GERMANY YES two weeks after the rape of an 18 years old student in Freiburg commited by 8-15 syrian asylum seekers the second GANG RAPE happened 6 afghan refugees tortured and raped a 15 years old girl for various days in the centre of Munich all of them are between 20 and 25 years old and accepted refugees
That's your own fault. Do something about it or stop whining.
Ryan Cox
No, these brainwashed NPC's will only make excuses for the poor innocent misguided rapists.
Landon Turner
Quit pretending this was some innocent, kawaii, pure, white, waifu.
She was some degenerate, who thought it'd be an easy score of good goy points to fuck a brown person or two, but when all their friends showed up, then it was a heinous rape.
==She deserved it==
Landon Bennett
>Voted Green and got Green correct
Chase Ward
Isn't it lucky in a way they always do it in gangs? It makes it easier to deport several of them at once.
Alexander Watson
Only one a week? Is the cold weather slowing them down?
David Flores
except you don't you send them to sweeden
Aaron Adams
>your women are literal being raped by brown hordes >lol why Are you mad?
Gabriel Wood
leaflette detected
Robert Hughes
lmao I’m Mexican you paki
Asher Thompson
>he thinks anyone will be deported HAHAHAHA
Hunter Parker
Boring day at school shitskins?
Gavin Gutierrez
We're also fucked
Henry Jenkins
First off they are not our women, they make it clear every time and second of all they want them and this situation.
Given it's Germany - they're not going to prison for that shit lol
Henry Gonzalez
Schlomo proxy 101
Nathaniel Powell
You’re gonna run out of women then hans! The rapes will only increase, you cuckold fsggots wont do shit.
Andrew Ross
more or less 100% of them are degenerates anyways, thats true. nobody is crying for them. but we have to use these incident for our political aims
Thomas Foster
>two weeks after the rape of an 18 years old student in Freiburg commited by 8-15 syrian asylum seekers the second GANG RAPE happened >6 afghan refugees tortured and raped a 15 years old girl for various days in the centre of Munich >all of them are between 20 and 25 years old and accepted refugees
Its what women want...
What part do you not understand?
women protested in the streets in their 10s of 1000's to let these people into their country...!
The funniest thing is German women still fuck and date these rapefugees meanwhile German men don’t do shit besides cry on Jow Forums about it
Jason Brooks
What do you mean save? Only white men can be saved and even then vast numbers of them will need to be sacrificed.
Evan Morales
There is something fishy here. I hear very often about rape cases in Sweden or Germany but i only heard of one case in France. We have a lot of migrants, I'm pretty sure the gov silence the truth as they did for the New Year Eve mass rapes in Germany.
Colton Moore
>6 afghan refugees tortured and raped a 15 years old girl for various days fuck this is my ultimate sexual fantasy... that lucky bitch... am so jelly right now
Kevin Lewis
17 yo Afghan boy was just deported for raping a 14 yo Danish girl in a shopping mall.
The idiot wants to walk free as he claims Satan made him do it.
I just read that the rape in munich already happened in the end of september, just two weeks before the bavarian election the police kept it secret until now makes you think
Dominic Perez
>ignoring Bulgaria with their double digits.
Will Romania step up & drive off the Muslim hordes again?
Liam Morris
>Bei einem der Männer handelt es sich nach Informationen des BR-Polizeiexperten Oliver Bendixen um den Ex-Freund des Mädchens.
My german isn't that good, but it says one of them is her ex boyfriend, right?
Arabs must talk to each other about going to Germany to rape some babes like a bunch of civilized lads talk about going to Amsterdam to try legal weed.
Sebastian Long
>One of the suspects is the ex-boyfriend of the girl
Stories like these are absolutely tragic and every sandnigger deserves the rope. However, let's not act like our women are not getting what they deserve. It's sad that they don't have any sense of loyalty on an instinctual level and let themselves be l into these relationships.
The toll must be payed.
Grayson Nguyen
>Will Romania step up & drive off the Muslim hordes again? Nope we on multiculti train now.
Brody Nelson
exactly, he invited her to his place together with his friends
Samuel Gomez
> Ihr Ex-Freund soll ihr massiv verbal gedroht und sie dadurch zum Geschlechtsverkehr gezwungen haben.
She was raped by the ex-boyfriend and his friends.
Christopher Robinson
Alrighty then, good riddance to bad rubbish.
Jaxson Myers
>8-15 syrian asylum seekers you should start gasing refugees hanz
>Her ex-boyfriend is said to have verbally threatened her verbally and forced her to intercourse. nothing of value was lost
Mason Martinez
So how will they be punished in your sand kingdom?
Christopher Parker
and that's a good thing
Josiah Gutierrez
>Two gang rapes in a week. >Still vote for far-left parties that support bringing more and more rapefugees to Germany. I'm starting to think you deserve this fate, Hans.
Alexander King
Why did a feminized eu nation decide it was a good idea to bring in towelhead sexual pedo predators? >to act out their fantasy gang raping Police weren't sure - was she larping or not.
Jonathan Martinez
Jonathan White
No one could predict this would happen, it worked so well for Sweden... letting all those young horny sand men.
how dare you, it's their culture you fucking racist, shame on you questioning things now back to work and pay half your salary for the poor wohlstandsbegehrende, ehh I mean flüchtling
Gavin Mitchell
Kayden Parker
I'm heading to Germany to do this again. It's great fun with friends. You cuck krauts do nothing to protect your women from a mutt like me.
And you know what the funny part is? Your white women love it!
Why do you fucks even care? Her parents most likely voted rapefugees welcome and she was brainwashed to believe the same by her parents and the state. That's why you white boys are doing your artificial womb and embryo research to replace those traitorous whores. Again, why do you care about someone that has a 97% chance of hating you?
Nicholas James
"Laut BR soll es sich bei einem der Verdächtigen um den Ex-Freund der Münchnerin handeln."
Toll paid.
"Majd H. soll der 18-Jährigen eine Ecstasy-Tablette verkauft haben. Nachdem sie die Pille genommen hatte, gab Majd H. ihr ein Getränk aus. Ob sich darin K.o.-Tropfen befanden, sollen jetzt die Ermittlungen der Polizei klären."
Toll also paid.
Kevin Allen
sad and toaddicked
Nathaniel Sullivan
Lol Future of whitoids
Joseph Cook
>Grüne Jugend sagt.
I fucking hate these people and they are making better progress than the AFD currently.
Oliver Flores
So edgy so brave..give this shitlord replys
Nicholas Harris
>Why do you fucks even care?
Once they have raped a green they go home and everything is okay again.
The german government does not give a flying fuck about white germans so why should the people even be upset? The people voted for this and allowed it to happen while disregarding all the warnings from the rest of the world. The people won't fight the state and rapefugees and if a small group does they get no support from the rest of the population, eventually fail and bet jailed for life while the rest of you fucks drag along with your heads lowered. People have no right getting upset over these gangrapes by rapefugees. They literally asked for this.
Carter Jackson
You Kikes and your fantasies.
Sebastian Russell
Gang Eingang?
Ryder Cruz
The nog can't even speak German. I'll have eine umvolkung to go please with extra rape.
Ryan Jackson
Jack Williams
nice job germ sluts. too bad rapefugees don't speak english or german