>Austria won’t sign the UN resettlement agreement

You fucking nazis, this will have consequences. Instead of helping those poor, poor people and open your homes and vaginas for them you decided to go full Reich again - bad!

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the USA, Australia, Hungary and now Austria are the only sane nations left, how can anyone read parts of that retard paper and then want to sign it. That shit reads like a naive 16-year old hippy girl wrote it. Thank good the right wing is in charge here.

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Fake news

Any chance Italy does it too?

I honestly expected Italy to get out and Austria to get out much later or not at all, I can't imagine Salvini plans to sign that toilet paper, the dude is on full confrontation course with the EU and obviously these cucks love this migration pact.

>migration is a human right
>doesn't distinguish illegal and legal.


It has been ratified in June by all 193 members. Btw, schengen makes it irrelevant anyway, if Germany enforces it, whole europe is fucked

What are you gonna do Germany? Annex them?

Cheeky cunts already have their hands full with the abos.

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Leaving one's country is a human right. Taking whoever comes over border is not. It's has twisted meaning now. UN member states also disregard human rights agreement part that says every nation (as in ethnic entity) has right for self-determination by denying it for ethnic Europeans.