Here's why Immigration is aactually a GOOD thing. It might surprise you! :)

Labor Force Growth: the National Academy of Sciences has concluded, “Immigration supplies workers, which increases GDP [gross domestic product] and has helped the United States avoid the fate of stagnant economies .

Entrepreneurship: “The contribution of immigrants to human and physical capital formation, entrepreneurship, and innovation are essential to long-run sustained economic growth,” according to the NAS report.

Human Capital: “Perhaps even more important than the contribution to labor supply is the infusion by high-skilled immigration of human capital that has boosted the nation’s capacity for innovation and technological change,” reported the National Academy of Sciences.

Immigrants are willing to do the jobs Americans aren't willing to do. They expand GDP and it makes everything more wealthy! We're all one race anyway, the human race!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Trump supports legal immigration. In fact, he's literally said there would be a BIG FAT BEAUTIFUL DOOR in the wall to let all the Mexicans in legally.

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The door should be WIDENED all the way, just let them all in. JUST. LET. THEM .IN! #letthemin

>more people increases GDP
who's this genius and where can we hire more of them?

Here’s why you’re actually retarded:

You put greed above your own culture (hurrr, immigration makes me rich)

You actually believe immigrants do jobs Americans won’t. You fucking dumbass, Americans will do those jobs, but only at higher wages.

Stop thinking like a greedy kike

I dont care about GDP. The rich get richer while the rest of the nation turn into Mexico.

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Hitler solved his fertility problem by destroying the jews and their propaganda.

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Imagine a giant anvil coming down from the heavens, and it perfectly fits into the shape of that cargo of parasites....ahhh one can dream

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>Labor Force Growth
Bullshit it just created a serf class to compete with China. If we were smart then we would have tarrifs and lets the native middle class and lower class be paid better.

Those fucking beans aren't going to much of all mate. If anything entrepreneurs are born from the upper middle and middle not the lower serf class.

>Human Capital
Again this takes tremendous investment in the lower class to see any result, the guy flipping a burger is not going to invent something new without the education and intelligence to do so. Most will not be massively innovate.

>Immigrants are willing to do the jobs Americans aren't willing to do.
No Americans will do those jobs, just not at Serf level wages. In all an actual non-serf based economy those shitty jobs will be high paid.

All you are doing is importing a literal serf/slave class to do cheap labor and fuck over the native lower and middle class. Hell you liberals were against immigration when the you were with the working man and unions for these exact reasons.

Economic growth would not be so critical if we abolish the fed.

>Autonomous industries are set to take low skilled jobs
>but we need more low skilled immigrants
Allow high skilled immigrants all you want but illegal immigration of low skilled immigrants is nothing more than a democrat voting scam

Or that it required constant growth at all...because it's all a fucking ponzi based on interest (the creation of wealth from nothing)

>Immigrants are willing to do the jobs Americans aren't willing to do.
can we stop this bullshit already?
those jobs were the teenager summer jobs, the just recovered drug addict job, the ex-con jobs, the second jobs for low income families
congrats, you just deprived of the last and first resort to whole segments of the population that now rely on charity, which chinks, poos, and mexicans taking the jobs WON'T give to them, not even paying taxiles for your retirement

All I'm seeing is lower wages.

Thats the point. Now you can have competive labor rates compared with the 3rd world. Plus the price of housing goes up which is considered economic growth as well.

Lower Wages + Higher Prices = Growth

and thats a good thing.

Yeah a non debt based issuing of currency will create growth no matter what. Especially if its tied to labor. Simple interest should be allowed though for functions of borrowing etc. Compound interest is the real killer.

>b-but the GDP, goy

When will this Jewish meme die already

fuck you kike.

>more workers are foreigners which means more money goes to foreigners

>new things natives could have picked up and tried out are stolen by foreigners

>As said, foreigners get money that could have gone to you or your children

>Immigrants take cheap jobs meant for teens so they can get working experience, allowing migrants to take these jobs results in a generation of gibs

>high-skilled immigration
>do the jobs Americans won't do

>Labor Force Growth
The current majority immigrants are welfare parasites, not people looking to participate in the work force

See above.

>Human Capital
Immigrants from shithole countries aren't skilled.

people understimate consumer spending - which the US economy is built upon - as well.
Even if immigrants do undocumented work they will have to spend that money on food / housing etc.
People ask where growth will come from in the future and realistically one big component is simple growth of population.

