You know that guy who goes around calling everyone a shill or a kike who points out Trump's Jewish connections? You know that guy who posts the video of Trump walking away from the Netanyahu handshake? Or the pics of random quotes of Jews saying they don't like Trump? That was me. I actually had faith that deep down Trump was actually /ourguy/, but the evidence of him being a literal neocon zionist has grown to the point of being overhwelming... I have deleted my pro-trump folder and will go back to be jaded about politics.
this >no wall >does not stop illegal immigration >tax breaks to Wall street >more wars >USA is losing in Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan >still finances terrorists >drug epidemic still increases >gives Israel 33 billions >new NAFTA deal is like the old one >loses a trade war against China >more debt >no money for the infrastructure >health care is still horrible >start new Cold War to enrich MIC >60 million Americans have no drinking water >forbids Bump Stocks >ignores your lost of 1A in the Internet >just throws rhetoric bones to his supporters America, are you tired of winning?
Noah Martin
you are not on ledonald >we are not a fun club Our Ideals >>> Cult of personality
Hudson Sanders
I mean fan club
Levi Nelson
you're free to shitpost on Jow Forums like we are free to call you a retard. this wouldn't be happening on any other social media platform.
that's the difference.
Isaiah Phillips
Jesus fuck dude, your post is like verbal s o y. Just fucking kill yourself.
Jackson Johnson
>would've rather had Hillary >will vote for kamala harris in 2020
the programming works, sadly
Alexander Brown
>>no wall On its way >>does not stop illegal immigration Do you watch the news you faggot hes sending the military to the border >>tax breaks to Wall street Fake news >>more wars Fake news >>USA is losing in Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan Fake news also not taking part of wars that have nothing to do with you is not losing, you loser >>still finances terrorists Fake news, source? >>drug epidemic still increases Maybe but i dont give a fuck >>gives Israel 33 billions Very fake news >>new NAFTA deal is like the old one Also very fake news farmers from the states can now sell their product in canada >>loses a trade war against China Fake news >>more debt Trump is dismantling the federal reserve anyway >>no money for the infrastructure Fake news >>health care is still horrible Nobody care you stupid commie >>start new Cold War to enrich MIC F A K E N E W S million Americans have no drinking water What the fuck are you even saying >>forbids Bump Stocks You cant ban plastic and he knows >>ignores your lost of 1A in the Internet Watch him and learn >>just throws rhetoric bones to his supporters Its called common sense
Also sage this dumb thread
Landon Campbell
you're talking about Kushner Shill. i hate that motherfucker/motherfuckers
Thanks leaf, but no, he is a tool for Israel for the most part, and Civil War 2 is coming. He purposely is inflaming the fuck out of the libs, he actually does things to directly just piss them off at this point.
Why the hell do mutts care about Jews so much? Are the descendants of untermenschen groups like krauts slavs and the plethora of darker forebears of every “white” American really so jelly of their business acumen?
Jacob Rodriguez
Ron Paul forgives but he never forgets
Benjamin Cox
add "hilldawg still roams free" and "hasn't done shit about obama's birth certificate"
Nathaniel Jones
and he never did tell us "who really did 9/11"
pro tip: him and bibi planned it. not even kidding.