Facing jail time because of Jow Forums

A few months ago when i was walking home from the gym i saw a black guy and white girl holding hands, i went full autism and called him a nigger.
He asked me what i said, and i started spewing "racist language" and "threatening him".
The situation ended up with us fighting and me beating him up to the point of hospitalization. The RCMP were called and i was arrested. After the investigation i was charged with assault, a hate crime, and terrorism, the crown prosecutors offered a deal to my lawyer: plead guilty to assault and get 8 months in jail and they would drop the terrorism and hate crime charges. I have a court date tomorrow morning. I will be accepting the deal and then immediately serving my sentence.

What the fuck do i do.. how do i survive jail? do i have to join the aryan brotherhood for protection? or is my sentence short enough to just keep my head down, i just want to get out and get my life back on track.. need advice

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White nigger has a chimpout...

Fake and gay

when they rape you, poop yourself first

fuck off nigger

Go to the biggest, blackest man in there. Blow him a kiss. Follow him to his cell, bend over the bed, and take that cock up your ass. He gonna cum in your boy pussy.

Honestly it sounds like you're already pretty adept at beating niggers so you'll probably be alright.

its 8 months you pussy, just fucking suck it up and read some books nigga


>8 months

Easy time.

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Spread the manifesto in jail. Plenty of niggers there.

>Acting like a nigger
You deserved it

You're a leaf, just do what you always do and let some minorities have their way with you.
I don't why you're making such a big deal out of this.

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I hope it's real and OP gets raped for 8 months by some big black bulls for being retarded enough to do this stupid shit.

you are guilty and your punishment is not tough enough at all
you should keep your head down and remember to say sorry
regret what you did

Jow Forums always tells me that being a tranny is just a choice.

now you get to experience the same! just 'choose' to be a tranny and you'll be fine user

stfu stupid fuck. show flag. ill never take shit from a ape

keep beating up niggers and take over an ab chapter, then wait for race war and hope a death squad breaks you out. Godspeed leaf.

Fake and gay

What? Really mate? It's not the negros fault you know? Had you been unfortunate enough to be born a negro you would chase white women too because they are universally more attractive.

I'm redpilled af and i still give a cheeky wink to negros dancing with white sluts in berlin clubs. Don't project your anger on your dog for being just a dog.

go to hell faggot

>hates black people
>gets himself sent to the only place in Canada where whites are a legit minority(outside of toronto and vancouver)
Ya dun goofed, op.

I'm pretty sure you already do, leaf.

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OP is a fucking faggot LOL

God what the fuck were you thinking

It's one thing to hate blacks

But to go full autismo and provoke one because your feel feels got hurt, seeing a hot white chick with him, is another thing

You felt cucked and at the end of it all you got legally fucked by the police

Of you Act like a retard moron you deserve to die young

good point kraut, the race traitor whore deserves the ass whooping more than the nigger, tho both deserve to swimg from a lamp post.

I hope you like Black dick. You'r a coward for taking a plea, you nigger lover.

Nope. Can confirm. OP just flew over my house.

you put a nigger in the hospital
the aryan brotherhood will literally be sucking your dick for you to join them
enjoy your gay summer camp, just try to have fun

Join the whites, it's your best bet, also you should have beat up the traitorous roastie

When did niggers become so beta.

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You have no choice but to join the aryan brotherhood faggot. Just go in, keep your head down, and avoid everyone and everything whenever possible. Do not stick your nose where it doesn't belong.
They will come to you. They will know why you're there. If you can get through 8 months without fucking with anyone, that is ideal, but chances are your deeds will spread, and you might get ganged up on, and then approached by the aryans, or you might be approached by them immediately.
If you do end up having to join, there is no getting out. You are in for life. Even after you do your time for the brotherhood, you will have to get a bigger tattoo to cover up your swastika in public, for your own childrens' sake, who will one day be targetted because of your tat. And the Brotherhood will have tabs on you and consider you to be "on standby" forever.

Funny to see all of these faggots saying OP is a white nigger and chimped out. It's about time someone is taking action, we should be commending him.

*cucked by police

>He gives a "cheeky wink" to invaders who come into his country and fuck his women.

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>Canadian jail

It's leaf jail, you'll be fine. Jail time isn't even a big deal in the US. Prison time is another story.

Also, I'm curious if she's still with him. Seeing your bf get beaten up will dry a pussy up faster than sawdust.

Post police blotter and IDed, timestamped portrait or fuck off with your dog whistle LARP.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with nu/pol/?
How are people legitimately responding to this bait?
Literally all you have to do is check the flag and move on.
This board is fucking garbage now.

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Oh yeah, there's a difference.

in the USA you will be going to county jail which is not that dangerous compared to state prison. DO NOT join a gang, that will guarantee you do not leave that place, but do stick with your race.

if someone trys to rape you then fight them to the death once someone gets away with that the whole place will find out and they will turn you into a sex slave that they sell to eachother

8 months for assault is probably going to put you in jail with a bunch of petty drug dealers who push pills and shit. You'll be fine if you just avoid the lifers. Canadian jail is really cushy for almost everyone involved if you mind your own business.

You do realize all black people in jail will want to kill you right? Why did you insult this innocent black man anyway?

You cant do 8 momths in jail can you?

