It's so pathetic that Australia lacks any cultural identity to the point that we readily lap up stupid American shit...

It's so pathetic that Australia lacks any cultural identity to the point that we readily lap up stupid American shit like Halloween

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Halloween is for white people not emu fucking abos.

We used to have an identity.

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Halloween is amazing, I always wanted to fuck a witch.

Hate Halloween because it's a "holiday" for the sole purpose of selling shit.

Halloween comes from Scotland and Ireland

Immigrants brought it to America

Yes a lot of you used to be Scottish. Samhain and guising are Scottish and old Celtic traditions.
>make lanterns out of turnips and apples because we are poorfag potato niggers
>guising is going round the houses reciting songs or poetry in exchange for sweeties and even money to satiate the "evil spirit" at your door.
>no trick or treating because threatening people for sweets is liable to get you battered to fuck

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How the fuck did Halloween not get brought to Australia straight from Britain back in the 19th century? I guess technically Aussies are actually just regaining one of their ancient ancestral traditions albeit in a really trashy, Americanised form.

No it didn’t stop watching the history channel

>A continent where starts civilisation since 1788.
>cultural identity
Culture is a long term thing, needs at least 1,000+ years to develop and mature. America has no culture either.

Can't you ask the aborigineeee for some culture?

welcome to the club

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>get off my lawn

Kys boomer scum


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You bring me back to yesteryear user

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America has does, or at least had something of a culture. Old Americana has a sense of authenticity to it like you get from Old World cultures but is still distinctly a unique American thing, but commercialization and Hollywood culture have largely killed it.

I don't know what Australia really has though. Like what does Australian folk music even sound like? Is that even a thing?


The majority of people dressing up arent 'slutty' thisnthat you pearl clutching reatard

Wrong. It's a holiday to pop some pills and go vandalize shit anonymously

>1000 years

We dont even speak the same languages as 1000 years ago, what a fag

Lay off the petrol mate

Halloween is a Celtic harvest festival
now trick or treating is an american thing
i swear i have to explain this at least 10 times every year to idiots

At least no cunts came to my house this year. If I buy lollies and chocolate they are for me and no one else.

Australian folk music are basicly just those songs from Slim Dusty. It's not a thing.

halloween is big in a lot of countries. like japan

Halloween is becoming less popular in my area, we get less kids trick or treating every year. Last year was maybe 15 tops. Its strange

I didn't mean trashy in the sense of lewd you fucking tit

It’s only relevant in Japan because it’s a big American holiday

We're all Americanized in some way.

That's why you don't have a stable, mature culture. Frogs, Romans and Greeks have, and Jews of course. In Asia it's Chinks and Japs (Korea doesn't count, it's a chink copycat).
Germanic and its Anglo and Scandinavia branches are barbarians all the way until 16th century. You have a long way to go.

Holloween would not be as huge as it is without horror movies.

No fun allowed in prison user

Well then get out there are create some culture, ya cunt! Perhaps make a custom where people see who can withstand the most boxer jelly bites, a competition to see who can build the biggest knife, or maybe setup some underground crock vs roo fights.

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You do have an identity. Your British. The Empire should never have been disbanded. We should be reunited together as a people.

What are you watching this season Jow Forums?

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i wish

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Does it help if I apologize about it? Sorry our weird corporate culture spreads like an STD


This international consumerism culture is not American far from it. American is just another victim of globalism.

>meat pies
>more beer
our culture is just mindlessly consuming a select few well marketed items, while we pretend 80% of everything else isn't American and British

same in uk, it's a retarded holiday.


Halloween requires knocking on doors, abos have none

>Halloween comes from ancient aliens

Who would stay with cucked Anglos?
Stupid descendants from convicts and sheep rapists fought for Britain in WW1 to exchange defence guarantee in pacific region, only to see Anglos surrendered to Japs in Singapore. Not a single European country would do this.
The coward Anglos have a long tradition to abandoned its people when they started expansion across the ocean, probably started from 1587 in Roanoke.

Hard to remain British when your thousands of miles away and isolated in your own continent

Mine too. It has to be all the immigrants and the social distrust they bring.

It doesn't matter where it actually originated from, the topic of discussion is the mindless adoption of things "seen on the telly"
>Meme flag contribution is trash as always

Think of the children

Just let the normies have their night of fun. Jesus. I haven’t done Halloween since I was 13 (now 30), and even I think you’re a whiny bitch.

Also annexation when? I don’t want Leafland. You guys are better positioned geographically and better in every way. Can we divide up your states though? They look boring.

I think the Halloween trend here could be reversed, simply because there's so many arguments against it. Parents are the ones enabling it. Show them that supporting Halloween is bad parenting because
1. It's un-Australian. It's not an authentic holiday here. It was introduced here for the most shallow reason: profit.
2. It's roots are satanic. Satanists and Luciferians do child sacrifice ceremonies on Samhain.
3. It's terrible for the environment. All that disposable junk from China ends up in landfill or waterways.
4. It's terrible for the kids' teeth.
5. Dressing up like a corpse/skeleton is disrespectful to the dead and in bad taste.
Parents who oppose Halloween should be venerated as good parents in the media (not condemned as "sourpusses").

