Who is responsible for the skyrocketing rates of autism in the west?

Who is responsible for the skyrocketing rates of autism in the west?
vid related

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They don't have autism.
Autism is based and only shills hate on it.

Autism actually means you're not an NPC.

Computers,Social media
Autism is bullshit people today are just screwed up.

It is over.

By making up the disease
Autists wouldve just been called weird before the 2000s

I was diagnosed with Aspergers in the 90s. I was black pilled early on my prospects and am thankful for that.

All hail Peanut Butter,
got BTFO last year

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Moar pleas!

>black pilled early on my prospects and am thankful
more details pls?

Americans really love peanut butter.

this video proves no one cares if youre autistic as long as youre attractive

The absolute state of Jow Forums

I knew I had no future as an Aspie with low social skills. It made me less disappointed in today as I would have been had I been told the you can do anything drivel my peers were told.

I know a girl with autism, its really strange compared to male autism. Basically they are very horny and straight forward, if they want sex they will go all out. Just be careful because having a woman brain + autism also has retardation, Not CWC level retardation but it gets there. They may seem normal at first glance but spend sometime with them and you'll pick up the autistic traits.

Attached: Autism.jpg (1280x1280, 797K)

literally one of us

Women having children at 40

This video is ancient from like 2011

Girl is 14 at the time BTW if anyone was wondering

It's the vargtards. His entire family is autistic so he convinced himself autism just means they're actually awake.

>I.. Am feeling really good now
I think this is the moment even the autism paused and questioned this idea, my sides are in fucking orbit.

As a 35 year old diagnosed in childhood I can tell you right now you are absolutely wrong. Autistic people are literally broken psychologically and are gravely harmful to the social fabric. If you experienced autism for yourself you would not consider it "based" but rather something that needs to be bred out of human civilization, worse than any nigger.
Autistic people as a whole lean much farther left than neurotypicals, Jow Forums is an extreme exception to this. Go to any actual autism forum or community and see for yourself.

I did this with chocolate frosting when i was 12 or 13.

Yep, need to seal that vag up after a certain point.

I don't really care about the social fabric.

>I don't really care about human civilization
Then what are you doing on Jow Forums?

>tfw no qt autismo girl's feet to sniff

why live



>No autistic peanut butter gf
everyday the pain grows deeper

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I don't think it's more rampant, just easier to detect now

You're confusing the people who fall under the neurological criteria called "Autistic spectrum disorders" with the identitarian movement of self-identified autists.

Identitarianism is snowflake-ism, so of course online identitarian communities are full of leftie retards.

I'm tired of SJWs and their forced moralism

>social fabric
Nigger the social fabric is people addicted to fucking goyflix and fucking their meat holes. Why in the world would you defend this?

This. I dont care what the fuck happens to the world at large I'm just tired as fuck of having tolerance strongly forced upon me by the system MY ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE. I am purposefully intolerant of everything just for the keks

>smooth peanut butter
Should have used the chunky. It exfoliates really well.

based quads

I wish my nephew had been diagnosed earlier. He didn't get his diagnosis until he was already out of high school, mostly because his mom and dad were pig headed about it and refused to believe he was an autist. They expected him to behave like a normal kid and were frequently severely disappointed. He's doing better now thanks to lowered expectations.

>they are very horny and straight forward
Sign me up senpai

Make sense and sounds pretty scary. I'm sure the OP's girl thinks this was sexual.

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>If you experienced autism for yourself you would not consider it "based"
I'm an aspie, and while I've never called myself based, I've been sick of peoples' over emotional response to every little problem long before I discovered Jow Forums. Also, unironically going full
>we live in a society
Fuck off, I'm my first priority, and aside from that, it goes from family, to friends, to local community, and pretty much ends there. The reason I'm active in federal politics at all, is in an attempt to keep faggots like you from fucking with my life even further.
>Autistic people as a whole lean much farther left than neurotypicals
Your first mistake was gathering political opinions from autists who don't have an interest in politics. There's two kinds of autists politically speaking, those who don't vote, and those who vote fiscally right, and socially moderate, and as for the latter, that's just the average leaning.

