored its original borders and re-established a power structure capable of defending itself in Eastern Rome.
I just dont see how anyone can tell a lie like that and not feel some sort of guilt over how retarded it is.
Junior high
>Fuck Obama and fuck McCain
High school
>Dude Ron Paul lmao
Post high school
>Lemonade stand right
>Gonna write in Ron Paul next election lmao
>Orange man actually not so bad
2017 - present
>Clinton le bad man mommy hates him
>Never Forget 9/11
>We won in Iraq guys! Mission Accomplished
2005-2009 (high school)
>Libertarianism is SO SMART
>We can be culturally liberal and fiscally conservative
>lol who cares about doing things to yourself
>I want gay married couples to be able to protect their marijuana fields with assualt rifles lolfuckyeah
>9/11 was probably an inside job
>Republicans and Democrats are just different sides of the same coin
>Maybe Obama will be cool
>I mean better Obama than that NeoCon McCain right?
>Big government can definitely accomplish some things
>still hate taxes though and hate Obama's anti-gun policies
>recognize fast and furious began under Bush
>dislike Holder
>Realize how fucked it all is with Benghazi
>called myself an "anarchist" at this point
>didn't like either party, tolerated obama
>culturally liberal, super liberal, basically though democrats were too conservative
>thought us was super racist, believed whites needed to do things to help undo oppression
>taught about white privilege and oppression in st louis right before black lives matter
>left st louis
>mike brown shot
>agree he was probably a racist cop
>Holder DOJ report comes out
>well, turns out Darren Wilson was actually alright and not just killing mike brown because he was black, surely people will approach this with nuance and realize that Mike Brown was actually a thug who rushed a cop
>chimping out continues
>no longer call myself a feminist because I can't get on board trans kids
>increasingly disgruntled with the far left which I consider myself
>Initially support Bernie because I always hated Hillary, hated Hillary in 08 and glad Obama beat her
>Concerned and appalled by Trump's announcement
>had earth shattering psychedelic experience
>become anhedonic
>discover pol (left Jow Forums back in 09)
>experience humor and joy again
Honestly no fucking idea lmao
>wouldn't be prudent
>I miss Phil
>real Bush jr. is funnier
>thanks Obama
>God damn, my generation needs a real war. Preferably amongst itself.
middle school
>facist (ironically)
high school
1st two years of grad school
Kavanaugh hearings were some severe fuckery
>now Republican
Late high school
>Commie/Democratic Socialist
After high school
>Ron Paul/fuck the establishment
*Powergap* - several years being apolitical
>but left leaning
>Atheist fedora phase peaks
2013 *turning point*
>Fucking feminists ruining vidya
>Trayvon martin case makes me lose all remaining trust in media
>Start listening to "the other side": right wingers in alt media
>Start internalizing right wing points slowly
>Bernie Sanders (fuck the establishment)
>Swallowing redpills about race differences, gender differences, etc
>Start seeing the importance of religion
>MAGA but ironically, later becomes unironic
>Embrace lolbertarianism
>Start looking into JQ
>Massive blackpill phase/depression
>Overcome blackpill, start lifting
>Become fascist
11 yrs old
>NazBol tankie edging
12-13 yrs old
>unironically a monarchist
early to mid teens
>socialist, school of thought (communism, liberal socialism, near-anarchism, eurofed larp) depending on my mood
Mid teens
probably 17 or 18
>libertarian (started out as Gary Johnson-lite, then become somewhat neoconservative like Goldwater, then a paleolib)
>nihilistic mix of post-libertarianism and radical centrism, always supporting the most radical & memeworthy candidate
1988-2008 GOP Swill drinker...grew disgusted with Cucked GOP
2008-2016 FBHO, resigned to 8 years of HRC
2015...Saw MAGA...did not believe. Saw MAGA was real...started reading Jow Forums. Saw Meme Magic literally shitpost and meme DJT to WH...saw the REEEEEEING.
Today...favors capitalist white ethnostate that is purged of leftists/socialists/communists.
High school
>Soviet-type leftist/commie, e.g. fuck America, gas fags, fuck zionists (in fact fuck jews but like all filthy communists I was trying to larp as if I only hate Israel cuz it is oppressive "fascist" state that kills poor arab children); Fuck Putin and fuck free market, destroy the bourgeoisie, muh worldwide communist revolution
>Starting to become liberal; still hate Israel, fuck Putin and give Crimea back to hohols/gtfo from Donbass, it's okay to be fag as long as it goes privately; Free market is okay but gibs for the poor and some things must still be state-owned; Assad is better than muslims and Russia did nothing wrong in Syria. Neutral to Israel.
>Find myself to be a hardcore liberal, start to hate russkies (dispight being one) rather than the govt; fuck Putin, free market w/o exception and no gibs except for those who cannot work due to poor health; Russia fuck off from Crimea, Donbass and Syria asap; The state must actively promote tolerance.
>Find Jow Forums, see how pathetic are all these fuckers (you) busy all day talking about muh jews and realize I once was like you all. Fuck Putin and everything, love Israel now
>Become radical liberal, realize 90% of russkies are commie til this day, hence fuck Putin, destroy Russia. Want denuclearization and NATO invasion;
im a monarchist atm
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
2007 - 8
>Draw soap swastikas on school mirrors.
2008 - 9
2009 - 10
2010 - 11
2011 - 12
2012 - 14
2013 - 15
2014 - 16
Nothing and likes the environemnt, greens voter.
2015 - 17
Leftist NPC, basically muh current year. Repeating talking points not having thought about it.
2016 - 18
Don't like trump, do like Jow Forums. Spend some time in a ward where I have time to see and I recently discovered Jow Forums, amused by the outlandish racism.
2017 - 19
Yep, it's kind of a Jow Forumsitician. Start caring about race and pissed about the way the world is.
The "Jews" aren't part of my model, they are simply a group that has the right concentration in general public and the appropriate cohesion. It's a human thing for which kikes are the example.
2018 - 20
Just give me some sort of signal that people even care. The "race" part will be largely sorted either through white flight and consolidation and/or technology, but that all doesn't matter if there is no freedom and it's all happening under the boot of a global coropratocracy.
Fuck AnCaps and fuck the degree to which politics have been de-economized and economics de-politicized.
And fuck Jow Forums.
Also thanks to Artige, that s4s minecraft server was some of the funniest shit I have experienced in playing video games.
Damn you Meatpod for building swastikas and leading me to go over to Jow Forums.
You cheeky bastard.
>2009-2014 no political interest
>2015 fall for the USSR theme and go commie
>2017 Libertarian MAGA. Larps as Nazi
>2018 pro Kazynski hate minorities