There are no jobs in this country because we outsourced them to foreigners

>Sixty-two percent of jobs fall short of that middle-class standard when factoring in both wages and the cost of living in the metro area where the job is located, according to the study by Third Way, a think tank that advocates center-left ideas.

>Some areas, such as Myrtle Beach, fall short because of a scarcity of good-paying jobs. Among the biggest cities, Los Angeles, New York City and San Francisco were ranked fairly low (172nd, 168th and 174th, respectively) despite thriving economies because of their high cost of living.

>A big reason for the dearth of middle-class jobs is the offshoring of millions of middle-income factory positions to countries with lower labor costs, such as China, in recent decades and the spread of lower-paying service jobs.

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Wow its almost like splitting up the nuclear family and advocating for divorce for the past 40 years might have been a bad idea.

Crazy stuff huh?

Immigration doubles the number of jobs. Wages are halved. Women doubles the number of jobs. It's ok.

woooowwww broooo that's so crazy its not like THIS HASN'T BEEN FUCKING EVIDENT FOR THE LAST 15 FUCKING YEARS OR ANYTHING

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Color me surprised

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Heroin addict? What's that blue stuff on his back?

Exactly. wages are halved but immigrants and women will make more jobs as they are given true equality. This will all balance out

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The Pentagon recently released a report about off-shoring being a strategic threat. Too late to do anything about that.

Stop living in the cities holy shit.

I just got a job for 40k in New Mexico. I pay $500/month in rent/utilities. Will I be okay?

fuck off with posting corpses while i'm eating, dumbass edgy kid

fungus that grows from heroin bacteria

No fucking shit. Not everybody gets to be "middle class" by definition half or more of the population will be working class. What a retarded article.

I guess so, just don't spend like crazy

The fucking guys at the Pentagon finally pieced this puzzle together, lol?

How much debt did you have to get into to get that job?

So after decades of everyone knowing it and believing it to be common knowledge, they finally admit it?

I remember someone actually believed that it wasn't because of immigration, off-shoring, and credentialism. That it was all the filthy capitalists purposefully paying people less and less to keep the average person down and enslaved. Little do they realize, they were right as well. But they never knew who it was exactly.

The Pentagon is filled with lazy old asskissers that do nothing except when oil is mentioned

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>import 100 million more shitskins and get that number up to 98% +/- 2% jews. >Brazil 2.0.

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what the hell is this?
teaching NPCs how to hold a conversation?

That's what happens when you buy Chinese shit at Walmart or on Amazon because it will save you a few bucks. Consumers are just as much to blame as producers for this.

I don't shop at Walmart and buy American whenever I can regardless of whether it costs more money.

tax companies that move their factories so that the are better off operating in america. violently massacre ceos who try to stop the tax.

That is what Google thinks the picture of a corpse is, probably because it appears so often on Jow Forums.

So you're telling me our politicians were... LYING?! They told me this was the greatest time in American history. You really think they would just go up there and LIE?!

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I have like $1500 medical bill debt.

Liberals think crashing our labor market is funny

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It's not my fault electronics are all gook made. I barely buy anything else. Next I'm going to find out my protein powder is gook made.

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Hispanics deserve a job more than whites because of there shitty lives when they were in mexico

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Economies are delicate ecosystems. We were playing a fair version of monopoly when all of a sudden some people started trading with another game of monopoly where people cheat and use slave labor. Now our game is ruined too.

On a serious note: This is only going to change until we force China, India, Mexico, and all other impoverished countries to raise their working conditions and care for their workers. Once the West gave the workers a fair shake the businesses realized things weren't as profitable. By making these countries raise their living standards (Which China should at this point), we could see a return of good paying jobs to the United States and other Western Countries who have lost their original businesses. Businesses will cut a corner if it saves them $.5, they're willing to have workers be in piss poor conditions with suicide nets if it means they'd get a cheaper product and a bigger profit.

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you misspelled "nuke"

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Raise Working conditions?

No, all we really need to do is have them float their currency. Right now they artificially lower it to decrease the cost of their exports.

It's not just businesses, consumers know full well products from south east Asia are probably made in questionable circumstances but they will buy them anyway just to save that same $.5.

It's not like the sweatshop thing hasn't gotten any media attention.

62% IS LOW...prolly at 79.4%. paycheck to paycheck after bills, car note, insurance and mortgage.

watch out ameriburger, next they'll admit niggers aren't only 20% of the population

And how do they do it without getting in massive external debt? Asking for a friend

I'm so fucked lol

fuck you huemonkey...give up the Amazon or else

and they wonder why mentally disturbed white people shoot them?

christ, are they at 20% now? get back to 13% >:(

>liberal urban areas are too expensive!
>better make legislation that immediately ruins the few remaining places that don't suck too
Annnnnnnnnnnnddddddd go fuck yourself.

We didn’t outsource anything. (((They))) did all of that. There is nothing worse than blaming ourselves for allowing the state of things. Who duped our people into voting for and supporting things that were and are against their own interests? Oh vey the bodies are still warm! Actually kike, they’ve got to be pretty cold by now.

Everything is hunky dory

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What evidence do you have for that? The US Treasury just recently once again didn't label China a currency manipulator, even though Trump promised to do just that during the election.

now you're gonna go make look look up the stats on the percent of people that wouldn't have trouble paying for a $500 emergency. It was depressingly low.

automation took YOUR jobs...l



I like how he squatted down to take a massive shit before he OD'd. Almost like he knew what was coming.


