Why don't Americans care about optics? Here in New Zealand we know they are essential - our leader is a woman who gave birth soon after winning the election.
Why don't Americans care about optics...
Brody Lee
Aiden Gutierrez
Screw your optics, I'm going in.
Easton Jones
>Literal Who from an irrelevant country font like the leader of the most relevant country in the history of the world
Eli Nelson
Why should I care what some shitty province of Australia thinks?
Nolan Hernandez
You should only get AIDS and die you pig
Henry Lewis
better to be hated than pitied.
Angel Thompson
And now your country belongs to China.
David Morales
>Why don't Americans care about optics?
Because we don't have to.
Luke Cook
meme flaggot has a point
Nicholas Moore
Oh no the retarded kid doesn’t think we’re cool
Better commit sudoku