I'll wave at'cha when ya get there sweetie

Are you going to jail or prison? Jail is worse because all the fresh fuck faces are looking to make a name for themselves and act up. If it's prison you might get checked once or twice when you first get it, don't be a bitch you gotta fight win or lose or you're gonna be treated like a bitch and then you'll be fair game for rape. Stay away from the gangs if you can and 8 months will go fast you might get out early. I'm guessing Canada prison system is pussy compared to America

Implying this is real you did good OP.


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8 months in Canada jail isn't shit. Time to grow some nuts manlet. If you could beat an ape then you can beat a human.

It's only legal to call people nigger in the US, nigger.

kek dumbfuck leaf finna boutta get raked like dis nigga gon get turned out like a yard bag feel me he gonna have to subcontract out to some Mexicans for all the blowing he finna boutta do

In the name of god, kill all niggers and sexual deviants.

Six years ago I had to serve a 3 month sentence. I thought maybe all the gay rape/sex jokes were just made up or over exaggerated. Unfortunately gay sex really is pretty common and it's hard to say no if the dude is bigger than you. Just pray you get good cell mates.

Are you 12? Easy on the reddit spacing there boy.

Yes. County is bad because thats where the degenerate repeat offenders go before being sentenced to prison. State usually isnt too bad. Federal is for the serious shit.

Do NOT accept the deal!
Uphold your principles!
There should be nothing wrong in beating up a nigger!
You will become a martyr among the right thinking lads. It will pay off once we rule this country.

I'm white girl and I say nigger all the time or belt bomber or hajji to them. Even say gooks to chinks. Never once has anything happened to me. I don't get it. Ive said outloud "gross" "can't you wash the black off" "don't bring a kid in if it's dirty" to a coalburner in Tim's even. Nothing happens this is Ontario too.


Top notch advice right here.

germany ladies and gentlemen..

practise sucking dick in advance

Write a book about your struggle



>8 months in jail?

Sure, the cut off is 365 days for jail.


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>Even say gooks to chinks
gooks are koreans
chinks are chinese
theyre probably thinking wtf im not a korean

>There should be nothing wrong in beating up a nigger!
There isn't anything wrong with it, but he lives in Canada. If he fights back they might cut his balls off.

saying nigger not the end of the world, he tried to talk back after i said it and me beating him up is what has caused this


Plead not guilty and lawyer the fuck up. No doubt Tyrone has previous convictions do be a pussy bitch and plead guilty.

Absolutely based and leafpilled.

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You got lucky with 8 months that dude didn’t even do anything but even if this did happen run away before the cops get there next time you get no pitty for 8 months

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>how do i survive jail?
Pick out the biggest guy there, and beat his ass, or becomes someone's bitch.

It’s leaf jail. Sort of like college, but with more anal sex.

>lying Jew lies for (you)’s

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jail isn't prison
>need advice
get a lawyer, you fucking mong

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Dont be a pussy plead not guilty. If you had no previous convictions and your clean you should get off.

lmao at least that nigger probably got broken up with, one of the worst things a girl can watch is her boyfriend being beaten up. She instantly loses all sexual attraction to him. You did good user. Also, fucking TERRORISM???? lmao i swear fucking only in canada

>Do I have to join the aryan brotherhood?
>Not already being a memeber

I think there disgusting and belong In africa it's not natural for them to be in a artic country.
Pretending they'res a difference there all downies with little kids bodies. There all chinks or nips to me Koreans aren't real.


If the nigger got violent over words, then it's the nigger's fault.

This is why "hate speech" is basically protecting violent thugs

Learn to internalize your stupidity, for starters. Also, you need to realize that your Mossad programming is now complete. You've gone full on sucker for hating someone just because of their skin tone. When their kid gets leukemia and cannot find a compatible donor, they'll figure it out.

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Canadian jail is prob easy as fuck, quit being a bitch. also minus points for not getting away with it.

Don't know if this true or not but I enjoyed reading this user

god made us, love, why not fuck us and abuse us instead? id be a good little slut for you if you were cruel but loving

Join the brotherhood. Tell them what you're in for and I'm sure they'll respect you

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Carry yourself well. Broad shoulders, locked jaw. Dont reveal your weakness. Look respectable.If someone tried to rape you, beat the shit out of him. Even if it's multiple guys. People will respect you for trying and defending yourself. Be quiet, dont get into any fights, and youll be released for good behavior.

t. former felon now construction worker

That body is flawless, shame about the tattoos


Yeah except there was a law stating it's always Whitey's fault. It's your fault for not smiling while the migrants raped you.

God help you if you say a tranny is a pedofile and mentally ill. They take your white kids and give them to a faggot for reeducation now.

>because of Jow Forums
Jow Forums never told you to white knight for coalburners.

this would be national news if it actually happened

get help homie

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You sound like an irredeemable cuckold faggot.

BTW for relevancy i am 6ft3 and pretty well built

Hang out with Ricky and Julian.

I can tell not a single person in this thread has any idea what canadian jail is like, it's a fucking joke, the worst thing that's going to happen to op is that he will be a little bored.

If you think I am full of shit look at how many people are murdered in canadian prisons per year, it's ridiculously low, there are easily verifiable government stats on the subject.

Op is not even gonna get raped