This is why the media and libs have been in extreme metldown mode as of late. Losing the black vote will GURANTEE a clean sweep and the 3 branches becoming one. 6 MORE DAYS COUNTDOWN IS ON!




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Bumping for op linking ***AND*** archiving.


Nice get adis monkey. Now only if you could get some food.

It's gonna change now that Kanye turned

This is why the democrats are importing their votes via illegal immigration, everybody is waking up.

Is it actually 40% this time or are you doing that reddit faggot thing where you're assuming all the "undecided" voters actually mean "sheeit I fukkin love me sum donald trump but nah way I say dat shit in my hood"

>inb4 we don't need the niggers
>inb4 they'll always vote for gibs
>inb4 le based black man meme
Irrelevant. I have no faith in the white population of this country considering over half of them vote regressive lib and have the eternal guilt trip. At this point I will take all the help we can get to topple the Democratic machine. Next we focus of the traitor Repubs. THIS IS IT BOYS THE BATTLE IS HERE

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I'll get adis all you want masta, please no lash, I'll be good worka

no faggot read the polling method you lazy retard

niggers hate spics and fags

the left can never truly unify all their different groups

>pol when polls dont support their narrative
>fake news

>pol when polls support their narrative

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The only way they can unify them is by making them all victims

doing what i can to restore this board user
this. their stronghold cities are seeing a massive exodus of middle class voters who used to reliable vote Dem. importation is their only chance of survival now.
Notice how "Kayne turned" right after these numbers came out. That's assuming it was even him on his Twatter account. Could have been anyone.

Poor Kayne. Always getting MK Ultrad back to the plantation.

no it's not because kanye only turned on that fake cunt candace owens and her jewish bosses who tried to use his name to sell tshirts

Imagine being this retarded. It's not "all polls are fake and rigged into unbiased nonsense for some reason"... Its "polls are rigged to benefit democrats". Im sure this terribly complicated concept will sink in some day.

why don't i believe this?
It seems that wherever i see a black person online they are always bashing trump

This would completely destroy identity politics. It wouldn't even take 40%. 20 would obliterate the democrats.

what black people are you seeing in greece? niggers on tv aren't real niggers, they're genetically modified monkeys created for our amusement

Because its complete bullshit.

You guys are living in your own fantasy world lol

>not believing polls that over sample Dems and woman
>believing scientific polling with transparent methods

low tier bait try harder faggot

Trump tell us that we think and acts on it

Dems tell them how to think then do nothing.

I can't wait until November 6th!! I needs muh Salt!!

> Black people
> Voting during a mid term
> voting for a while guy

Damn, you gay
The blacks rightfully don't give a fuck
Damned if they do, darn damn dang damned if they dain't

40% I would have to see it to believe it
but even 12-15% is catastrophic for the Democrats
I mean shit 30% of latinos voting for Trump fucked up the Democrat math immensely

You stormfaggots are going to have choose now. Either you accept civic nationalism as our one opportunity to destroy the global communist agenda for good and vote Republican or you become illegal migrant horde loving Democrats.


this. why do you think Trumps message has shifted to convince them that they are victims of the Dem plantation? Smart political strategy desu

if I saw a nigger trying to better themselves by leaving their leftist slave masters, I might start looking them as more than 3/5 of a person. Is there any plan to take away their welfare yet?

i said online learn to read

They are. The Dems need to keep them poor to keep the 'poor vote'.

Larping kikes/liberals.


there will never be an ethno state on earth. You fags need to get on board.


They will suicide us because it's what they do. WE do nothing.




Pretty much this. Ethnostates are not going to happen without genocide, which nobody really has the stomach for short of WWIII.


That's because we are a Monetary of NEETs. We are winning with memes. For we do only that which we are called upon to do.

Tbh niggas worrying about America turning into Brazil but look what Brazil turned into!

This is a girl who gets it

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Means pic

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He didn't. That post was about Owens, not Trump.

Forgot to add the word "see", but you get my point.

In the meantime the Democrats are preparing the reasons why they lost
>>it's because Republicans suppress the votes
Never mind that it's in Georgia and Tennesee, they suppress the votes so they will win and the Democrats will lose. So expect
>>stolen elections
narrative, and soon.
I am putting even more money on both Houses being held by the R's

People are walking away from psyco~commies that usurped the party.

Look at 'em... they don't want you anymore.

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They will vote 90% Democrat in November and there is nothing that will change.
In a Democracy, that last 10% doesn't constitute "BASED BLACKS", it really means that your interests would be better served if they weren't a demographic in your country, or at least a very marginalized one.

Minutes after seeing this >HuffPost: Kanye feels "used" and plans to step away from politics.

I had a vivid dream last night
>The US was hinging on a great race war. It was chaos all around. We were all literally face to face about to start wasting each other.
>Then an order came down from somewhere to all love each other(I know...cheesy and fucking gay...but that's what happened...it was a fucking dream).
>Then the black and white groups split up and everyone joined with their respective races. >Then the white horde stood right next to the black horde and there was silence, respect, peace and a weird unbreakable strength between everyone. Separate but united.
Everything was......Understood.
The dream ended.