I don't care about gpd or meme economics.
there is no new technology on the horizon.
we are still using technology developed in the 70s.

The nation is sacred, culture above all else.

literally every penny they make gets fed back into the system by consumer spending.
During european recession / debt crisis when every stimulus was needed, it was unironically discussed to up money for neets as they usually don't save money but directly feed it back into the economy.

>infinite growth!
It's all so tiring

Here's the sitting president of the NAS.
>Marcia Kemper McNutt was married first to Marcel Hoffmann,[11] who died in 1988. They had three daughters: Meredith McNutt Hoffmann[11] and identical twins Dana and Ashley Hoffmann.[12][13] Ashley Hoffmann was "Miss Rodeo California" in 2009. Marcia McNutt is also a horse enthusiast and enjoys barrel racing on her mare Lulu.[14]

McNutt is one of six women scientists featured in the 1995 PBS (WGBH-TV) series, "Discovering Women."[15] How she excelled in science with a household of young daughters and the help of housekeeper Ann and her daughter is described by Jocelyn Steinke in "A portrait of a woman as a scientist: breaking down barriers created by gender-role stereotypes.
Wonder why?

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I'll explain this to you easily, so that even a iphone-leftist retard can understand it.

More people doing labour contributes to the de-valuing of labour as a service.
Supersaturate the market with a service, it drops in value. If the labour-market was not
supersaturated, binding the minimum wage by law would be unnecessary, as labour would
be in demand. Naturally, providing a service that is in demand is in the best interest of
the existing labour force. Importing this service, is not.
This isn't hard to understand.

It's also equivalent to population growth, which increase demand for housing.
In the free market, this naturally pushes housing and property values upwards.
This is great for the middle and upper-class, as they usually own their property,
and sometimes more than one property which they rent out. Naturally, you can demand
more rent if demand for housing is high.
If you own entire blocks, and invest millions in property?
Hellyeah! Immigration is a good investment!
Lower class citizens are more prone to rent the property they live in. Naturally,
higher rent goes against their economic interests.
This should also not be hard to understand.

But for some reason, you do not understand this.
The actual needs of those who need help the most on our society flies in one ear, and out the other.
The word "champagne-socialism" is too good for you:
The flaccid erection that is your ideology was grown and fermented in an upper-class
echo-chamber, sterilised from dissent and actual reflection to a point where the majority of it's
supporters cannot even tell the difference between racism and defensible immigration policies.

TL;DR: Left-leaning iphone-socialists freshly graduated with debt and no property
are actively voting against their own economic interests, yet have the gall to claim the
working class are stupid.

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only solution is NatSoc, because big companies will always push globalism and try to influence politics.

>infusion by high-skilled immigration of human capital
The lies never stop


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based and redpilled

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Fuck off Jew!

>bongoloid economics class
how's that brexit going along?

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Obviously, it feeds the ponzi economy with more debt. Debt fuels gdp twice, in loaning it/interest and in the shit they buy with it. It’s quite the (((scheme)))

It doesn't help if you increase goverment gibs. It just means that either you have to increase taxes or the country goes deeper into debt. Not to mention it certainly doesn't help to import a violent, uneducated group of people who have been proven to not integrate into western society. They just bring more crime, nothing else.

did you know that QE isn't supposed to work in theory? Yet it does..
>dey just bing moar crimez
You mix up things, it's not about hypothetical crime rates but the effect that every fucking penny those refugees get isn't lost but fed back into our system..they buy a handy card, gas station guy gets money, they eat, supermarket gets money..Now if they sent back all that money like Poles this would be different, but they don't.
Just today they said that refugees are responsible for a 0.2 GDP push over here..impossible according to you.
Did you know we have an actual trade deficit with the US if we included tech like google and financials? You can't apply 60s economics everywhwere user.

>how's that brexit going along?
I hope for a hard brexit, and a complete refusal to pay the divorce-bill.
Trump voiced interests in forming trade-unions with the UK on his last visit.

This is where we should be looking, while your increasingly neo-liberal union tears itself apart internally.

