Anyone heard of this platform before? It's like Gab and Twitter, but unlike them it's decentralized, peer-to-peer. Any codefags know how well this would work? Personally, I wouldn't use this because the name and entire aesthetic leave a lot to be desired, but beggars can't be choosers.
Now the Gab is down. What does everyone use?
Other urls found in this thread:
good idea cia nigga
It's open source. You can fork and make your own entire platform. And since it's decentralized, it can't be brought down.
Minds until they shut that down too, hopefully timed with Gab coming back up.
>ISP blocks the protocol
OK, now what you fucking fascist?
CB Radio?
>encrypted comms are or will be made illegal
it doesn't even matter if it's decentralized. people delete comments, censor, and ingroup anyways.
it's better people see things are controlled than to never see and further tribalize.
Use twitter, don't sperg out and you won't get banned. Every top comment on most interaction heavy tweets is some leftist screaming a longform version of orange man bad. Rattle the cages by making your presence known. Gab and other things are going to silence you to those that matter. Gain a presence and you'll start making them make mistakes. Their rage and hatred make them insane and it shows clearly. Simply calmingly and articulately give your opinions on things. No NIGGERS DIE NIGGERS DIE XD or any other trash. Confront and conquer or hide away in a hugbox. Can you handle not sperging out and getting banned? Get smart and weave around the rules. Rally behind the most articulate and well researched anons and push their message above all others. The like system used by the left can be a great tool against them. Show them that you exist, show them that you are not crazy while effortlessly exposing them as insane by your very presence.
>it's better people see things are controlled than to never see and further tribalize.
Do you actually believe this or do you think you can actually stop it? You're either a troll or a woman.
What about guys like Gavin McInnes and other right wing celebrities? What are they suppose to do?