The USA is entering a new era of Identity Politics. What has changed since the Federal Reserve was established in 1913 is racial demographics. To put it simply, whites are losing their feelings of invulnerability around non whites. As whites get older and have fewer children, they are witnessing a growing and younger non white population all around them. Unlike the White Self Hater Utopia, whites get more dangerous when they feel vulnerable, not less dangerous. Watching the Jew Media react to Bowers the last several days has been like watching a retard try to connect a female socket to a wall socket and when it doesn't fit, he keeps banging it against the wall socket in a quaking fit of anger. It ends with him sobbing, exhausted and curled up in a ball in front of the wall socket screaming "It doesn't make any sense!"
It makes a lot of sense once you realize that whites are perceiving a need to defend themselves from non white displacement. But the Jews can't bare to admit that.