In San Francisco for the first time

If you’re a white person, with/without a family, how the fuck can you live in this shit hole of a city? Every sign has 3-4 different languages, half the time not English. All the niggers are loud, extremely rude, and look you down for something to steal. Asians, especially Chinese, have no respect for whites, and don’t look at anyone they aren’t trying to buy cigs from.
The entire city is spread out and you can’t live more than 20 blocks from your work if you don’t own a car, and are loaded. Even so, if you are loaded, you rent out a place and find that your beautiful 19th century relic of an infill house is surrounded by fags, drunk Mexicans, and blacks that refuse to clean up their “””communities”””. They just seem to be living off the decaying successes of white civilization, displayed by the slow but evident destruction of historical housing they dwell within.
I’m counting on 3 years and SF goes to shit with these shitskins revolting against whites with the jews leading them.

So really, how the fuck can whites still bare to live here?

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Copious amounts of onions

Why were you visiting San Fransisco?

Attached: wu.jpg (640x960, 50K)

I am not at liberty to disclose this information with you newfag

This unironically

No one wants to talk about this..?

> the entire city is spread out
what the fuck sf are you that place is built ontop of itself

but seriously all of california is a third world country

Fuckin mole looks like that ellen pao bitch

Millenials need to die

I live right by SF can we be friends and hate niggers together while you're here?