Western Cultural Revolution of the 60s

How did it happen? How conservative Western people abandoned their values. Why was the hippie generation born in conservative America? How did the left seize universities?
Who was behind May 68? I have long been interested in the topic of the 60s. I wonder who was behind the changes of the West. Apparently,at that moment the degradation of Western values began. What books and movies can you advise me on the topic of the 60s.

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Other urls found in this thread:

the-eye.eu/public/concen.org/Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon - Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream (2014) by David McGowan & Nick Bryant.pdf


>How did it happen?
>How conservative Western people abandoned their values
>Why was the hippie generation born in conservative America?
>How did the left seize universities?
>Who was behind May 68?
>I wonder who was behind the changes of the West.
>What books and movies can you advise me on the topic of the 60s.
Mein Kampf

I know that was Jews, I wonder how they did it, it will help us understand how to deal with it.

>send in a few agents to preach a new gospel to impressionable youth
>the gospel spreads forming groups and enclaves
>the groups grow into a movement
>the movement becomes mainstream

Why conservative white people did not resist. And those who resisted did it very sluggishly

you pay a bunch of Chad's and Stacey's to do and hype up whatever behavior you want to be the norm, and then everyone else follows suit.

that's what they been trying to do with protestors and this caravan but more people are aware of this tactic now

then you double down with Hollywood and media propaganda

>How did it happen? How conservative Western people abandoned their values.

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>How did it happen?
-Decline in religious beliefs due to changes in knowledge and teaching and a corresponding desire to fill the gap.
-A loss of respect for tradition and authority due to poor choices and ignorance on the part of authority figures - particularly when it came to military and foreign policy decisions.
-Increases in communication technology and accessibility
-Post war prosperity creating a comfortable space for safe protest.

>I wonder who was behind the changes of the West.
It like asking who was behind the changes in Russia between 1910-1920. There was no single group that is responsible but a collection of groups with competing goals and interests.

>Apparently,at that moment the degradation of Western values began
It began much much earlier than that even by 1766 the rot had taken firm root

and this

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Looking for books on the counterculture of the 60s. I read only the death of the west by Buchanan.

It was drugs and sex and destruction of the church if you want a simple answer.

Get whites off drugs, go to church and stop being whores and that fixes 80% of it.

Grateful Dead was cia.

I heard that the CIA collaborated with the Franfuk School, and Marcuse even taught at the American Universities.

redpill me on the Frankfurt school, wtf was it

why are the communist jews always german

german and french

The idea that hippyism was breaking new ground is absurd. They popularised concepts (free love, radical individualism) already well developed in the English speaking world. The reason it reached critical mass is because the post WW2 consensus meant class fluidity was unprecedented, university admissions were at an all time high and everyone was keen to become politically active. Keynesian economics was the default position at the time and this was the gateway to discussing more radical left-wing/socialist concepts, there was a sense that the possibilities were totally limitless.

It should be noted that at this time the right wing were also formulating the ideological basis of neo-classical liberalism, largely as a reaction to the scenes of excess they saw in the communist university groups.

it was p simple
It all started with women being able to vote.
Politicians started to pander to them and in the 60s feminism reached it's critical mass and economic, social, and political chaos ensued

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Watch e Michael Jones talks on youtoob. Start with libido Dominandi

Why in the days of McCarthy, no one tried to fight the Communists in the universities? And were the Universitet left in the 50s?

Read "Acid Dreams"

Porn was moved under the protection of the constitution as free speech. Jews.
CIA (Jews) flooded the country with drugs.
Bolshevik (Jews) russian propaganda

They did it with lots of Soviet money.

many artificial forces as well as natural forces. the automobile destroyed the extended family. the television destroyed conversation. culture is a changing. people change. is someone guiding it? they try but i believe they is a primal fundamental force behind it. some cosmic vibration. its all about knowledge and the dissemination of info and literacy rates. once everyone is on the same page they take the next step forward and it all begins again like a higher octave.

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Justin Lee Collins did nothing wrong

Too much prosperity + widespread proliferation of television

Revolutions are always tied to mass media dissemination

>Why in the days of McCarthy, no one tried to fight the Communists in the universities?

They tried, but they failed. Turns out people don't like being told what to think by governments, and usually end up doing the opposite, even if just out of spite.

