Depression in the west

Why are so many people here depressed and more importantly what can we do to help the situation on an individual and societal level?

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lithium in the water supply

- weak social relationships; low trust
- dislocation
- inequality
- declining religiosity

The previous generations selfish vampirism of their own children

Its fucking depressing

Technology based jobs and social interaction is done mostly online. Disassociation with nature, processed foods, tainted water, higher estrogen levels, reduced sperm count, nuclear proliferation, feminism, destruction of the traditional family, multiculturalism etc

Cog dis.
Cults experience the same. Shollow superficial relationships because the cult is inauthentic.
The humans in the cult never form true relationships

this is an anonymous board you fucking simp, and /pol nonetheless. are you this stupid

>Technology based jobs and social interaction is done mostly online

As somebody who worked an isolating job for nearly a year, I can tell you right now that online is no substitute for real interaction. I was using here and elsewhere as a sort of temporary relief of the isolation I was feeling.

I didn't even realize how bad it was until I got out and had a real conversation with somebody, I felt like I was being recharged by the second.

"Depression" is vastly over-diagnosed. There's legit, clinical depression which means that the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain are fucked and you can't be happy no matter what. You (probably) need to use drugs to treat this.

Then there's "depression" which everyone and their mom says they have now. They usually say that they have anxiety along with it. What they really mean is that their lives suck and they're not doing anything to improve themselves. Obviously if you have no job, no money, no friends, and no wife you're going to feel bad.

For a number of reasons, once a society gets too comfy with a high living standard, they just stop reproducing and get depressed and suicidal, you can see it in the West and Eastern Asia. Meanwhile dirt poor Africans or Latin Americans are happier and breed like rats.

Only one reason is that internet makes everyone isolated from society and then you don't know how to interact with people, even more you just lost a need in it. After all, who the fuck want a real world when you have a whole internet that entertains you?

money and materialism

Gut bacteria. Look it up, it is primary for mental health. Alcohol, sugars etc, ruin gut bacteria, and thus the digestion/ absorption of key nutrients.

television programming and endless empty electronic stimulation via social media

>everyone hates on whites
>everything is white's fault
>everything is men's fault


Humans need religion and unity. We don't thrive without them.

if you want my honest opinion it has to do with a lot of things
-loss of masculinity
-not enough sex
-not enough to accomplish
You name it lad these peeps are depressed about it I just learned that any goal i accomplish is good. I'm slowly taking drugs out my life, still need to work out, my gf isnt that cute rn but who cares she makes me laugh.

40 year old leaf bere

I had so much fun in my 20s and 30s but I was never content or particularly satisfied with life.

After I had a daughter, who is now 2, has brought so much happiness and joy to my life. We have so much fun and being a parent has been more enjoyable than partying or trying to pick up new women. Parenthood can be great!

wage slavery to Jewish masters

>Why are so many people here (the west) depressed
-Peak society was reached and we'r in the downfall following that
-The modern job market has made finding meaning almost unreacheable
-Feminism and the system we made around it has ruined the prospect of a safe couple relationship and the core appreciation of masculinity
-Politicaly invested citisens have to debate non-issue while the nation is ruined by unelect organisations and their planned migrant invasion.
-low hope for the future

+ minor things that add up like
-long commute for the working class
-speaking about and treating your mental illness leave a trail that'll hurt you in many carrer prospect.

>What can we do to help the situation on an individual and societal level?
>Individually :
Embracing responsability and always move froward, its not weird Peterson has succes, Knowledge is more accesible than ever, learn skill you need ,
plan to move forward in life, economicly as a person , always, help when you can and build healthy relationship.

Other generation had their own hardship our own is the society induced severe depression, too bad nobody is willing to recognise it

>As a society
to get out of this, we must free ourselves and fight group indentity from Left or Right and reclaim the rational mindset that founded the west.

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like ur mom is a slave to my mammoth wang

Give people a damn purpose and emotional support.

it could save a gorillion lifes goym

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So what are the downsides of this?
I'm guessing it causes some long term shit fucking up.

Reprogram the amygdala hippocampus threat processing using psychedelic mushrooms. YOU must Break the Pattern.

Are you a nigger?

1) death of god/lack of traditional values
2) too many fucking people leaving too many without a proper sense of purpose

What can be done? I don’t give a fuck, I got mine. Let them die.

we could be nicer to one another for one

The economy is shit and globalism and tech has ruined culture and social interactions.

Done. That's it. Don't let people like JP make it complicated so he can seep off your money - social interactions are shit and so are life prospects, that's all there is to it.

Tech is trying to destroy something that is literally embedded within our brains and DNA - social interaction. Even the most introverted person needs it otherwise you go mad if you don't get any.

The economy is shit thanks to globalism, corporations becoming too big to fail, and wages stagnating while inflation increases thanks to a combination of immigrants and fiat.


>this is an anonymous board you fucking simp, and /pol nonetheless. are you this stupid
What you wrote didn't contradict what he wrote. In fact, it validates it. The anonymity has its benefits, but when it comes to genuine bonding, it's is woefully lacking. You're surrounded by people, potential best friends and yet, you are all alone.

Another black pill is that once this epochs problem is solved, people will naturally shift into aggressive hierarchical jockeying. People won't just compete as expected for mates but some personalities will want to take the lions share of the glory for winning the culture war. The youtube e-celebs for example, most of whom are johnny come latelys to the battle, will naturally want to pen some autobiographical account of the "culture war" and how they won it.

Everybody has a poisoned heart.

everything is made to keep you partially broken so you eat and buy stuff to make you feel better.

Google codependency

"A mind without purpose will wander in dark places"

People lack a sense of purpose and identity. They live in a society that tells them their purpose and identity should be to conform to the behavior of society at large, no matter what that is. They ultimately see that behavior as a negative and choose not participate which socially outcasts them. Absent serendipity, they will wander aimlessly with little to hold to their heart and take the path of apathy which leads leads to depression, anger, and hatred.

What can be done? Many things can be done but such things won't be done on a societal level. It'll have to first take place on the individual level until exponential spread has won the day. People need a return to tradition and regular goals that can be achieved. They also need to be rewarded for their hard work and effort in some meaningful way. This is why many /SIG/ people recommend weight lifting. It's a static number set that you can follow your progress with. Same with any exercise but the more fluid it gets (Power Yoga) the harder it is to really track progress, but progress can still be tracked.

Agreed with the points but that's a very unhealthy mentality. It is up to the strong to help uplift the weak and injured into becoming strong themselves.

Maybe this too

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Personally I think it’s because the world has become so connected that it’s hard to find and maintain friendships that are anything more than acquaintances. Humans are a tribal animal and we benefit most from living in small, tight knit communities- it gives us a better sense of purpose and reinforces relationships and friendships. For example, guys in the military (typically combat veterans) typically say that they miss Afghanistan or Iraq like hell and wish they could be back there, despite experiencing the horror of combat. That’s because they don’t miss war itself, they miss living and eating with a small group of very close friends who would kill and die for one another- it’s just not a feeling you can really replicate living in a modern globalist society. A lot of people nowadays say that they feel lonely, and it’s because most of our interactions with other people is fleeting at best, save for a couple individuals.

Honestly I think if we somehow hit a hard reset and went back to living in small rural communities of 150-200 people at most, depression and anxiety and loneliness would disappear almost completely within a few weeks. I remember the happiest I ever feel on a consistent basis is when I’m on a long backpacking trip with friends, or when I was in the military and out in the field or deployed. I had a sense of purpose and a small group of people who had my back and I had theirs. Really did wonders for me.