62% of U.S. Jobs can't provide a middle class life!
Nice Economy Trumptards
And and a right-wing retardville ranked the wost hahahahaha
Our poverty is still better than 50% of the world
yeah, in a single income household this has always been the case.
Wow its like the past 40 years of encouraging people to vaporize the nuclear family and advocate for divorce really might have been a bad idea huh
>Kike damage control against Trump for shit they did for decades
Yep, fake news.
That's bullshit stay at home wives used to be a thing because one source of income brought a middle class life
that's definitely the attitude that marks "american exceptionalism."
>if I don't like it, its fake
well you say that but when i look at trailer parks in america and think of people eating mac and cheese or cereal for 2/3 meals a day then look at s africa i think your full of shit
this is an interesting way of saying "38% of american jobs are middle class or better"
Do you really think that is something to brag about?
Middle class 48-79K a year.
Can't live off 900 a week minimum.
Fuck off and KYS.
USA news of economy in UK propaganda rag.
Yep, fake news.
It's almost as if there are more young people than older people, and young people usually don't make enough money to support a middle class lifestyle on their own
Yep, and I wonder what happened to wages when all of those womyn decided they wanted to work too and the supply for workers practically doubled? Dont you just love needing two working people to make a living wage when it used to be covered by just the man of the house?
absolutely. what percentage of chinese people do you think work a middle class job? what percentage of 19th century europeans worked a middle class job? hell, what percentage of americans 100 years ago worked a middle class job?
I shouldn't have to pay taxes for people who mismanages money
Increases in labour supply is a factor but productivity increases from technology have arguably done more. The vast majority of modern jobs are a form of welfare. Arguably the jobs that you do the least in now call for the longest hours simply because everyone's so guilty of doing barely anything for the money they're getting they have to somehow legitimise the paycheck.
>but then we cant afford to buy the new NPCphone every 6 months!!
They've also "arguably" done less since the labor pool literally doubled and then some thanks to spics and third wave feminism.
>well it's still better than China or Europe in 1800's
Wow nice to know you have such high standards. Just to let you know the American middle class used to be 55% of the population alone
Hurt durr I’m a leftwing retard that blames trump for people not being good enough to support themselves
Hurr durr I’m such a retard I’ll call it rightwing retardville because I’m too retarded to admit it’s a niggerville
>The vast majority of modern jobs are a form of welfare. Arguably the jobs that you do the least in now call for the longest hours simply because everyone's so guilty of doing barely anything for the money they're getting they have to somehow legitimise the paycheck.
also, at least in the white-collar professions, people treat work more like a social club, where status is conferred by signalling your "dedication" to the tribe, so you get the dynamic of people spending 12 hours a day in the office but 10 hours of that time gossiping or playing on their phones. this is why a lot of competent and intelligence but less socially-savvy people sometimes have a hard time getting hired despite their extraordinary qualifications - there's nothing to be qualified or competent for if your job description is 80% industry buzzwords, it's more about being able to hang
>if you flood the country with spics and other shitskin who don’t have the ability to be middle class then it’s the fault of the far right
Leftwing retards at their finest
>research done by third way, a centre left think tank.
Their politics is what eradicates the middle class.
>implying neocons weren't equally responsible for flooding the country
>Just to let you know the American middle class used to be 55% of the population alone
you mean that brief period of time, when the rest of the world had literally been obliterated by the largest war in human history, when working class people in a completely fabricated and utterly unstable economic situation were compensated AS IF they were middle class, until the fabricated and unstable economic system unraveled under the weight of its obligations?
They made up at least 50 percent of the population until the mid 90's. If 40 years is brief to you than sure. And the steady erosion of the middle class isn't a big deal because it's still better than living in a third world communist state? This is exactly the attitude that has ass-fucked this country.
>Sixty-two percent of jobs don't pay enough for consumerist way of life sold in mainstream media.
>38% of Americans live like fucking kings
That’s more than a 100 million people.
So basically areas liberals have ruined and aren't sustainable, and this is Trump's fault apparently
The dumbest thing is you think it would be different because voting. That’s a new level of stupid.