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the EU is a mess right now, but there is no alternative.
You are incredibly naive for thinking Trump is your savior, if at all it's your new masters.
If you do what you just said you would
A) get cut off from EU markets
B) no country would want to form a trade deal with a shithole like yours which isn't even willing to pay the debnts they signed themselves
C) the US will give a shit about you if they lose access to the EU markets. Mutts fear the economical bloc power of the EU for a reason, now tell me if Trump would risk losing access to the EU to trade with your tiny shithole?
Your little freakshow was just that, you got played and the EU and the big boy investors are actually happy to get rid of you, believe it or not.
88% of germans want you out now, we don't even care for you, you weren't eu to begin with.
You literally just ghosted yourself bongoloid.

No thanks. Fuck your neoliberal arguments. Replacing the founding stock with beaners is not worth anything

Selling the success of working class for GDP. Yes we know this.

not addressing even a single point is brainlet tier
good job, roach

QE doesn't work
QE delays, and amplifies
> hey, you know what would help with those heroin cravings?
> more heroin!
austrian economist are right: german school of economics is shit

We admit 1,000,000 (one million) legal immigrants PER YEAR. That's PLENTY for the economy. We don't need more ditch diggers from Honduras

Who gives a fuck about GDP besides soulless bugmen? GDP and artificial metrics of material prosperity do not determine the health or glory of a nation.

>88% of Germans opinion on brexit is relevant

Even if all you wrote there was true, the EU's mess is getting worse, not better. Its crashing on its own either way. Give it 10 years or give it 30.
Excepting the peace-maker factor on the Balkans, Germany is damn near the only benefactor in the damn union, as practically all the industry is moved over and centralised there. Most other states are increasingly malcontent.

And if the EU somehow survives its own dysfunctional bureaucracy, increased distance from its own citizens, and the constant undermining of existing Nation states' autonomy within it and how this constantly trickles petrol on the ever-growing populist bonfires, what kind of societies will even be left at the end of it?
The EU is emulating the USA: a place where democracy is removed in favour of corporate endorsement in all but name, the crime-levels are draconian enough to impress even the most cynical of projections, and the overall socio-political cohesion is so piss-poor, half the nation think gun-ownership as force-projection is the only way to protect their own rights.

The problem is neo-liberalism, and the private/financial-sectors slow creep towards ever increased influence over political decision making. And the EU, from commission to council, is sucking that cock like infants suck titties.

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>Willing to turn your country into a crime ridden shithole where women are gangraped daily by rapefugees as long as the government makes some money

austrian economist school is literally retarded and we both know. they predict the crash since 2010 while everybody else made money. We absolutely agree aon QE delaying..the idea of QE is to move the crisis into the future (implying that future is bright) while providing a liquidity gap, 100% correct.
The very idea is to support the economy by bad times and the economy giving back via tax in better (read delayed) times. Now imagine being so retarded to slash taxes for corporations when economy is brimming and after you inflated it with QE? this is trying to make it go parabolic, this heavily inflates the bubble.
This bubble may even inflate the dow to 40K but when it's about time smart money will move into bonds after no more rate hikes occur because the FED is cooling it down..
By lowering interest rates or not raising them according to economy strength - as Trump is about to do - willl force investors to move out of bonds and further push the bubble..
When this bubble ever bursts it will be Trump and his GS buddies in cabinet who will have their shorts ready first.

EU needs to be dissolved and countries using euro should go back to their own currencies

not to mention country owned central banks

I meant Dow at 30K sorry

>infusion by high-skilled immigration
Yeah, sure.

Yeah, whatever.... fill out the paperwork and wait in line.

Per capita GDP growth would be beneficial but immigrants aren't helping that.

yes, they must be reined in somehow

>long-run sustained economic growth
This is the Jew trick about economic policies such as social security and all that, which is based on the assumption of endless growth.
Endless growth is unsustainable. Populations HAVE to level out or we will drain the Earth of resources.
Currently people who are "native" to a country aren't having enough children to even things out, due to "cultural advancement" (aka the degeneracy in which I gladly partake)
I'm using a broad understanding of "native," so don't talk to me about the white invaders from the past. I don't care.

Not to mention that the countries from which these immigrants come suffer from a problem called brain drain because only the highest educated mudslimes and niggers are allowed in (unless rapefugees)

Immigration policy in western countries is all about western supremacy.
Emigration to western countries is cruel because it won't allow poor countries to ever catch up, leaving them forever in poverty.

Now fuck off you Jew shill, stop spreading lies and propaganda.