Can't start a party, can't join a party, can't protest. What is it that they want us to do exactly?
Neo-Nazis try to join mainstream party, get 'purged'
they want you to hide your face behind a mask and the only activism they want you to do is public pranks and vandalism antifa style in the (((antipodean resistance)))
no spastic cunts allowed
They want you to go away obviously.
>What is it that they want us to do exactly?
Kill yourselves. Nazis are the worst of all the boot lickers. Serious just kys
They want you to die
no seriously
they want you to disappear of the face of the planet
their delusions can't handle your reality
they want you to bend over, take it raw and ask for more
>What is it that they want us to do exactly?
Obviously die (only if you're white of course). Fuck this gay ass country and the gay ass nanny state government.
>Can't start a party, can't join a party, can't protest.
They probably want you to unironically die.
Isn't it funny how the champions of the "oppressed" love nothing more than to oppress their enemies?