What was your first reaction to the Pittsburgh shooting?
What was your first reaction to the Pittsburgh shooting?
Not that you sicko
>Wonder if he was white or arabic/muslim?
Welp, there go the midterms.
pic related
"Shooting "
Im glad this happened on a Saturday so i can browse Jow Forums all day.
Digits confirm
Stormniggers ruin everything, may all their female relatives burn the coal.
I was sad about the loss of civility until I saw this
I bet those kikes were chopping off a baby’s dick at the time he kicked in the door.
I was wrong they were chopping off TWO babies’ dicks.
“Fucking siegetards”
I was literally expecting a false flag
I just said to myself
>well, there it is, oh ho ho
>jewish homos steal goy children and cut parts of their dicks off
Gradually I begun to hate them
That it was really sad and unneeded because it wouldn't have happened if these people just moved to where they belong which is Israel.
wait is this real?
not only was a jew sucking a muilated babies penis, but at the behest of a maried gay couple?
Sheer, unmitigated joy.
9/11 still takes a the high score. No tragedy has emotionally shocked me since.
He hates trump
Who the fuck is this girl? She reminds me of mummy and she's hot af. Also I jumped up and down with excitement.
Sinking feeling knowing this would be used against us to great affect.
Yea, it's a silver lining. I'm not omniscient, so what the hell, who knows.
>meme flag
Fuck off CIA faggot
>ITT: Untermensch who are willing to sacrifice the long game for 11 dead heebs today
Didn't care. Fuck them.
And took the monarch related projects with them.
At first I thought he was an absolute unit for doing what none of us would do. And then I thought that it's either a false flag or the guy genuinely is retarded and couldn't bother to kill the important Jews, and had to target 'innocent' ones.
>elite jews sacrificing a small group for victim points.
That seen in independence day when they blow up the alien ship.
>What was your first reaction to the Pittsburgh shooting?
Yabba dabba doo six million dead jews!
Cursed check.
Jews did this. Q predicted this. Holy shit the boomers were right.
>What was your first reaction to the Pittsburgh shooting?
at last it has began
hey rabbi, whatcha doin'?
Imagine if he was a mudslime kek. The left would have gone apeshit
oh man . delivering
Siegefags too
>Also I jumped up and down with excitement.
It is I who nuts
Rippi there goes wagner's chance at winning
That one didn't shock me at all. Apparently didn't come as a shock to Israel, either. I got the feeling they really enjoyed it.
Jewish tricks
Good idea, all the jews should move to Israel so we can have them all in one spot
a shooting that probably isn't a false flag.
What kind of idiot conceives of his enemy as one which torments him from afar through institutions, yet calculates that running in and shooting a handful of people will even make a dent in their armor.
Even my parents said it was a good thing. I expected them to think it was a bad thing.
my reaction was, about time their war came back to their doorstep and hoping there would be more.
I agree with your logic, but the lack of response to their kvetching about this has been encouraging.
had no idea nukes were so slow to flash
Bad. Because Trump admitted he was a jew. So I guess we should be thankful it did happen.
Well it's old footage so maybe the old school ones were.
Of course, at the time I didn't realize that the Jews were responsible and wouldn't suffer at all from it, in fact would become even more powerful and profit even more from it.
>what is damage control
Pretty impressed, the guy did good. Shame about the cops though.
>what is pretend it's damage control then taking your (((enemies))) side at the end in order to betray those who propped you up?
Don't forget Trump married off his kids to jews. If it were a choice between Jow Forums and judaism, judaism will always win.
Basically everything stormfront worked to accomplished all these years here was for naught or in fact used against them and everyone that thinks like them.
>kvetching at the truth
like clockwork
Funny because Bolsaro removed Palestinian embassy and basically pledged allegiance to Israel. A lot of Americans here are out of their fucking minds being played every election like a cattle.
Sacrifice the long game? This is waking people up
My whole family thought I was crazy
Until this happened
Haha, who's "we"? A couple dozen basement dwellers?
really? what'd they say afterwards?
lol, normal day in muttland
As a white person who has spent his youth here I thought it was embarrassing. Its not a crime to be a fat kissless virgin but to blame it on other people and to kill them is, to be frank, what niggers do.
The alt-right are the niggers of white people.
Anna Moleva
Ssshhh just get in
Shrug and scroll on, who cares
you cant even make an argument. The alt right is reserved for the bottom end of the bell curve
I don't think the Jews need any more sympathy leverage than they already have.
It pissed me off. Fucking retarded stormfag who can't even think past the tip of his nose goes and fucks everything up by shooting people who have no real connection to the real problems that need to be resolved. He completely fucked up so many noble causes he would've better served his own cause by killing himself.
>Muh civic nationalism
>Yes Tyrone?
>You love America?
>Yes, you may marry and fuck my sister
"YES, fewer Jews in the world. I wish more people had that courage."
My Mom took me seriously when I was telling her why he targeted that group (immigration, gay kid circumsision)
I told her I didn't feel bad for them because of all this stuff that has been going on, and she wasn't surprised. She asked me what I thought about it and I told her. She just said don't plan anything like that I told her I don't need to do that
Total indifference
Kikes openly fight against muh Whitey
So zero fucks given.
>muh innocents
Get fucked, they are nation wreckers and deserve it
>"Everyone that disagrees with me is hitler"
I mean
>"everyone that disagress with me is a jew"
Eleven down, fifteen and one half million to go.
>Not being a siegefag means your a civcuck
I'm sorry I don't want to live in a nuclear wasteland, some of us want to keep metro as a video game
Cops protect niggers gibs and throw the book at you for nothing
Cops are traitors
Wasted post
>hey, let's chimp out against groups that normies think are all persecuted! That'll make them think we're the good guys!