/NOVAERA/ (formerly /hue/volution) - USP EDITION

Jair Bolsonaro is the president-elect of Brazil.

The video to end all videos

commie BTFO


Interviewed by Stephen Fry on gay issues "Because no would ever take pride in having a gay son"


"The Brazilian Trump"

Bolsonaro at Miami Rally, leading chants of USA USA USA and saluting American flag

MORE INFORMATION: pastebin.com/raw/fuZH3p7g

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Okay, this is epic.

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>Suspect confirms that man was tortured and killed for being a voter of Bolsonaro


this pic is so cringy. NEVER allow your autism to leak in front of normies

So many cucked people on lebbit talking shit about us now, some even thinking about "taking the amazon from us" lmao absolutely delusional cucks

puro autismo

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The funniest thing about that picture is that they all look like virgins, and #2 and #3 are ubermutts.

That's how just I imagine the BRs who lurk on Jow Forums.

we didn't deserve him.

Few foreigners, and certainly no other head of state, enjoyed such a great popularity in the United States as Dom Pedro II and was welcomed there with such expressive proof of respect and even friendship. Not only by politicians, but also by the American people.

The Emperor traveled about 15,000 kilometers inside the United States. Politicians did not miss the opportunity to beat each other up, and one editor said: "When he returns to Brazil, he will be getting to know the United States more than two-thirds of the members of Congress!"
On July 4, 1876, the feast of the centenary of American independence, Dom Pedro II was in the United States, but privately, as he did during his travels.

The North American newspaper commented: "No ruler, from any country, as much as man or as ruler, has never had as much merit in the United States as D. Pedro II."

In 1877, when the national political campaign began in the United States, the New York Herald recalled the visit of the Emperor and presented the following proposal: "For our Centenary plaque, we indicate Dom Pedro II and Charles Francis Adams, for president and vice- President. We are tired of ordinary people, and we are willing to support people of style. "

So great was the admiration of Americans for our Emperor that he received, in the presidential elections of 1877, in Philadelphia alone (see), more than 4,000 spontaneous vows.

- From the book "Reviving the Brazil Empire", by Leopoldo B. Xavier. São Paulo: Artpress, 1991. p. 113-115 and 107.

Bump for president Dutra


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So did it during the decade of the 'Economic Miracle', that didn't stop Per Capita GDP from growing rapidly during this period, though.
What do you mean? I can make adjustments to make it more readable, if necessary.

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Is anyone in Brazil worried about the inevitable tranny uprising?

By the way that news that the senate was trying to rush a vote of the 10 measures was fake news and the video was from 2016

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It's a classic picture they look like a Jow Forums after school club

We have 3 years to learn how to beg for mercy in Russian and Mandarin.
When the US bubble pops they will go to war and so will we by following our new greatest ally. More monkeys for the monkey soup.

gib reich

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>Ainda na USP, quatro estudantes da Faculdade de Economia e Administração (FEA-USP) posaram para uma foto em que ameaçam mulheres petistas e anunciam a chegada de uma “nova era”.

Seriously... I can't believe we meme'd so hard a bunch of idiots used it IRL and now Folha and VEJA are reporting on it

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Reminder that Dom Pedro II was based as fuck and died in a sad state.

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Are they going to fight the police with dildos and vibrators?

‘Nova era’

Ainda na USP, quatro estudantes da Faculdade de Economia e Administração (FEA-USP) posaram para uma foto em que ameaçam mulheres petistas e anunciam a chegada de uma “nova era”.

Um dos alunos traja um uniforme militar e outros dois fazem alusão a Kim Jong-Un, líder da Coreia do Norte, e ao presidente dos Estados Unidos Donald Trump. Ao fundo, um quarto estudante segura uma bandeira de um movimento nacionalista dos EUA. A imagem também mostra duas armas — não se sabe se são reais ou de brinquedo.

A direção da FEA instaurou uma sindicância para investigar quem são os alunos e quais medidas serão tomadas. Por meio de nota, a Faculdade repudiou a incitação à violência.

“Em algumas situações, algo que pode ser pensado como ‘brincadeira’ pode ser o estopim para aumento da agressividade e mesmo ameaças. Isso é inaceitável, pois queremos um ambiente em que a comunidade possa pensar, discutir, aprender e crescer”, diz a nota assinada pelo diretor Fábio Frezatti.


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Who gave the entire redpill flask to Daciolo?

if they were doing the same thing but dressed as commie icons such as Che, nothing would happen feijoada.



What the fuck

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Let's hit 100k and force the media to speak about this

Send this to

We are one tweet away to become the most discussed thing on Brazil

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Create more memes to spread it further.

For those who missed it:
>The Colombian government was forced to release a statement denying the fake news created by the Brazilian journal "Folha da Sao Paulo".

Folha claimed that Colombia suggested Bolsonaro to overthrow Maduro.


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Já não bastou eles terem queimado o filme com todo o lance do caixa 2? Eles querem quebrar ou o quê?

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good job, user.

>Sikeira JR

OC with those themes will feed the tiozão machine

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Police storming in against a leftist protest here in Santos (SP). I bet we'll see some violence in the mainstream media soon hahahahahaha

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any livestream?

post more cute 2D hues

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The Empire fell because he rejected the Church.

Is there an English translation for Bolsonaro waifu interview?

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This one?

If its big enough it can do some damage.

Leaked autismo is the best autismo.
When you reach peak autism you are not afraid of showing your power level.

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Bolsonaro is a rare confluence of sacerdotal (Brahmins) and military (Kshatryas) classes in Brazil. This NEVER happened in our independent history: Empire tore Catholic Church apart, same with positivist Military periods. It has a potential to be something REALLY big.
Reminder: Varna categories >>> Marxian categories.