People having kids later in life. Increases the chances of autism by a great deal, especially if both parents are old by breeding standards.

GMOs OP. seriously strong correlation since their introduction (in b4 'correlation =! Causation etc)

It's just not medically possible that the rates have skyrocketed so much for natural reasons. The rates should be the same in developing nations, but natural food = healthier people.
Biomes in gut also likely have a huge effect. GMOs kill all the bacteria they should have, shorting the whole system.

The American industrial production model is killing all slowly or poisoning their minds. Get out of that circus and eat natural, thank yourself later.

Places like WrongPlanet predate the "identgitarianism" movement by years, if not decades. Go over there and come back to me regarding which side of the political spectrum they permeate. Even the self-proclaimed conservatives are usually the soft RINO type who hate taxes but like black people.
Autism makes people more vulnerable to social justice, not less. It's only their hypocrisy over not treating "incels" with the respect they give random LGBT people that has allowed a few such as myself to slip from their grip.
Wrong, the fabric is the natural bonds of races and tribes. Autism is the equivalent of introducing foreigners to a thriving civilization, only in this case it's not just incompatibility stemming from a difference in innate proclivities that naturally connect humans, but a defect depriving one of these completely. Autism is the effect Jewish cultural subterfuge has on a population in the form of an inborn mental illness.
>Your first mistake was gathering political opinions from autists who don't have an interest in politics. There's two kinds of autists politically speaking, those who don't vote, and those who vote fiscally right, and socially moderate, and as for the latter, that's just the average leaning.
Jow Forums is not the Internet, and certainly not the world. Your unconscious tunnel vision is one of the reasons why autism is rightly considered a sickness.

If you were seen as different in the 90s or early 00s you were pushed harder to be socially like an NT down to exact movements.

I hated it because it meant more social rules to follow and fewer things for me. I want everyone to have freedom but don't care who I offend. The hypocrisy is also what got me. I'm expected to tolerate everything but nobody's expected to tolerate me.

Is this girl still on the Internet?

Or they dumped you in Special Ed, like myself, and put on "job rehabilitation" programs that just meant "NEET with a carrot on a stick".

bump i need to know


Why do you assume she's autistic and not just an awkward Thot who's realized that smearing shitty food on herself will get her tens of thousands of views on JewTube and get her FREE MONEY

listen to her speak dude. she does the autistic exhale thing

Wait, why did the original get taken down?


>Jow Forums is not the Internet, and certainly not the world.
Tell that to the fact it's the biggest board on Jow Forums, makes most of the memes and now random normies have Jow Forums tier opinions.

>i taste so good
>I wonder who would want to do me?
my first thought was her dog and thatd be kinda hot

Would still bang...
>hope I'm not allergic to peanut butter (as she's rubbing it on)
oh shit nigga she ain't just autistic she's fucking retarded ABORT ABORT ABORT


>I feel like this is like, the equivalent of like Black face for Mexicans
>areba, areba, undele, undle!
keke this girl is alright even tho shes retarded

Clearly, people who need peanut girls in abundance.

True autism is no different than retardation, the high functioning ones are autism lite stop falling for this sites stupid definition of it.

Well autism lite is based as fuck then

found her
Morgan De La Muravez
info: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/47433240/

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Yeah being low intellect and jobless is based.

but her body is perfect. only wish mine was like that!



I have a high IQ but no social skills.


The biggest board on Jow Forums is STILL a microcosm compared to the outside world. You're an idiot, and a further dispelling of the "autism = smarth" myth.

