I just cant get over it.
What is the world becoming?
I just cant get over it
Other urls found in this thread:
>Promote diversity by getting rid of the hardest working darkie on the show because it's offensive.
>Bart is still voiced by a woman.
>liberals do the alt-rights work for us and remove a non-white character from a popular tv show
based, that fag simmons is next
Maybe you should have stopped watching the moment Lisa became a staunch feminist cunt and a mouthpiece for the faggy writers that was never wrong, was wonderful and nearly perfect and took down strawman after strawman.
How did they kill him off?
pussies bitching and outweighing the majority
white people are making everything shit for everyone else as usual
can you imagine where we would be if we were allowed to to be free to do what our people want, and if they wernt working day and night influence everything to subdue us?
Because some dickass indian "comedian" got offended and made a doc about it.