One question

One question.

How absolutely assblasted would Liberals be if the Potus signed an Executive Order to demolish the Statue of Liberty?

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o wot m8

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Why would we destroy one of our national monuments? Leftists are the ones who love to tear down statues.

Attached: washington.webm (640x480, 828K)

I want to crowd fund a statue of Trump, build it in the NYC area and if possible, make it the largest statue in the world.

Statue of Liberty is a man in drag and it should be shipped back to France where it will feel right at home with all the faggots there.

They would probably celebrate it because that statue is rayciss

Only liberals destroy national monuments.

bad idea.


because it's a woman that spreads her legs for everyone, you obviously didn't get the freemason joke played on your entire country

Fuck you guys, it's awesome

You stupid fucking worm

I’d hurt you if I could

Just change the inscription to "You have to go back"

French gave it to us in the late 19th century, not sure what you're talking about.

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learn about the goddess Columbia who the statue is modeled after, then start wondering why it was gifted to the colonies after the French had handed them over to the English in the Paris Treaty of 1783. I hope you're aware that you've been paying taxes to the British crown ever since that year, if not then that's another thing you should look into.

I'd support it just cause of how mad it would make the left.

Yeah that'd be totally EPIC. EPIC 4 DA WIN!

It will be rebuilt in his image

Attached: 20130705-lady-liberty-shutterstock_110632307-story.jpg (640x428, 51K)

jej out loud

Building an Emperor Donald John Trump statue that's at least ten feet taller would be fantastic

I'd be upset too. I think we should least offer it back to the French if we're gonna get rid of it.

A Trump statue would be blown up

I think you're just jealous that Canada has no notable monuments.

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Build it like pic related and watch their heads explode.

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Please go learn how the government works before posting

The president can’t just arbitrarily destroy a national monument you fucking clown

lol, true. That would totally BTFO of those stupid liberals. MAGA MAGA

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you mean envious, and i don't care about this shit hole.
Sadly you're the pig that tramples on pearls because you don't know how precious they are.
Maybe one day I'll run into a burger without brain damage

found the smart burger, and i agree

It has the CN Tower though
That's like a monument to tall buildings

Destroy pagan idols

Attached: repent.png (630x423, 501K)

Omg I want this to happen so fucking bad, it would be hilarious.

it would be more effective to have it false flagged

Alright big brain. It must be hard living just north of an accomplished nation.

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OMG what a horrible thing to think about I'm a die-hard and proud bleeding heart Liberal I ask that you please don't start a national movement to destroy the statue of liberty and replace it with a towering and imposing statue of a strong Donald Trump, with eyes piercing into the Atlantic I beg of you please let's talk about this, this school would singlehandedly cause EVERY liberal like myself to flee the country which would be terrible please let's talk about this... No... Don't do this *physically crying*

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but user, the golden hair of the statue will light up the entire harbor with a golden light that will be seen for miles around and illuminate the heavens above. Just imagine the magnificence

It would be better to just remove the dumb open borders poem which wasn't even originally part of the monument.
Then the statue would be unambiguously a symbol of American greatness, a beacon of Liberty that shines as a guide and example for the world.

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