This has nothing to do with Turmp its a trend thats been going on since the 1960's
Outsourcing and Importing 3rd worlders means the lower middle and poor of the country cant get a job at a reasonable wage. All they have is low class retail jobs while the upper middle and high class move along fine.
>TFW your family is on the cusp of being truly wealthy and high class but you dont think you and your siblings will be capable of getting over the line
The stress is unbearable bros.
because of the nigger/kike taxes.
cut income tax and they will pay enough.
niggers are on life support completely funded by us.
kikes steal a percentage of everything.
you think every American citizen works? There's like 100 million private workers total.
Jow Forums is so fucking stupid lmao
>The U.S. labor force was approximately 160 million persons in January 2018.
The rest are either retired and kids. The people that are so rich they dont work and homeless represent a very tiny population relatively speaking
be a roofer and hang out with spics and don't pay taxes.
Do 20sq/day @50/sq with 5 man crew= $200/day under the table and thats a slow day. Most days double that. Get tan, get swole, get high at lunch. Go surf on the weekends and chase poon till Monday and do it all over again baby.
Maybe people in america should learn to cook
But the stock mark-
the problem is the American corporations that have shipped their manufacturing equipment and assembly lines to China since the seventies. The Goose that lays the golden eggs is gone and its in China. Sorry folks but game over you have just realized you lost and the traitors were in you boardrooms and in your Congress. Thank Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Obama for keeping the gates wide open as technology and know how drained to China.
I am rooting for Trump but I think its too late in the game. Yeah sure there will be tariffs but the Corporations are not bringing back manufacturing here. The USA consumer will just have to pay the tariffs for a looooong time, the corporations are not going to be punished they dont have to pay the tariff but the American consumer will.
Back in the 80s we should of said to the corporation, if you try to ship out the assembly line we will tax the crap out of your equipment, or maybe flat out forbid it, or the USA market if forever closed to you.
>Trump is to blame for decades of the Fed's inflationary monetary policy
The fundamental source of crisis is the diminishing vitality of White economies spanning the last 40 year business cycle, a result of sending White industries to Yellows/Browns
As a result of offshoring White industries, the West experienced Rust Belt, stagnation, and was thrust into a depressionary period known as the "Long downturn". The long-term weakness of capital accumulation and of aggregate demand was rooted in the declining profitability of capital, stemming from an oversupply in global manufacturing-- a direct result of transferring White industries to Asia and Latinos. White industries that were once solely based in the West, were transferred to agrarian, primitive races, who never reached industrialization on their own. White industries were copied throughout the 3rd world which resulted in severe excess in production, due to uncontrolled, exponential population growth of the primitive 3rd world
The offshoring of White industry to Asia coordinated with the severing of the post-war Bretton Woods monetary system in 1971 signalled the profitability crisis of industrial capitalism’s Fordist ruling contract was coming under acute stress. Neoliberal geopolitical shifts to Asia, unfettered by race realism and buoyed by military-industrial expansion, White capital, from your private bank accounts, began to colonise Asia
The 1980s ushered in more globalism by White nations to combat the ongoing turmoil of stagflation, resulting from offshoring White industries. Governments pushed deindustrialisation, higher unemployment, White population reduction, suicides, homosexuality, mass migration, demographic replacement, and austerity measures, as they sought to alleviate the globalist crisis by resorting to greater borrowing and subsidising demand of offshored products. However, stagnation intensified and debt escalated, and a wave of devastating socio-economic crises rocked White nations throughout the following 3 decades
Multi-generational homes are far better than nuclear families.
My what a great economic argument for letting millions and millions of south americans into the country to do the jobs no one wants!
Oh, wait, maybe that's WHY so many jobs have low, suppressed wages and can no longer afford the life/class advancement which they would've led to were immigration strict and enforced.
Isn’t that cus Obama started counting part time jobs as employed or sumn I reckon
>have economic problem that takes decades to form
>trump is president for 2 years
>blame trump
Pay more. Problem solved. It's hard to break the addiction of slave labor when it's gone on so long but needs to happen.