Go to bed HillHasEyes.... it's 10 AM and you've been drinking since 5.

Pic of people you hate attached

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>didn't end with Jews being rounded up

You had one job user

Bullshit, it will happen through balkanization.
The genocide will be of white once they are a tiny minority, the condition of South African Boers is all we have to look forward too with the establishment of a country for Whites. The tax dollars they used to provide will have dried up and those welfare checks will stop cashing. The government will collapse under the weight of the social system without the White tax revenue, while foreign countries begin making designs.

F-fucking retards
Y-you’re living in your own little world

It doesn't seem believable, but hear me out. This is purely anecdotal but take it as you will. I live and work in Philadelphia, a liberal Democrat stronghold. I work for a union construction company, though I am not a union member since I'm in management. I interact, work with, and socialize with more minorities than whites everyday. If you get them one on one and discuss politics, they will gush over Trump. They will say they love his message, personality, and how he doesn't take anyone's shit. The think he is doing the right things for the country long term, even if it means hurting some feelings along the way. Once they get in a group, this all changes. They will start to parrot liberal media and celebrity talking points. The group think meme is real, and you can tell they are scared to speak openly in fear of being a pariah. Thankfully, voting is an individual act, and they won't have their pack hovering over them in the voting booth.
Being a Trump supporter in a liberal city is like being gay in the 1950s. You have to keep it in the closet for fear of your life being destroyed. 2016 was our chance to "come out of the closet" and Nov 6th will be even bigger.

Like i said, my evidence is anecdotal. But there's something going on among minorities (((they))) don't want us to know.

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No you're off.

Turnout among blacks is dismal, so switching even 5% of blacks to conservative means a 20-40% shift in support

yeah, I don't buy that the real number is anything close. I'd be willing to bet these black trump supporters are rural or middle/upper class and never particularly Democrat in the first place. No one in the hood is getting wise, politics are barely on the radar there and most of them don't vote.

Trump losing the caravan vote!


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bahahahahahahaha L O L!

>started our own caravan

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>provided they turnout


Just them not showing up is a huge advantage, especially in northern states.

Exactly, Trump is pointing this out, and using their victim mentality to work for HIM. It's brilliant

KEK all the way to the mailbox with Trump ballot

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They all hate whites though. That is why the jews use them as allies.

Also, niggers will always vote left because they will always lose in the more meritocratic world repbulicans advocate for.

THIS. Notice how his Twatter was conveniently re-activated and "he" was posting those tweets LITERALLY THE DAY AFTER THESE NUMBERS CAME OUT

That's the point retard. As long as the hood type of blacks stay home to vote per usual, and we can flip some of the black that actually do vote, that's all we need

When you in a voting booth you don't have the group around you. You are alone.
A lot of the minorities don't want to come clean to their peers because they will be jumped and ostracized and called names.
Imagine if all of your peers an, more importantly your family, were for Democrats, and that you knew that you are going to be viciously attacked by them if you admitted that you are red pulled. In private and in the voting group you would do what you believe in, bit in the group you would lie.
Or at least that's what most of people would do.
I was lucky to be born white and to a conservative family, that suffered through my edgy liberal phase when I was a teen, but I can put myself in someone's else's shoes and imagine how hard it would be for me if I lived in a not understanding lefty family.

95% of the racists on here are actually shills. Jow Forums is a board of peace and tolerance (within reason).
Welcome aboard African American Brothers!
The "alt right" is a multiracial nationalist movement, And the USA does it best!

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>Americans hate communists

Don't worry Democrats the black vote is still yours.

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you type like a pleb put i understand what you are saying. Thank you for reinforcing by points. I know what you mean by the family thing too. My wife, for example, registered to vote in 2016 for the first time. Her mother said
>make sure to register as a Democrat, we are a Dem family
my wife simply asked her
>why and what do you mean?
Her mother couldn't explain to her why and didn't have an answer for her. She just got mad and didn't talk to her for a few weeks.
People in general are just retards, and participating in group think is an easy, lazy way out of being intellectual and thinking for yourself

someone shop some merchant faces on the donekys

All you have to do is take 1 nigger dick once and they all love you I guess.
>really makes me think

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quick import more mexicans!

unironically the left is struggling to keep the beaner vote as well

>>you type like a pleb
Yeah, well, I wasn't born in the US and English is not my first language, so I'm still having problems.
What's important though, thx to my accent I can interact with the minorities on much better terms than regular whites and I see the shift in the mentality that you described, as soon as they are surrounded by the group, daily.
Also, what happened to your wife is typical, but still better than what they are going through. Don't forget that the monkeys still believe in superstitious shit. One of them was accused of being possessed by a demon when he came clean to his family, for example. And they believed that he needs an exorcism. And that's a family born and raised in the US. Unfuckingbelieveable.
In any case: we both agree on the blacks: they are turning, not in public yet, but they are.