So whit Bolsonaro in power now, what will happen to all the trannies and gays in Brazil?

So whit Bolsonaro in power now, what will happen to all the trannies and gays in Brazil?

Attached: 70DD5756-00F7-41C0-9D34-E7B96A9C9D29.jpg (640x640, 72K)

Vão ser tds fuzilados comá pretalhada do acre

Probably nothing objectively, only gonna be shamed publicly - as it always should have been.

Morality is swinging back stronger than ever against the minority progressive ideology

Attached: family4.jpg (960x782, 83K)

>pretalhada do acre
Never understood what he meant by that, how do you translate that?

No more above-the-law treatment.


They will be gassed and all porn with them will be outlawed

Even if he killed half of them Brazil would still have the most tranniesn

Ok I got it
>Petralha = A person who supports or is affiliated to Partido dos Trabalhadores
>Acre = city where he said that
