Please god let this be true

Please God oh please if you're out there if there is a God please let this be true please let a hotel room full of Robert Mueller's sexual assault victims be ready to State their case on television and the mass media to the whole world please God please God let this be true

Attached: Bobbert meuller.png (1004x1322, 501K)

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fuck off stormfag

why do you want this to be true?

Keep shilling . Mueller is fucked lol

You’re conflating two different accusations.

It's not real. That cold fish hasn't even thought about sex in five years much less rape. Look at him.

What if (((they))) are laying the foundations to discredit him if his report exonerates Trump?

Fake News.

Attached: Drumpf.png (620x412, 280K)

you know too much, yet not enough...