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Anna Shaffer is casted as triss in Netflix witcher series
Actually, that's pretty good. Silver hair and the right make-up, she will give a decent approximation of the character. Well done.
Would bang.
>no source
>meme flag
>no effort post
Get fucked.
Triss is a redhead retard
thanks for the warning, wont watch.
> casted
it’s cast, fucking eu education
Nice tits
Yes i think it was a lot of mutts in middle aged Poland. Fucking kikes man.
Yeah. Had the character confused. But, upon review same opinion. She could also play the other one, but this is even better.
>Silver hair
Triss is bliss.
Triss is bliss.
Triss is bliss.
mommy milkers
Fucking kikeflix cunts deserve a good shooting in their ass
Needs blue eyes, red head and will be good
I can fap to her.
Dead stare eyes
Kikes just had to go for that extra blacking when they stopped short of blacking ciri.
americans ruin everything