So tl;dr of this article is that this guy
>acknowledges that the banhammer won't work
>wants to nationalize firearm manufacturers, ban imports, and bribe gun owners with shekels
>buybacks will sell to the gubbmint
Why do they think any of this fools us?
So tl;dr of this article is that this guy
>nationalizing firearms production.
Literal communism
It's literally gang violence.
Protip: They don't have to fool you, they just have to fool enough stupid voters.
>Step one: Seize the means of producing firearms and nationalize them starting massive civil unrest
I don't think he thought that through at all.
>Expecting idiots to think.
>nationalize firearm manufacturers
> dumbass commie doesn't realize that the means of production are already in the hands of the people
Do they pay these people real money to write these stupid fucking words?
>Sniper rifles are fearsome weapons, made specifically to kill unsuspecting humans.
Daily reminder that they think your fudd durr rifle is a "sniper rifle"
I'm not reading that kike shit.
>In total, Americans possess as many as 393 million guns—almost half of all civilian-owned guns around the world—despite making up only 4.4 percent of the world’s population
God fucking bless.
How are you going to control something that any smooch can 3D print?
Didn't Defense Distributed get Shoah'd after Cody Wilson got arrested?
>literally sieze the means of production
Wew lad
Legitimately wondering when we will see attempts to ban or restrict certain optics.
>”No one NEEDS that much magnification unless you are planning a sniper-style attack!”
>”Red dot holographic style military sights allow the shooter to quickly target moving targets, ideal for mass shooters who seek to open fire on a crowd and shoot fleeing victims”
No, he turned over control to a colleague and the company is currently keeping their heads down. Theyre still alive and well
>Liberal jurists would point out that Congress has this power under the interstate commerce clause and argue that the Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms—not to manufacture and sell them.
how the fuck is anyone supposed to be able to ban guns with hundreds of millions in the hands of civilians? 0.0001% of them registered. any "solution" to gun violence in the US would take decades to implement and probably cost a couple hundred lives in the process because only a mandatory buy back, with a trillion dollar budget, could, under very specific circumstances, in addition to a 1-2 year amnesty even make a dent in the amount of guns floating around. but even that would have to be accompanied by a massive cultural shift that reclassifies guns as tools with a recreational side-purpose and not this butt fucking retarded "muh self defense" excuse. i know it's impossible to realistically defend firearm ownership if you admit in the same breath that you just want them for fun but this wafer thin excuse didn't work since the early 20th century. you're not a rancher in wyoming who has to fight off bandits and predators creeping up on your property as soon as the sun sets. if you are living in the middle of nowhere and your closest neighbors are 30 min away, fine, but anyone else owning guns has them for fun.
but all this is completely pointless since the 2A is never going to go away. at least not in anyones life time who is currently alive or will be born in the next 100 years.
that comes after they ban semiautos, which would just start the shitshow
I dare you to tell any liberal the majority of firearm related homicides are dominated by black-on-black gang violence and you'll be called a racist before you finish your sentence.
You wouldn't fight back and you know it.
I sure do like "death from a thousand cuts" legislation.
So basically, they want to do to the Second Amendment what the megacorporations of Silicon Valley are already doing to the First. Where legislation to shut down what they don't like is impossible because of that pesky Constitution or those awful pleb voters, they'll just make sure that a friendly monopolistic cartel cuts off any real effective freedom while technically leaving the letter of the Bill of Rights intact. Then they can do to every American gun owner what's already been done to Infowars and Gab.
And they think we haven't caught on?
>Banning military-style semiautomatic weapons, regulating magazine clips, closing the gun show loophole, and preventing people with domestic violence restraining orders from acquiring weapons might well reduce levels of gun violence—to some extent
>preventing people with domestic violence restraining orders from acquiring weapons
Jesus Christ my greatest wish is to just mash every anti-gunners face in a 4473 like a puppy that just pissed on the floor.
then try it if you're so sure
It would unironically be easier to remove the 40 million or so blacks than the 400 million or so firearms
Eh, I'm pretty fuckin' depressed
Might as well stick a couple pigs on the way out
Diversity under the umbrella of gangs using gun violence, including multi cultural white supremacy, is the leading cause to gun violence in America. Guns owners need to learn to be inclusive since we have already tested that bullets are very indiscriminate and they just don't care which way they go. They swing, left, right and it's just mind blowing. So what we need to do is open ourselves that guns are sometimes the cure to an epidemic in the United States and if we have enough proper gun owners, it will outweigh racist statistics from the government about the over representation of minorities and POC with guns. Every single day thousands of innocent black people who are just trying to make a living and may have their past haunting them are rejected by the white supremacy organization known as the BATFE (Burn All Tranny Fags..ect). Every day POC have to resort to illegal gun purchases to defend themselves. Organizations such as the KKK rely heavily on the ATF to reject POC so that they are easier to target. We need to arm up to show the world that we are doing a difference by mitigating the statistics. If we simply stop, we give up and the racists win. IS that the kind of America you want?!?
tl;dr brainlet thinks hes a genius
god damb. why do you waist you're thyme with this shit.