So you have fun and Candy


It’s not dead. It just went underground.

Halloween is a Christian holiday, and all the pumpkin, trick and treat stuff is from Ireland.

Almost all "American" inventions and traditions are from Europe.

It legitimately is.

I didn't have a single kid come to my house today. What exactly is this garbage about Halloween being popular? I've lived in a bunch of different suburbs and every year, little to no kids bother with Halloween. Everyone is too afraid of niggers to leave the house at night.

Halloween got taken over by sluts in 2009. I only see a handful of kids out with their parents then it’s a drunk fest after 10.

Are there any good culture customs you can let us pretend we started?

That be the case but you cant changed your blood. You cant blame the anglos as if your not one. The empire was deliberately torn apart those that didnt want us to be united. We cant change the past but we can change the future. This isnt about nationism its about blood. You too are one of us. You can change your nation but you cant change you blood.

>Le fun, bacon, le candy
You sound like you're a mindless prole from Reddit incapable of discussion

>from ireland

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You lost your identity of tough outdoorsy survivalists when you did gun control. Now you serve no purpose.

South Korea made their own language while Japan copied their's from the Chinese

>Halloween is a Christain holiday

"Blood" actually means culture. When you see another Anglo on the street, you assume he would act and behave same like you.
But this has changed, or at least the change is in progress, which could reach to a point where although two persons look alike but believe in quite different principles. In this situation, "Blood" would be merely a biological feature.
What Britain did in the past, (((them))), modern nation state and national interest are some of forces drive this change behind the scene.

You sound like an autist
And American and Australian cultures are Anglo descendant. But it's hard to stay the original culture when the colony is ignored

You are absolutely right. The frontier was peak American culture, second place would be the 50s. But both of them rely heavily on rugged individualism which liberals have been chipping away at since the 60s.

I shit you not these cunts are fucking savage. I have to wear a baseball cap because one of these fucking shits hates me. It literally dive bombs me beak first and bounces off my fucking head every fucking day. I have swatted it once but I felt like a cunt so I just wear a fucking hat when I go near his tree and let the prick go me.

Yeah but we have no special Halloween traditions that separate it from an American holiday. Bonfires, fireworks, dressing up, Jack-o-Lanterns, gaudy decorations, sugary treats, trick or treating, adult parties, watching a scary film. That's it.

Based on my observations, Australians look for any excuse they can to wear costumes and get drunk anyways.
Halloween is a perfect holiday for you faggots.

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Halloween is so closely associated for me with the falling leaves in trees, an early nighttime, colder weather. It's still hard to grasp that Australian's concept of Halloween and other seasonal holidays are inversed. A blazing hot Christmas? Get the fuck out of here with that.

>Australians look for any excuse they can to wear costumes and get drunk anyways.
Spot on.
Almost all tech companies here have happy Fridays where company provides drinks at Friday afternoon.
Apart from that employees get some beer with lunch everyday is not a thing.

Are we really so different? I come to pol and talk to you and find we do still have so much in common. I grew watching American and Australian television programs without even realizing you were "foreign" nations. Even now as we all celebrate Halloween an nobody is really sure whos "culture" it is because we share so much.
Our government has never been perfect it unfortunately the way america was treated and should be a great lesson to us of how we should have treated our colonies better. And no can blame america for wanting fair representation it is a fundamental right of an english man. Your forefathers were quintessential english and did the right thing in the face of oppression.

I want to fuck a girl cosplaying as Rem

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It's fun

All the white kids in my AO do pussified trunk or treat shit in church parking lots and what have you, the only people that still trick or treat door to door here are the mexicans. Gibs is gibs, vato.

If you ever did it as a kid and got a bag full of lollies you wouldn't complain about it

give them vegemite instead of candy

That's because of lack of community and the massive scare campaign that happened in the late 90's early 2000's which still pops up every year about needles and poison being in candy. It doesn't help that kids are glued to TV/Computers/Games now. Back when I was growing up all the kids played in the streets or in someone's backyard and would go door-to-door within the neighborhood then branch out. That shit just doesn't happen anymore. Now people will go to designated areas to get candy then that's it.

This. Trick or treating is dead.

The neighborhood kids stay in rotating safe zones each year which means the only people coming to my door are niggers and spics that drive to the nice parts.

I don't even put up decorations because I don't want them coming to my door.

>foreign faggots who believe sensationalist news media outlets who blow everything out of proportion to get views and use that as a basis for hating America even though they've never been here and would get made fun of for their gay accents here lol

like feeding the second born to the first born and raping children?
slitting you dick in half then having someone fuck that.
melbornities would be right behind that shit.

>neighbours sent a letter presumably around to everyone in the area
>say they're taking their chidlren around the neighbourhood at a certain time and if you can't/don't want to participate, leave a note in their mailbox
>thought i'd participate so i go out and buy a bunch of candy
>they walk right past my house

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