>And were the Universitet left in the 50s?

Depended on the universities and the department, some were more so than others. A lot of the radical communists who would become double agents for the soviet union came out of Cambridge university for instance.

>tfw always agree with gommies on their cultural criticisms
agree with my comrade here

The Conservative backlash was co-opted, namely Buckley and assorted neo-con groups.

The trick is make normal people mad with cultural distraction s while the party worked for big biz and war machine

The USSR is responsible for many terrible things, but this does not apply to neo-Marxism. Marcuse's works were even banned in the USSR.

This is the one thing the jews got right. Same when they stopped killing the best of the goyim

That was the first generation that grew up watching (((television))).

You figure it out.

I think it's the idea that World War 3 was going to be instant death for everyone because of nukes... so the young figured it's either peace or death.

Drugs, LSD was a mind control experiment look into MKultra
There was also alot of distractions created on purpose in the 60s
The real reason for the Vietnam war was to distract America from the fact they removed silver from our coins and opened our gates to any and everyone
1965 is the year that ruined America, history books will mark this year as the start of the decline

soviets were quite opposed to the frankfurt school in the ussr i think they would have supported it in america perhaps

Lots of drugs and MKULTRA mind control experiments and subversive programming in the music, as many popular bands had ties to the government and high ranking military.

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Did the US government support the left in their own country?


>Greatest Generation grew up without pot to piss in during depression
>Wanted better for their kids
>Inadvertently raised a whole generation of self absorbed brats

Fucking hippies...

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I think this was a consequence of propaganda, and not some sort of historical inevitability. All these events are artificial, and someone was behind them.

contraception and antibiotics :^(

Hippies = Jewish women subverting white women and joining blacks making interracial relationships, drug use, and left wing violence mainstream

>How did it happen?

Watch: youtube.com/watch?v=VggFao85vTs

Read: Understand what happened to the west post-WW2.

Cult of guilt and the tabooing of white nationalism were born in the 1960s; this was not even the case in Germany in the 50s.

Operation paperclip and communist infestation in colleges to promote the message. Boomers were the goodest of goys willing to sell not only their lives but, their childrens and country because it was cool.

Jews have controlled the media in the US since movie making began in the late 19th century, they then expanded into commercial radio and then commercial television broadcasting. Via their monopoly of the three commercial broadcasting networks in the US, they were able to shape public opinion via the liberal TV shows Jewish producers in Hollywood created, one of the biggest red-pills is that mainstream entertainment is nothing but a (((cultural marxist))) social conditioning tool.

>How did it happen?
Vietnam war. It was like:
Why are we even in Vietnam???
Because one of our guys therorized that communism is contagious and the countries around it will fall like dominoes.
But that's bullshit.
Shut up and do as I order.
I don't feel like doing that, so I'm going to start a revolution. And while we're at it, we'll also free ourselves sexually.

Degeneracy is what you get for starting another stupid, senseless war every other year.

This happened not only in the USA but also in Europe.

They seem to have created them. Those LSD experiments and much of the mind control was carried out by the CIA and the military, sometime without prior consent as with Operation Midnight Climax.


Attached: Charlie.jpg (540x405, 35K)

the-eye.eu/public/concen.org/Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon - Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream (2014) by David McGowan & Nick Bryant.pdf

Eurocucks just follow whatever America is doing since our mass media is so much more sophisticated than the trash you niggers are shitting out.

When I've walked through Haight Ashbury, it feels like a cold murderous shadow pervades everything, and only gets very slightly lifted in neighborhoods and towns in the whole area.

what arrogance

Freedom. People had the freedom to question tradition and they had the freedom to be degenerate. They also had the material prosperity to feel confident about their degeneracy.

People did this during the roaring 20s as well.

What could they have done? You need the law on your side. Perhaps they could have created morality laws but without religion (abandoned during the 1800s) or secular fascism (destroyed during the 40s) that would have been impossible.

It's interesting that the Soviet Union banned many types of degeneracy and now the East seems less far gone than the West.

Then look at Aleister Crowley’s Thelema and it’s influence on the Counterculture via Timothy Leary...


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Western Marxism is a form of Trotskyism. In the USSR, there was also the very same imposition at the time of Trotsky.

