Minorities are Gaining Intelligence at a Faster Rate

>"The catch-up of minorities (their faster ability growth) contributes around 2 IQ to the general rise of 3 IQ."
Um pol...


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The world is full of IQ people who lead unfulfilled lives, I'll take Einstein at his word when he said genius is more perspiration than inspiration.

*2 jews and a wheelchair robot

high IQ people*

Guess I'm one of the brainlets, well that's a relief now I don't have to worry. Good luck smart people!

>their faster ability growth
its real easy to grow from 83 iq to 85
both are fucking retarded

try going from 128 to 130

sounds like a bunch of bullshit

If Stephen Hawking was so smart, why was he a human pretzel

>try going from 128 to 130

Top kek, I remember my mother getting me tested constantly and I found out years later she was pissed I kept getting 129, give or take a number. Sorry mum, not gifted.

fake and gay

When they become self aware I'll start to sorry.