I was pushed hard into being normal. Now I don't care about social skills unless I need something or want something from people and manipulate my way into it.

better than average IQ, no social skills and low motivation

Also if being a meme source determined one's status as representing the state of the masses then the national zeitgiest would have resembled Something Awful 15 years ago. Think hard about the fallacies you spew.
Is it "based as fuck" to have a significantly greater likelihood of
>being antisocial
>having poor familial relationships
>being trans
>being unemployed
>consuming children's entertainment in adulthood
>being a mass shooter
>screaming in public
>damaging property
>being degenerate and engaging in degenerate behavior
>race mixing (see: yellow fever, probably shit like ebony fetishes as well)
>being obese
>having bad hygene
>being "childfree"
>disrupting workers
I could go on and on but I hope you can figure it out.
Then you don't have a high IQ, since intelligence is multidimensional. Naming all of the Pokemon doesn't make you a genius.

IQ is not same as intellect, IQ testing would still also not give you a valid score since you would fail badly in the verbal component making the test invalid.

Whoever scores high on those and I meet them irl they turn out to be babbling retard, fail at mundane tasks, have almost no lexical knowledge, spastic with people. If anything it only measures how fast you can solve a rubik's cube. Pragmatic af when you can't even tie your own shoes.

For me it's the opposite. Verbal language is easy even I speaking. I had a college reading and writing level as a preteen according to my testing.

Acting like everyone else on a nonverbal level is hard. So one second I'd be talking about Stephen Hawking and his theories the next I'd have this explosive rage.

*Even when I'm speaking. I'm typing on a phone.

>mfw no autistic qt gf to peanut butter jelly with

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>Verbal language is easy even I speaking.
>I had a college reading and writing level as a preteen according to my testing.
>easy even I speaking
>even I speaking
>I speaking
Si Pablo, si.

I corrected my own post moron. I'm typing on an Android phone.

What in the fuck have you done?


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Social skills are only seen as the most important thing because society decided so. I understand them not wanting anger issues but they should be more logical than to fire people for being awkward.

They arbitrarily decided to make people homeless and in poverty just because they're strange.

its a combination of mental break downs and demonic possession .not like the ghey christian stuff more of a fusion

LEL go to 10:49 of the video, she goes partial 1488

I have Asperger's. I have low cognitive empathy and low affective empathy at the same time. I don't care about the trans stuff or SJW stuff unless it directly affects me. People compare my personality to Adam Lanza or Elliot Rodger IRL.


Fuck. This is me to a T, it was my exact experience growing up at that time, which just makes me glad to be living now where the tables have been flipped and society has to come up with new answers. Personally, I find all these rapid changes exciting as I want to see a new rule book implemented.

>attractive girl covered in the most delicious substance know to man
I would lick her clean, goddamn

its just west/thotism

there are no jobs that pay
except porn due to white knights
no married with a child
the female goes mad
and can see no way out

except to thot and hopefully get some money

>tfw vaccines are the Anti-NPC serum

Come to think of it, autism is kind of the opposite of being an NPC.
NPCs live mostly in the external world with not much going on internally, but it's the other way around for autists. They live mostly inside their own heads.

under communism she would not waste the whole jar!

is not waste if someone licks it up

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It's drug use by women, mostly young women in their teen years, specifically young women taking E to go to raves, techno concerts etc.

People don't bother learning about their own bodies. Females have all 450 or so egg cells in their ovaries by the time they're a foetus that's 8 weeks old. So that's it, that's all the eggs they'll ever have. Not like males who are an infinite fountain of billions of freshly manufactured spermazoa every day. (I liked to think of myself as a Krakatoa of spermazoa)

So any drugs women use gets washed over their eggs in their ovaries. E will cause subtle damage to the encrypted sequences that produce the delicate structures of our sophisticated intelligence.

A few years of this kind of partying with E and even an intelligent girl from an upper middle class family will be producing children that never will be able to learn how to read.

It's very sad and the assholes who smuggle these drugs into our country should be taken out and shot.

Never thought about that. Got some sauce laying around?



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She reminds me of Simone Giertz the spastic robot making girl on YouTube who gives me boners

Simone is

That's the biggest bullshit i read today. i know dozens of autists and im sure non of there moms have ever used xtc or any other form of drugs.