Wait and see
Wow so reading further this guy actually acknowledges that handguns are the cause of most illegal shootings and not 'salt rifles, but then says stuff like
>Weapons purchased by the government would be imaged, their serial numbers entered into a centralized system, and in most cases transferred to secure regional processing centers, like existing armories. Usable pre-owned weapons would be re-marketed to federal agencies, the military, state and local police departments, and private security agencies.
He varies between being decent at honing in on what matters and being ignorant as shit. I get he manages finances but even a pinhead equity investor should be able to big think out why a government agency would prefer a deal cut with a manufacturer including maintenance/spare parts and such instead of "lol let's just give a bunch of these variegated used guns of indeterminate round count and maintenance standards to DHS boiz and the Armies"
You're a racist.
Just because they're black doesn't mean it's not violence you lifetime unskilled worker.
This is your defence?
This shows even white people have a problem murder rate in America.
White society shouldn't have a murder rate above 1.0/100 000. If it does you're doing something really wrong.
If you live in a city you have the same problem as the rancher in wyoming....
Fuck you faggot I want to die
So wait a derringer is a sniper rifle if i shoot someone unsuspecting.
Does this mean Lincoln was shot with a sniper rifle?!
>gun grabbers aren't literal commies
It’s almost as if white people are just as capable of committing crime...
>White (Hispanic)
We got a little taste of that when some late night tv funny comedy men freaked out about that TrackingPoint smart scopes that lets you mark targets and has a "fire when target in crosshairs" mode.
That's the way the the federal government counts beaners.
love how clueless that guy is.
>buyback programs will get handguns at merely double the original retail price
A ban on new handguns would drive up prices of handguns way more than that. People wouldn't sell their handguns to the government in that case, but to people that can afford the new astronomical price. Also, criminals will now have a great incentive to get hold of guns, and steal guns, as they've risen in price. There's effectively an entire new black market of handguns, and poor, law abiding citizens can no longer afford them for self defense.
>it's unconstitutional, but we've got to get some liberal judges at one point in the future, that will rule another way
Even if that may be the case, the law gets overturned once there's a conservative majority on the supreme court again. And then you have the AR-15 situation all over again. It wasn't popular when it was legal. Then it was banned for a few years. And when it turned legal again, it was the hot shit that everybody wanted.
So basically, he proposes a "longterm solution" that will not only be expensive as hell, make gun makers out of a job, and cause an uproar by pro gun people. But it will in fact have the opposite effect long term.
>linking directly the article instead of an archive
OP is a faggot as usual.
Let the buy back begin!!
I’ve been looking to unload grandpas collection of zip guns and Jimenez pistols!
I live in a rural area with bears, coyotes, meth heads, and other dangerous creatures. While I have a decent number of close neighbors, tell me why I only own firearms for fun you stupid faggot?
>everything I don't like is intersate commerce
as expected
>Unironically suggesting nationalizing companies
This is the worst of both worlds and he should goddamn know it by now. Just look at Amtrak if you want to see how that would go.
>Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on Jow Forums.
Thinking about it that isn't protected by the 2a so if some state decided to go hog on banning aimpoints and eotechs I'm really not sure what legally could be done to prevent that other than voting.
Pretty fucked up pls don't give them ideas.
This guy seems firmly in the "smart enough to do the research then assertively present his conclusions about things he horrifically and embarrassingly misunderstood" territory.
I dont care if I'm called Jow Forums or whatever, every bit of evidence points to one ethnic group being the core source of American violence (particularly gun violence) which is why I will never accept a single piece of anti-gun legislation unless it targets those people in particular.
The government cant take your guns, but the roasties probably can
Pro-tip: 5-4 for at least a generation.
>muh NRA
>muh gunshow loophole
>muh military style salt rifles
>mug magazine clips
i don't care if they call me Jow Forums either, when a man makes a point, a man makes a point
Bombs away
Stop sending your children to government camps and be surprised at how they don't get shot.
You are a collosal idiot
>god damb. why do you waist you're thyme
We're still kind of high even if you strip out hispanics. Canada is better, but still high compared to ze Euros. Dunno, maybe it's the wide open spaces or something.
It's not enough. We need more.
Well then why don't you go start knocking on doors and ask for everyone's guns?
