Robert Mueller Credibly Accused of Rape

Robert Mueller was credibly accused by a brave woman who came forward about her story of horrific rape by the white Republican lawyer Robert Mueller.

Now my own party, the Democrats, are making up lies to cover for Mueller's rape.

I can't believe this is happening. Kavanaugh got away with it and now the Democrats are actually covering for another white male Republican?

I'm absolutely disgusted by my party at this point. I'm a woman who considered herself a Democrat, but after seeing this travesty of how they are handling a credible rape accusation, I'm considering not voting at all or even voting for some select Republicans that I feel represent my values.

If this is how Democrats are going to handle rape just for political gain, then I can no longer consider myself a Democrat.

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Her story is frightening and I can't believe the Democrats are trying to cover this up.

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But where's the evidence?

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See and On Thursday this brave woman will come forward and we'll hear her whole story. Absolutely disgusting how my own party is trying to cover up another old white man raping women.

Some republican nigger paid a whore to make this shit up.. it’s all over Twitter quit larping

Wow you must hate all women your mother must be ashamed

>weather forecast

Should've been the gorilla channel

Did you even read her story? Look above in this thread.

The paid stuff is all lies, it's disgusting they are trying to coverup a rape.

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