Go to the Library Of Congress website and try looking up the 14th amendment

Go to the Library Of Congress website and try looking up the 14th amendment.

>pro-tip you cant!

It's been taken down but you can search all other amendments. Trump is making history

Attached: 1540281161976.jpg (3040x2024, 388K)

Other urls found in this thread:

loc.gov/search/?in=&q=14th amendment&new=true&st=


Quit the BS

Attached: quitthebs.png (1224x647, 145K)

They are trying real hard to frighten blacks

How about everyone just opens their constitution? Oh wait 95% of Americans don't own a copy.

try opening the link to view the 14th


I can look at it just fine. Why are you making such an obvious lie?

The funny thing is, people are saying trump can't over-ride the constititution and that his idea that all he needs is the congress is crazy. But the Amendments are the rights of US Citizen's. So if you pass a law against anchor babies, then they would never be a citizen, and would never have the 14th amendment right. It's weird because the 14th amendment doesn't seem to fit.

I'm not a burger scholar but I assume the Constitution is considered the law of the land and not just rights for citizens, for example the 2nd amendment talks about the right of 'the people' obviously meaning citizens, whereas the 14th declares that "all persons" born in the US are citizens.