Americans don’t really think they’re “pure ethnic whites” do they?

Maybe they’re 100% European, but that doesn’t mean they’re ethnically pure. In this hemisphere of the world, ethnic pureness is not determinant on your skin color, but rather on your culture, language, history, customs and traditions, that is past on from the parents on to the children for thousands of years. You will see this sense of tribe and community literally from Scandinavia to South-Africa. If you can’t relate to this, then you’re not ethnically pure.

> In b4 Belgium is not a real country

The region i reside in (Flanders), is an ethnic/cultural and linguistical region that has history that dates back literally from before the Roman Empire. Our culture is thousands of years older then the USA is a country...

Attached: FlemishPrimitivesJanVanEyck.jpg (359x492, 54K)

Nothing good ever came out of that mutt experiment except for degeneracy and Jewish imperialism. They should nuke that entire continent.

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Whiter than you, Muhammad.

Are you sure about that Tyrone?

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No offense but I literally don't recognize your flag. Which means you're from some country that isn't powerful or matters

No we're not important or powerful at all, even though we host the European parlement and have the Capital of the European Union right in the middle of our country. But yeah sure, outside of this and the thousands of years of history we have, our country is irrelevant. I hope you enjoy your burger education.

Attached: diabetes.jpg (634x425, 53K)

whitest genes in northern hemisphere

The part you're missing is no americans actually care if they are "pure ethnic whites" by your standard or any other.

They literally do not think about europeans at all.

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I think that's actually a fair assessment. I really am in awe of European traditional culture, history, etc. It's something that America doesn't really have, at least not to that degree.

But you guys really need to put more effort in defending those traditions and cultures. From over here, it looks like you guys aren't doing too well on that front in recent years.

>Lecture on purity from Poverty France Dutchman
Don't ever change, Jow Forums

What do you think is the proudest cultural achievement of the Flemish? I can only think of optics technology during the renaissance.

literally a dog of Flanders trying to tell superior White Americans what culture means get fucked faggoid

>all the "X is not white but I am" threads started by burgers
>they don't care

how does white American not fall into this definition.

Ethnic purity just means your parents were related

Im first generation and entirely ethnically Polish

> I can only think of optics technology during the renaissance.
The entire renaissance period would not have existed if it wasn't for the Flemish. The painting i posted in the pic is an example of a 'Flemish Primitive' painting. The art style that literally inspired Italian painters to create what we would know today as the renaissance art. And that's far from our only achievement..

why did you switch to a meme flag?

Tell me. What is white American culture outside of the second amendment and McDonalds?

Why not?

Good for you. Kurva.

Freedom something most of Europe lacks. Now be gone faggot I smell something Semitic.

Freedom as in working more than 40 hours a week for less then 8 dollars? Topkek...

>amerimutt education

You do realize West-Africans are even more pure raced the white Americans right? They stay and intermingle in their own tribes, communities and ethnicities.

Attached: africa-map-ethnic-george-peter-murdock-1959-with-todays-countries.png (816x1056, 96K)

We used to have that sentiment of whites sticking to their cultural group/ethnicity up until the advent of the 20th century. Eventually certain ethnic groups from Europe that used to be looked down upon became seen as equals when the public generally put them under the umbrella term of "white". I'm not sure exactly when or where the term white originated but it definitely led to the end of ethnic identity of European groups for the most part. For example, I'm considered white and nothing else when it comes to my ethnicity even though I have a uniquely Polish surname.

Us Southerners are our own ethnicity. Southern ethnogenesis began in 1607 and the experience of the Lost Cause helped solidify our sense of peoplehood, like the Boers and the Boer Wars in South Africa.

Belgium is very relevant in the chocolate and beer industries. Outside of that? Nothing really. Enjoy all of our American inventions.

the painting you posted is titled Putin Marries a Trap Anglo and it was made last year Flemoid

Lol, worry about your own lands before you turn into Muhammad ok? We should be working together, but I am sure you are a shill, too bad you don't have a second amendment.

I loved visiting Belgium, beautiful churches and wonderful coffee, and I have relatives there, but I'm proud to be an American.

Ok schlomo, bragging about the EU. Fucking glowworm.

Wrong. It's the Arnolfini portrait made by Jan Van Eyck in 1434

But i bet you don't learn anything in burger schools except for retarded meme slurs

>Maybe they’re 100% European, but that doesn’t mean they’re ethnically pure
Congrats, I actually read that much of your post you nigger faggot. America is a European country, and like all European countries, destroyed primarily by white race traitors and kikes. We still identify with our European ancestry.

Why should we care what you think is better when it comes to ethnic purity?
By your standards your ethnically pure people has become subordinate to mutts. doesn't seem so desirable

Why don't you fly the Israeli flag ? Over here trying to cause divisiveness between white cultures. Fuck off kike.

European isn't an ethnicity you dumb fuck.

Kek, you are likely English Irish and German you dumb Mutt! That's not out European! Durrr

Attached: can't faze the Frase.png (720x897, 991K)

Don't promote ethnic purity if you're a mutt yourself. That's the only message i want to give with this thread.

Your nose is showing again rabbi. Rhinoplasty kike.

I'm Flemish. An ethnic linguistic group that is thousands of years older then your country.

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Yeah, and either is jewishness kikefaggot.

The funny thing is that you might have actual kike blood in you. But you probably have no idea where your ancestors came from, kek.

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Only thing that matters to Americans concerned with identity is if your ancestors are from European countries. That is all. Stop with this divisive bullshit. Time to work together before all Europeans are bred out or destroyed. Good luck to you.

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I was being sarcastic, you autist

You spelled Flemish wrong. One of many actual pure European ethnicities.

Attached: ambiorix.jpg (800x531, 82K)

>Only thing that matters to Americans concerned with identity is if your ancestors are from European countries. That is all. Stop with this divisive bullshit. Time to work together before all Europeans are bred out or destroyed. Good luck to you.

Which is retarded to begin with. Europeans have always hated each other and have been in war with each other for thousands of years. I'm not gonna work together with a Walloon nigger because some Amerimutt tells me to do so.

Fine, you do you, stop worrying about how pure we are, we are fighting our own battles on the other side of the pond. Fight to keep your area ethnically pure. Good luck.

I'll promote whatever kind of ethnic purity that benefits my people. You can go ahead and do the same.

>how pure?

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Already tried it before the flood, yet here we are again. *sigh* I think it's time to put the Terran experiment to rest. Maybe I'll sell it to the Ferengi.
t. God