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So are they accepting foreign men or women? 50/50? Nah we all know the route this will be going.


White diversity world wide

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>be NEET for 2 years
>go back to university
>Asians are like 20% of the students
>ALL of them are butt-ugly Insectoids with no ass or tits
>no exceptions

Why did Jow Forums lie to me? I never even had any rice fever but they at least looked attractive.

you got me, fag

Unfortunately that would mean an infiltration of chink insect genes into Japan's pool. They'd barely get any white seed which is what Japanese women want.


April fools article retards

It's as fake as that Icelandic meme of the exact same premise.

niggas gonna get in on dat action too, wh*Te boi

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What ever genes you pump into the japs will ultimately be wasted. The society is a mental meat grinder that breaks people

Let's repopulate japan Jamal

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All they have to do is take their women's rights away, and this problem will fix itself. After we forced sex equality on them after WWII their birth rate started to plummet. Such a simple solution, yet they'll never consider it.

The most idiotic way of solving the problem of a lack of breeding by your local population.

>Such a simple solution, yet they'll never consider it.
it gets even easier:

Abolish all form of government security for old age:

No children = no security when old.

No, that would be importing millions of murderous niggers and mudslimes.

Enjoy breeding with your plastic insects to find out your kids are fuck ugly and the only thing they are good at is math and killing small animals. surgery is only cosmetic deep. There's a reason their birth rates are so low; they're fuck ugly insects

This is fake you retards.

The amount of hentai concepts this will spark off will be immense

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Fuck it I'm goin. I'm 6'3 with blonde hair and blue eyes and I have the yellow fever. I'm also not obese or carrying an STD.

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Because reality sucks

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>literally fake news


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I work at the Swedish embassy in Somalia, I signed off on 50,000 breeding visas. You can thank me later

I feel ya. Every single one of them is flat as the Netherlands.

i kinda like the netherlands

Yeah, that wasn't meant to be offensive. They're just a pretty flat country. Stroopwafel are god tier.

try dipping them in Vla.. thank me later.

Why is it only Japan which has an obsession with immigration nowadays?

Lol a chad nigger trying so hard to be white

Underrated post

They don’t. It’s just Jow Forums bait threads and you idiots fall for it every time

Why do you need to combat declining birthrates when rapid automation is ensuring that large populations will have increasingly idle segments?

wtf where do i apply

Automation is not here yet, and they have a significant part of their population about to retire and become a huge burden on the younger generations. If the younger generations aren't breeding it disrupts the ponzi scheme.

>Automation is not here yet
You sure? Seems pretty much here right now, just having resistance to it being deployed at the levels it can be deployed due to archaic thinking and agendas. I mean, we have automated tomato, berry and lettuce pickers, pretty much some of the most delicate manual labor there is. We can automate practically anything.

>the ponzi scheme
Those are destined to fail no matter how much you supplant the population with outsiders, hell destined to fail even quicker the more outsiders you flood into the system. I'll bet Japan's ponzi schemes will last longer than American or European ones if migrants rates remain relatively the same.

try heating them in the microwave for 10 seconds

You would think that was 1994 if there weren't modern vehicles in the back.
