The craziest shit to happen in YEARS in the media politics and racism and he’s nowhere to be found?
What happened???
The craziest shit to happen in YEARS in the media politics and racism and he’s nowhere to be found?
What happened???
he got tired of larping for gullible boomers
Q is Cesar Sayoc
I miss his post
Lmao I’d believe that. Q is kill
On one america news, they had a full blown interview with Q. It is done he is outed it was a larp that got lot of steam. It's done.
It's like a shadow ban or something. Or these boards are mad of bots.
Qfags are saying that he's not posting so that there's no way to say he influenced the midterms. i think he's a larper autist who found another focus.
Operation Faithful Patriot underway.
>>nothing to see here
Q got spooked. Literally
You won't hear a goddamned thing from that Boomer faggot until after the election, it's illegal to electioneer for a Federal Employee
He’s locking and loading. He’s trying to stop election fraud. He’s trying to stop False Flags. He’s protecting trump.
are these degenerates that go to Trump rallies and the freakshow evangelicals that go to megachurches are they really /ourgoys/?
LMAO. Q can’t share insider info
Qanon was entertaining for about 2 seconds.
Is that real
"Q" stands for "queen of hearts". Theres plenty of evidence in pornhub of this. Its an american tradition.
It kept going for a couple more days after this was released but i think it is done.
This tbqh
jesus christ man
did this boomers just follow how islam was created but with a fucking LARPer?
Q is a femanon
LMFAO they are heated over q being fake
How much for dreams?
Killed during the Pittsburg shooting
Kek that'd be funny
Jerry Corsi got hungry and ate him.
that's an interesting one, press x to doubt though
Mystery solved
Q died of AIDS.
Q was 60 year old woman LARP she’s dead
To do so would be a felony. He cannot electioneer as a federal employee. That's why he went dark.
He'll pop up again after the election
Robert was q
Why couldn't he prove it?
Surely he could have shown the images Q has uploaded as his proof.
This is true. Q is gathering up intel with Jacob wohl
I could see it being a woman
Islam and Mormonism
Both funded by a guy, who wanted to legally fuck as many women as possible.
Q supporter devastated ITT
This user is a lying sack of shit.
The guy proved nothing, he couldn't produce a single image Q posted as proof.
Imagine 10 years from now when people discuss this cult following over a larp.
No reason to be.
Another q supporter devastated
Has anything Q said come to fruition?
Big bold predictions, that’s about it.
I can post some cryptic garbage designed to divert idiot boomers from white nationalism OP
Trust the plan
Don’t ask about the JQ
Don’t audit the Fed
Stop concerning yourself with wall street
Q will be back.
Cannot post before midterms.
Hatch act violation would mean trouble for Q, trouble for PotUS.
One more week.
Q will return.
Hold fast.
Things are going to get crazy.
So, who is Q+
Just random vague statements like any fortune teller
There was a full blown interview live with 2 dudes that were chan posters that started it and did not expect the results.
It looks like the biggest mistake of Q was making Mr.Magoo over there at the DOJ as some kind of secret Trump weapon. The reality is Sessions was one of the people who signed off on spying on Trump campaign as a congressman. Sessions was in congress 20yrs before all of a sudden being suggested to Trump for AG after Rudy Guliani turned down the position(fucking idiot).
New q is here
I found Q!
Apparently you cannot read ID's.
>trust the plan
You can trust that trump wo start war and give more goyim blood to the Jews
Fuck trump
Fuck America
Fuck you reddit nigs
Fuck the modern world
David Wilcock mentioned the Hatch act......makes sense.
Hatch Act
I still believe in Q and trust the plan.
Q is Trump
Exactly how id expect someone with q clearance to look
based uncle ted got internet privellages
Q has a gf now he's busy elsewhere
Sorry guys
Q out
Even funnier
I cant
Q will be back with a vengeance
Same here. Q wouldn’t let me and my people down. We are here and will not be stopped
boomers still date at the age of 60?
y i k e s
laugh it up man, its all good. We're all in this together. WWG1WGA
Q followers are going to report that video
As do I.
And as we should.
The plan has been set in motion.
Trust it. After midterms it begins.
This country comes back.
Trust the plan.
Trust it.
>shadow ban
>Jow Forums
go back faggot
We are all q
>all those butthurt boomers replying
Back to Faggedit
My mom is Q
what are you going to do? shoot me for not supporting israel?
Those guys are asking their grand children for advice on how to use twitter
10 D chess huh?
I rather be shot than support Israel
Why would I shoot you at all?
Will post after the election and BTFO of all of u faggots.
Fuck Q.
Where is the declas? Why is nobody talking about FISAgate?
Lmao those comments. Boomers on suicide watch
I want John titor back
he will pop up right after the elections.
Trump confirmed his authenticity with a photo recently.
if you aren't using Q to redpill people with open minds on the JQ you're a nigger.
Q is Qill
Q would never abandon us
You're too busy joining all the bait threads on here 24/7.
Holy shit, I remember that guy! The time traveler, right? Jesus I feel old af now
Q doesn't exist, there's no "plan". You're just buying into some dumbass narrative and conspiracy so you can feel like you're "in the know when nobody else is".
Just because you do not love this country.
Does not mean that others do not love this country.
As I said before, the plan is in notion.
Q has promised us this.
Q had a solid track record.
Q will not let us down.
This is the Italian novel that inspired name Q.