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most car deductions are about $1000 and healthcare dedections are about $2000

kind of sad, honestly :(

7$ for Milk

Our Country was looted.
Many are too incompetent to be part of the solution.
We need a real conversation. wave tho

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DOD has been talking about it for years. Chips and boards from Chinese controlled factories have hardware and software backdoors in em. Steel mills are gone. Aircraft production is way down. Shipbuilding and American owned/flagged merchant traffic is cratered.

And ((((globalist)))) corporations and bankers made a pile. Basically because the Clintons sold Most Favored Nation trade status to the Chinese and we have been thoroughly bought off and infiltrated since.

That doesn't even begin to prove currency manipulation.


I wonder who could be behind this? Could it be the same people behind the opioid epidemic?

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The funniest thing is that liberals will whine and shill for companies that offshore and import shitskins and put women in the workforce.

Marx had a good portion of his book dedicated to explaining how women in the workforce kills more value at home than it is worth the added revenue to the family.

feel free to go long on some china stocks if you think their economy is healthy. $JD and $BABA have had sizable pullbacks this last month or two.

>trumps fault for libshit states being too expensive

>Be born in Indiana
>Get a degree in (((STEM)))
>Can't find a job for months in the midwest
>Agree to get fucked in the ass by a consulting agency
>They move me to NoVA immediately
>Everyone I work with is a Pajeet, either H1B or previously H1B.
>I got hired by sheer luck by an intern (liberal woman on a rotational) because my hiring manager couldn't be bothered to do it (He's a Pajeet)
>Literally my entire organization is packed with Pajeets who hire only Pajeets who themselves have extremely dubious credentials
>These are actually reasonably good jobs (think starting 70-100k, 5 years experience 150-170k)
>All held by Pajeets
>20 years ago my area was 3% or less Asian
>Today it's reported at 15-20%

Out source? Why not import?

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There's someone who said cities like SF or NY are too specialized and do not need a middle class.

They still need immigrants to clean their streets, make their coffee, take care of someone's grandpa, etc. And only immigrants get these jobs. That's why the people rich enough to live there are always asking for more and more immigrants.

That doesn't have anything to do with currency manipulation either.

Again, show me evidence of currency manipulation. Apparently you know more than the US treasury.

you mad, goy?

no u

or how about you give those jobs to teenagers and college students to give them some job experience and extra money?

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Well if 'someone' said it then it must be true!

Why pay uppity teenagers $15 an hour when you can pay migrants $12 an hour and threaten them with deportation every time they aren't the perfect slave? They can't sue you for skimming their paycheck because they think that John will fire them and they can't get another job.

no money for goyim but money for dying for isreal.

you should be arrested and deported

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I actually had a speaker that came in and talked about the slant eyed menace.

They will fuck over importers by basically jailing anyone that buys from certain importers but not have any actual trade restrictions written out.

They will also buy excess raw material for leverage to flood the market if something doesn't go there way.

Broke: Nuclear Family
Woke: Traditional Large Family

We clearly need more immigration. Wages are too high. Land, housing, and services are too cheap and plentiful. Bring in more unskilled who must be taken care of. That will solve everything!

How do we fix it so that wages are higher?

Do we:
>Bring back industries and thus jobs to america, driving up demand for workers and thus their wages?
>Increase immigration so there is more competition for the ever shrinking supply of jobs, causing wages to collapse?

Hmmm hmm.
Do you think the average liberal can figure this one out for us?

Notice how CA cries everytime when there's no immigrants to pick up the fruits and veggies.

>I can't get illegals that I can pay them $2 an hour to do farmwork anymore REEEEEEEE

This is seriously why we should just give mexico the agriculture market. Fuck those niggers lobbyists.

Not currency manipulation either but keep trying.

>my entire organization is packed with Pajeets who hire only Pajeets
replace Pajeet with any other pejorative, and it's still true. everyone else hires their own kind.

>car note

Ya fuckin’ nigger.

>currency manipulation : Currency manipulator is a popular term used to indicate countries that manipulate the rate of exchange for purposes of preventing effective balance of payments adjustment or gaining unfair competitive advantage in international trade or simply a country that intervenes in its foreign exchange market

It’s ok just have roommates and your spouse works too, plus no kids

this. Grandparents, parents and children in one large house on large land is how it should be done. There would be like 5 wages coming in. Easily afford everything.

Wages from what?

The whole point was to destroy the middle class and crush union (white) bargaining and economic power.

The biggest joke is that it was the republicans that did it!!!!

Nixon the mother fucker crushed american industry and saw it undermined into bankruptcy and irrelavance outsourcing to asia and providing zero protection for the largest businesses in the world.

Then mother fucking reagan crushed the union and oversaw the exportation of the auto industry and manufacturing.

Clinton was the final Fuck you to America.


That number seems a bit low to me

You understand that this isn't just business as normal, right?

Automation is going to kill half those jobs in China, India,etc.

This Goy gets it!
>if you just live like a fucking nepalese vagabond living on one bag a flower of month with no electricity or running water you'd have tons of cash to afford everything!

LMAO tard.

B-but Americans will STARVE if food is priced slightly higher! That's why we need to subsidize agribusiness with artificially low wages.

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More then fine if you aren't retarded with money
you should be able to save.
do you have benefits?


the atomic family, one family per home, is 100% merchant HORSE SHIT and does nothing but disadvantage white people

False dichotomy.

>keep america white goyim!!!!!
>free money for you darkie!!!!!

Think the average republitard can figure it out?

Hint (youre the rube, rube.)

Why should anyone care about a couple crops that we might not be competitive in anymore when we aren't supposed to care about other job sectors being put in jeopardy by having to pay higher wages?

This logic has never made sense.