Will Melanija Knavs like our first lady?
I don't think she knows English, she knows how to communicate with deaf people through signs though

Attached: hue first lady.jpg (840x560, 84K)

Unfortunately not. A mob of at least 200 leftists marched in front of my house chanting against Bolsonaro triggered as fuck, almost Antifa like. A few minutes after 3 Tactical Force cars just rampaged towards the same direction. People in the windows were insulting them like fucking maniacs, it was funny as hell.

Imagine that you have a company, in your company, the pay is low, the workers pay more for their own product than people from other companies pay for such product, and when these workers buy a product from other companies, they have to pay a insanely high tax to "protect" the product that themselves make and dont even get the best version of it. Now imagine that this company has a healthplan. A really shitty one. Where people actually die waiting in line. On top of that, you also constantly steal from your own workers and generally makes everything harder to get. Now, every single aspect of your company is in desperate need of some, if any, repairs and attention. What is it that you do? That's right you waste a shit ton of money to bring in a fucking international soccer tournament followed by a fucking international olympics tournament just so you can steal even more and for this, for this reason alone PT should never ever be fucking allowed to run again. This is just straight up evil.

I'm in Santos (SP). Their militants are orchestrating riots around the nation it seems.

Based Augusto calling out the (((polls))), in SC (((polls))) were off by more than 20 points

yeah, wasn't the army pissed of cuz he lowered the resources directed to them and the elite cuz of "muh slaves"
Republic was born dead.

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Damn, I was in Santos visiting my parents until yesterday, should have stayed one more day

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The police will snipe them from helicopters.

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Every time I see some wall grafitted with 'ANTIFA' on it, my hand itches to grab a 10lb iron pipe and bash one of these fags' heads with it until it's completely flat. I can't be the only one, right?


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Meant to quote:

Attached: Average intelligence of a Petista.webm (640x352, 2.79M)

they are fucking scumbags. you are not the only one, user.

Sup fellow santista.

without sound it loses 80% of the fun

was he on crack

no, just communism

I know grafitti is bad, but I bought one just to
spray over these when I see them.
I either go with an Anti above Antifa (antiantifa)
or "sponsored by Soros".

Any other ideas?

sup dude

Holy fucking shit that nigger got fried so hard I thought he was completely vaporized

will Brosonaro put an 18 year old limit on social media or what age are you legally an adult in brazil? i think that would be good

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Who here was a dumb lefty ~5 years ago?

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Seu escritório é na praia?

I dreamed to migrate to the US 5 years ago. Not anymore because got redpilled about niggers.


eu to sempre na area

So you might say snow niggers > nigger?

I'm always in the area

I was a dumb leftie 12 years ago, but I'm old.

>what age are you legally an adult in brazil
>will Brosonaro put an 18 year old limit on social media
Also, why did you asked me of that? kek

Somebody posted the antifa event in Santos on the previous thread:

Sou de São Vicente shithole btw


Attached: antifa-santos.jpg (985x510, 44K)

Great, another international smear piece.
Stop being such cucks, french/bros/

Well, I stopped being a lefty when I was around 18.
That's not too bad... r-right?

These ones are pretty good. Maybe get one of those steel serigraphy plates(?) as a mold for a drawing depicting commies being dropped of helicopters?

Judging by the Jow Forums stories about them, a worm-faggot > nigger.
But yeah, snowniggers are relatively peaceful and productive. I for example have never been mugged in my life and I like to take walks at night.

SJW hoes that I laid red pilled me hard.

At least I always nulled my vote.
Only leftists I ever voted was Plínio.

That's really irresponsible, why isn't there more noise about this? Folha could have caused a diplomatic crisis.

Seems good. I would like to visit Russia, seems a fun place.

>Jow Forumsbrasil keeps banning me for dropping redpills even thought i can be a major isentão
They have a 'civility' rule so flexible, they ban you for simply calling Folha "fake".

So many anons from baixada. Did you guys vote França?

Everyone was, user. I only stopped being a commie in 2009 after first getting acquinted with our velho astrólogo.

I was never a leftie
But I was an annoying atheist that would mock religious people.

Was your typical Social-Democrat before everything went down in ~2013-2014.

Cabo Daciolo redpilling

Question, Hues:
In the UK media during the first round, every a article written on Jair said he might get through to the second round but once there he'd get crushed Le Pen style. Was there ever any truth in this, or was it just media gaslighting? And if true, what changed?

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jesus christ this thing was crawling like a snail from the day it was made until like yesterday at ~6k
now it took off like a fucking missile
gonna try helping spread it too

I guess i didnt care enough about politics to be anything. I just repeated leftist jargon because it was kind of what was expected in our culture.

Those people are absolutely delusional and low T

My uncle owns a clinic in São Viselva. Anyway have you found any video of that antifa event? I'm too sick to go out and laugh at them.

According to some other thread, Canana is already working on apparently allowing entry for people like that, seeking asylum or something, so I think we may not even need to raise a finger.

I voted Doria, but I'm not proud of it.

Bolso had 71.35% here in Santos, pretty good.

They pushed this narrative over here aswell, but no one really believed it. It was just the media being the media.

I had to go with Dória (it was almost a coinflip tho).

França foi prefeito aqui de São Vicente e depois sumiu, só fiquei sabendo que ele tava ainda na politica esse ano.
Ele só aparecia aqui quando tentava emplacar o filho dele como prefeito tambem.

By the way, is Rio de Janeiro worth visiting? Is it dangerous for whiteys?

wouldn't getting crushed Le Pen style require there to be 3 parties? Didn't the other two parties work together to specifically keep le pen out