>The number of Chinese students pursuing degrees at Western universities has soared in recent years. Most estimates put the number in the U.S. at about 350,000, up from just 70,000 just a decade ago.
>Australian and U.S. universities have ignored risks, in part because the influx of Chinese students has bolstered their coffers with tuition and grant money from Beijing.
The classic "I love Capitalism but not when it negatively affects me" response of retarded 56% posters.
Maybe if your mother didnt fuck someone with nigger DNA you would be smart enough to compete.
Sorry, not my fault nigger DNA rots your brain.
Isaiah Parker
i was just kidding around but universities are far worse for us than some random synagogue. i really do believe most of these shootings are fed jobs but if they were actual Jow Forumstards you'd think they'd be smart enough to actually do something that would affect the future instead of providing smear material
Luke Gutierrez
So they're going to take liberal Poz back to China to infect the rest of the population? Sounds good to me.
Jackson Edwards
this isn't about capitalism. capitalism doesn't mean we are obligated to open our entire country to the Chinese. this is beyond economics; this is national security, border security, etc.
Adrian Johnson
Logan Reed
Lincoln Gutierrez
Josiah Rogers
Nobody listens in this fucking country, a cheap whore for the Chinese is all the politicians see this country as. As long as their money increases and they can rule they do not care.
Dylan Bailey
It doesn’t have the same effect on Chinese as it does westerners. We are different peoples.
They shoot themselves in the foot anyway. With their love of cheating, it means they never truly understand what they are taught. It's a massive problem in China and no doubt carries over to western universities. Their future is bleak if they ever take over, it'd be like watching someone eat Indian food and wondering why the hand wiper Indian food keeps making them sick. But still they eat it.
Asher Foster
I helped a cute Taiwanese girl in my one class a few times, and the other day she gave me a bag full of candy to show her gratitude. She is a qt3.14.
Jordan Ward
It has to do with China's middle class growing. They can now afford to send their kids to other countries.
Sebastian Scott
Thanks for th help user
Gabriel Stewart
Literally just giving away our millions of dollars worth of research and development to chinks. Unbelievable how dumb we are
Brandon Lewis
It’s beczuse school here are a fucking joke. Degrees are worth less than the paper they are printed on.
Even if you say you have been to America for a few months on vacation your prospects for jobs go up exponentially
Luis Gomez
Hehe made me blush. She always uses those stickers on LINE, and nags me if I miss class LOL.
Joshua Price
says the niggers who lost half their navy in 1 battle with china a few years ago in a attempt to start WW3
you wont even have white people in 10 years even without a WW3. you faggots are getting killed off after the west fail in 2020. you faggots dont know how to do anything and every one knows america will be terrorist again during the next olympics. after that failure australia is purged of whites then WW3 starts
Julian Hernandez
That means she likes you. That naggin is basically the main way for Taiwanese girls to flirt.
Download line and chat her up user.
Ian Diaz
What risks are there? Redpill this poor soul
Hudson Miller
>tfw you find out they have a Masters from China and not an actual degree
Fuck off, they all cheat in many ways. They also share answer keys in Chinese language only groups. reuters.com/investigates/special-report/college-cheating-iowa/ They also will pay people who look like them to take the midterm or final. They do study, but this is how they take 6 classes and get 4.0s.
Idgaf, the honest ones are more likely to get work and stay
Austin Rivera
Only issue is I am pretty sure she has a boyfriend back in Taiwan, her banner on line has her standing with a guy doing couple stuff. But it is hard to not go after her, because her nose and face are top tier. I'm not sure if I want to cuck some poor dude. She also told me I'm her first American friend.
Cameron Richardson
I can barely understand this gibberish. I can't tell if I've offended the land of poo or the land of Winnie the pooh.
Oliver Parker
Fuck her. Shes probably never fucked anyone else b4
Grayson Scott
Also imagine being some chick from a conservative family where your parents control every part of your life. A bang would be a good memory
Jayden Garcia
Is this what a schitzo looks like? What navy losses? Population replacement here is a meme, gooks live in little hotel style apartments N pump out 1 or 2 kids. Not like US nigs or beaners who pump out 5 kids
Joshua Lee
The thing about Taiwanese that most people don’t understand is the fact they are incredibly slutty. We have love motels everywhere and everyone has a 小姐mistress. She probably does have some beta dude waiting for her back in Taipei, but he’s probably fucking bitches behind her back also.
Just be nice to her and don’t hurt her and you’ll be good user. Fuck that dude in Taipei.
Gabriel Moore
Taiwanese are not conservative sexually
Chase Price
You are retarded, they crowd out real students, and no one cares in the real world about schooling, so the Chinese get the Pearce of paper and crowd honest students out of jobs too,
>steeping chinks in burger culture and then sending them back to China to remind them how filthy and completely fucked it is
You think this benefits the “people’s republic” do you? I’d be more worried about all the direct dealings by US politicians with Chinese corporate magnates if I were you.
Fuck this is just what I needed to hear. Thanks anons, I know what I'm going to do now.
Juan Brown
well, for starters 350,000 young people is a lot of manpower, init.
they could perform functions of conventional spies (steal tech, cultivate strategic contacts, etc.) and also may be used for a direct assault.. less likely, but again, we're talking about 350,000 military age chinese here
Matthew Richardson
SPREAD THE NEWS The notorious hacker known as Jow Forums just made spooky ban millions of people from Jow Forums and he has won this fight
Uni is overrun with chink cash and the fuckers are all too happy to rake in dough
Asher Martin
Also this
None of them want to return
Aiden Ortiz
Andrew Gonzalez
It's typical capitalism, means solely to pursue maximum profit no matter what.
Carson Cooper
again, there's more to life than money
Levi Perez
I'm so sick of the chinese guys in my CS program. They lie, they cheat, they do bad work in group projects
Jayden Fisher
Then you haven't seen poo yet. The quality ratio is around 1:10,000 among poos, chinks can reach 1:200 ~ 500. You can easily feel it by interviewing them. Many managers throw poo & chink names right in to the bin, I'd say interview them, have some fun, in some rare cases you can get a good apple.
Wyatt Wood
Antifa please go
Eli Wilson
kek, China is growing anyway. the whole world is fucked these days, West included. all the money in the world won't keep this ship from sinking, or keep ww3 at bay forever
and to be fair to China, they have a lot of people (students); Western university degrees are relatively valuable. most of these students probably do not pose a threat. still we should be careful