The Beatles

One view
Wypipo + drugs basically

Degeneracy is not caused by Marxism. It is caused by freedom and a lack of authority. Perhaps Marxism seeks to politicize degeneracy but you cannot say that it creates it.

This is kind of true.
Even today look at rap music, people stopped making their own music to copy american stuff.

The hippy ideal grew out of beatniks,which grew out of wandervogel.

So hippy was originally from Europe.

Feminism, LGBT and self-hatred are not natural things, they cannot exist unless they are artificially cultivated.

Kind of like they did with Christianity...

Yeah but most Churches teach you to love them.

Marcuse, Horkheimer, Habermas (although not as much). And on continental Europe Derrida and Foucault.

Those are really the names that laid the foundations.

At the same time the babyboomers, as the name suggests, were with many. So they could quickly take over the institutions from their parents, the war generation. On top of that, there was enormous economic prosperity which allowed a large amount of new people into the middle and upper middle classes. In my opinion, that also produced a sense of decadence and carelessness.

How much acid have you taken this month? KYS

The 60s was the ultimate undoing of the Western World and we are still experiencing the repercussions of it today.

The Civil Rights movement and Vietnam also poured gasoline all over it.

This is female freedom
This is sexual freedom
>and self-hatred
Liberals don't hate themselves. They hate their society. They are anti-social. They like to bully their fellow society members. The guilt is just a cover.

We have an entire political party in the United States that literally invents and pushes these things to influence society and hold on to power.

He should have been gassed.

As well as ultimate comfort and lack of purpose.

We live in societies where we are almost always taken care of no matter what and have too much free time on our hands.

We have no great purpose like colonizing a planet, defeating Communism, exploring the world, etc

We do have a great purpose: Too get rich quick.

We lack a collective purpose that authorities can use to impose traditional order.

I say that these ideas do not appear by themselves, they are so absurd that you need a huge propaganda company to promote them.


Is this true? After the USSR failed Western Marxists quickly switched to early forms of identity politics. In essence the fight of the proletariate was changed with the fight of all sorts of minority groups. The fight against capitalism was abandoned completely by most.

this is women wanting to act like men. it hates anything that sets women apart from men: motherhood, femininity, beauty, tenderness, gentleness, etc.

a mental illness

incapable of thought. they run on the instinct of "destroy"

>these ideas do not appear by themselves
They do in an individualistic society without authority. People do degenerate things because degeneracy feels good.

For most of history moral authority was externally applied. We have lost that and the only authority we now have is internal. That internal authority is slowly eroding and we are descending into animals.

Eastern Block had its own fair share of Marxist induced loonacy. We had female bricklayers, female construction workers, female miners, female carpenters who were all as useful as a square wheel.

Join the Catholic Church.

>After the USSR failed
They did it in the 60s. Western Marxists hated the USSR. Marcuse in 68 said that the marginal is now the main engine of the revolution

No, I believe if your society is decadent enough and you have no other worries, things like that become attractive. Especially to the upper middle class.

You saw similar things happen in other civilizations such as the Romans.

>Cult of guilt and the tabooing of white nationalism

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Only Traditionalist Catholicism, today the Pope hardly follows the commandments of Christ. The same can be said about the Orthodox.

>this is women wanting to act like men. it hates anything that sets women apart from men: motherhood, femininity, beauty, tenderness, gentleness, etc.
Women act like men because it feels good. Because they feel empowered.
>a mental illness
Perhaps but people indulge in bizarre thoughts and actions when they have the freedom to do so.
>incapable of thought. they run on the instinct of "destroy"
They destroy because it feels good. Because it makes them feel empowered. It's the same reason why we troll.

Yes I think you're correct, user. Marxists need a group they can tell "hey you're oppressed, fight got your (my) cause". And workers in the West had it too good already.

Needless to say, Marcuse's ideas are stronger than ever in the West. The marginal are ready and white men are openly accused of being the new bourgeois to be attacked. And the actual bourgeois is sitting back, laughing.

Marxists politicize degenerate groups but those degenerate groups are caused by a lack of traditional moral authority. Degeneracy existed in the 20s (and in pre-Christian societies) even before it was politicized by Marxists in the 50s/60s.