How did we lose the rust belt in 2 years?

Top is the 2016 election.
Bottom is the projections for the midterm elections in 1 week. Notice anything?

What went wrong?

Attached: swing left.png (1080x1574, 670K)

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we didn't listen.

Did any jobs return? Are the industries coming back in any significant way more than they were in 2016?

>the same states that upset the established order and gave Trump the presidency are the same states that will give the house back to the senate
What do these people want?

We all know how projections work out don't we?

>What do these people want
They didn't want tariffs that made their lives even harder
Also keep in mind Trump only barely won the rustbelt states with Johnson on the ticket. Come 2020 I have no idea how he's going to win because he can't rely on them again

Betting odds say Republicans keep house and senate

Come back when you have any relevant info to discuss.

Attached: itwasherturn.jpg (697x208, 14K)

>Betting odds say Republicans keep house and senate
no they don't

So do you have any counterevidence?

Whoa, giving the house back to the senate is like some magna carta era shit. That's quite the upset.


He included it with the post you absolute faggot.

>98% chance
theyre just using the same playbook they lost with. everyone fucking hates democrats right now
>lefties got cucked on bernie
>"classical liberals" dont want to vote for chickenhawk kikes
>centrists know democrat policies suck the low and middle class dry so that rich people can get more money
>nonpolitical people are tired of identity politics and the left's LGBT bullshit is more annoying than a bunch of white kids carrying tiki torches and chanting in the middle of the night.

speaking of LGBT bullshit, attaching pedos to the rest of the degenerates will break the stride and reverse the direction of degenerate "rights". keep pushing that.

Simple. They're lying to you.

>centrists know democrat policies suck the low and middle class dry so that rich people can get more money
As opposed to Republican policies?

Jeff Sessions not using the DOJ to keep news stories of antifa and corrupt Demsbin places like Charlottesville, Portland, and the governor of Virginia being investigated for subversive conspiracies to deny free speech to pro-Trump activists.

Well, the Michigan Republican candidate is an open-borders Nigger, for one thing.

>What went wrong?
Aluminum tube psy-ops... liberals get to kill people while we get glitter bomb hoax psy-ops?

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>"what went wrong"
Shill clickbait language. Blackpilled intent. Nonsense premise.
Remember that you have Options.

Do you guys really think the republicans are going to hold the hous?
Are you fucking delusional?

crazy mass shooter has convinced independents the rhetoric from trump is dangerous

it's bullshit, but it worked

Yes, you're listening to projections from the same people that mispredicted 2016. Please stop doing that.

People fucking love their senators.
It's a loyalty that quite often overrides party-line partisanship which is why term limits is such an important thing that needs to happen.
So it's not a big deal if Casey keeps his job in PA or something similar to that happens elsewhere.

As far as the house goes... yeah I'm more worried. But I have hope.

>implying the political climate of 2016 is the same or even similar to the political climate of 2018
lol no.
In 2018 you had two extremely unpopular candidates going up against each other. For most people, it was a choice between not who they wanted more, but who they wanted to avoid more.
But now there is only Trump. Theres no "lesser of two evils" running for the white house. You people need to get it through your skulls that Trump is not popular. Most Americans don't like him, his tweets, his mannerisms, etc.

And while you're right about the state races in 2016 having flawed polling, it's not like they were radically off the mark. Pic related is a comparison of the PA senate race in 2016 and the senate race in the same state happening now. If we give republicans the same amount of lack of representation in the polls, or even double, or TRIPLE that of 2016, the democratic candidate still wins the state easily. As I said here incumbancy plays a role in this as well (just look at West Virginia, one of the reddest states in the union right now, that is still going to re-elect Manchin, a Democrat who has gone on record not only defending Hillary but also Obamacare)
So yes, the blue wave is real. I don't know how big it will be but you should expect the house to move towards the left to a significant extent and should not be surprised at all if the democrats take a majority in it, because at the end of the day this election IS a referendum on the Prisident and most Americans simply don't like him. And don't take that personally or call me a shill or some gay shit. Most Americans haven't liked most presidents in the last several decades. They thought Bush was an idiotic puppet that got tricked into dragging us into an unnecessary war (which he was and did), they though Obama was anti-American (which he was), and they think Trump is immature (which he is). These midterm elections are nothing new. So don't expect anything new. The cycle continues

Attached: PA comparison.jpg (2189x905, 579K)

>believing leftist election predictions

Attached: HuffPo.jpg (640x483, 55K)

Whoever said the Rust Belt wanted Trump to be president? Its become cliche in American presidential elections to say that both major candidates are unimpressive. But in 2016 we actually meant it. This country narrowly and reluctantly chose Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. If the Democrats had run a no-name vanilla stooge then the Democrats would have won 40 States.

because the rust belt are finnicky faggots


I'd actually disagree with that.
I think a more traditional GOP candidate would have won by more than Trump. Kasich, Rubio, Cruz and JEB! polled far better than Trump did against Clinton and Sanders. Trump git the nomination because he has a core base of support that started at 20ish percent of the GOP base and that was a big enough plurality when there were fucking... what? 16 candidates running? 17? If it was just him and Cruz from day 1 he would have never gotten the nomination.
Not that I mind that he got it. I was for him from day 1.

You've got a point, but only one poll really matters. And the difference with this election is that both sides are fired up to vote rather than just the opposite party of the president.

He literally has a higher approval rating than Obama at the same time in his presidency according to MSNBC, you mong.

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just realized here where I said 2018 I meant 2016

Here is the last projection for the 2016 election

Attached: Projections.png (874x889, 107K)

24/7 hammering by the multi billion dollar media corporations