Any chance of this con-man getting knocked out?

Wanna specifically hear from New Jersey residents. It'd be great if Menendez gets knocked out, Dems would completely lose it.

Attached: Con-man.jpg (220x279, 18K)

Why won't anyone attack him for what he is, a pedophile?

Didn't this guy get busted with underage girls ? But his Pedo pals got him off?

If Roy Moore lost because of his allegations in deep red Alabama, surely this will be enough to cost Menendez his senate seat

Something like that, I believe

I hope, but remember that New Jersey is a very leftist state, and Menendez's allegations weren't brought up by the media, not in the same way as Moore's/

He's more known for being corrupt though, at least that's what anyone will remember him for.

Yeah but the scandal will dissuade moderate liberals from voting for him also New Jersey’s economy isn’t doing so well right now


Attached: chokeitdown.png (584x656, 349K)

Isn't this guy a crook? How can he stay in office?

I'm voting for Hugin, even though he's a piece of shit, too. Jesus Christ, New Jersey politicians are the worst.

Murphy met with ISRAEL recently. Menendez is a crook. Illegal immigrants can have a drivers license and can vote. SAD!

>Illegal immigrants can have a drivers license
How else will they work for Uber?

That was more like a back-handed endorsement, I don't think anyone would take that seriously.

Meme it.
Libs support pedos. Spread it far and wide.
Other operations going on right now are stupid. This is a weak point that needs to be exploited.

You're basically talking about most politicians in this country. Sad, I know.

I have heard that people from New Jersey elect the most retarded individuals. I mean, just take a look at Cory Booker. Christ, you've guys done a number on yourselves.

>New Jersey is the worst.

Hugin went after the child prostitute thing. But Menedez countered with a clip of that cuck ass faggot Howie Kurtz talking about her recanting on his show.

I've seen just one sign in favor of him and about half a dozen yellow signs calling him out. Lance and Hugin signs everywhere. Random names like Onions running for whatever are more common than Menendez.

This is however one of the highest median income districts in the country and historically Republican obviously, but it has "become competitive in recent years," I'm sure you can imagine why. For Jersey as a whole, don't bet on it, but there's hope, slim hope, but hope. We supposedly have the most racist non-hispanic whites in the country here so hopefully the young ones are motivated and not too many old ones have died off

The parties fuck us. We always have two terrible choices.
Not gonna disagree.

How are Hispanics up there? I know a lot of them down here in Florida are really red-pilled, but I'm curious, considering the fact that Menendez is Cuban

This. One example out of many is Claire Mccaskill and her husband who went from nothing to millions of dollars from federal programs since his wife became senator.

Here it's mostly Salvadorans, Hondurans, etc from that atrophied in between part of the Americas rather than Mexicans. Some island people too, lots of Puerto Ricans.

As a whole, I don't know, they're all over the place doing crappy jobs, not speaking much english in public, and blasting salsa music at 2 a.m. Same as down there I'm sure. Personally I've never had an issue with them, the only fist fight I've been in and enemies I've had in school and the workplace were all white mutts.