Yeah you're a total tard.
California banned night vision scopes
People only care when white folks die
>that isn't protected by the 2a
"arms" encompasses parts thereof.
>still don't in any comparable measure
Do you actually not know what words mean or are you a pernicious lying sack of shit? Is it some combination where you wake up every day and flagellate yourself into denying reality? Probably the latter. Simpering faggot.
>one of America’s deadliest problems
Stopped reading right there. More people die of completely stupid cause like tripping on the streets, getting hit by lightning or drowning in a swimming pool than by guns. The gun deaths are statistically irrelevant, even when counting suicide.
Idiot is wrong on almost all accounts. The idea that nationalizing hand gun production, would be profitable to tax payers is silly as in the idiots proposal pretty much only law enforcement, police and (((chosen politicians))) would be able to buy handguns. Idea of selling weapons bought back being sold to law enforcement agencies and other government users is bit silly, those don't wan't collections of random Saturday night specials.
Also bitching about suicides. Suicides aren't violence or immoral. Suicide is cure for suffering. Preventing suicides is immoral, guns are least violent and most reliable way become an hero. Other methods lead to more human suffering and injuries. Best method to avoid gun suicides would be providing no questions asked euthanasia on demand.
US should seriously consider regulating niggers and spics.
To be fair the best method of suicide is unquestionably suffocation due to nitrous oxide
Nah, I think i'll go slow and start by banning certain features, then implementing magazine limits, and then who knows? Maybe I'll let you keep that single shot .22 if I'm feeling generous.
Did you make that .gif yourself? Do you want to fuck?
>Why do they think any of this fools us?
it's not meant to fool anyone, it's mean to make people who hate guns feel educated.
Write your reps, get out and vote.
>which is why I will never accept a single piece of anti-gun legislation unless it targets those people in particular.
That's how it started. The first gun control laws targeted only blacks, before they started expanding them to apply to the rest of us.
Bombs away
Mutual combat over drug territory isn't violence that anyone but people in gangs need to be concerned with.
Be it Pillbillies, Illegal Methorcycle Clubs, or Black and Latino urban gangs.
>one of America's deadliest problems
But... but it's not. Gun violence kills a statistically minute amount of people.
Obesity, heart disease, alcoholism, the opioid crisis, those are deadly problems that kill literally orders of magnitude more people than gun violence.
>nationalize firearms
Would this mean hi-points as part a nigger's gibsmedat?
>The ones causing the high murder rates
>don't be concerned with them it's not our business
Ok buddy. When your sister is struck by a stray bullet because some nogs shot up your public housing don't be surprised that it happened.
This. Everybody wants to be first, to be second in regards to “fighting back against tyranny”. There’s a lot guys in my cucked shithole state that talk tough, but the most resistance they’ll ever show is not complying with a bullshit registration that’s basically optional. These are the same people that think cops are “based”, and there to protect their liberty, when in reality Mr. Police man and friends are the most likely to tread on your snake.
>>buybacks will sell to the gubbmint
Buybacks are precursor to mandatory confiscation. There is no way that these control freaks would be ok with people keeping their guns despite payouts. I have guns because i like guns, and don't trust the government. Even at 2x retail Johnny can fuck off.
>Republicans will never have power again and privatize firearms, like they try to do with everything.
The real problem is that nogunz can't fathom that there are large numbers of people who genuinely enjoy firearms. To them it's all a meme.
The average leftist kike unironically thinks you just walk into a gun store with cash in hand, and walk out with an M16, and hundreds of round of ammunition no different than buying a pair of shoes. That’s why these faggots will blindly support any legislation fuckheads will put in front of them because in their minds guns will ALWAYS be these evil tool of murder for right wingers, and totally unregulated. I can’t wait until Gavin Newsome runs my state.
Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh
The audacity of these fucking kikes. How about we nationalize the media? The firearms industry is much better representation of the demographics and beliefs of this country than our lying (((media))) that’s monopolized by the hooknosed 2% of this country.
Couldn't you get around this just by starting a new gun company after the nationalizing that only sells in your state? We could get a whole cottage industry of firearms manufacturers.
>The average leftist kike unironically thinks you just walk into a gun store with cash in hand, and walk out with an M16, and hundreds of round of ammunition no different than buying a pair of shoes.
I dreamed a dream...
a court case could easily make it so the government has to give every citizen the rifle.
If my tax dollars are buying Obama phones, I want my Trump Rifle.
>Obama phones
That was started by GWB
It would be like a helium exit bag but you would be high as fuck on laughing gas womps. You wouldn't even know you were dying until valhalla or the great abyss, whichever.
There we are.
He missed tho