But time isn't real. It's just a tool humans invented, so why does everyone worship, sacrifice goats, kill their first born, or cut dicks off for this faggot?
God = Alpha Omega = Time
>time isn't real
God is omnipresent. A thousand years are like a day. God is not "time"
As in, God is Existence Himself.
Time is relative and subjective... you can literally fast forward time and events in your mind and end result becomes clear as day.
we are gods
Dear Lord I wish mods would prune these bullshit threads. Why not just come on here and ask repeatedly " If a tree falls in the woods with no one to hear it does it make a sound?" Deny all you want faggot but for your own sake I pray you repent before the end comes.
>As in, God is Existence Himself.
Nah, you got that from Pantheism, idiot. That's not (((biblical)))
>Time is relative and subjective
That's because it's just langauge. Numbers = language. Time stops when humans die out.
>" If a tree falls in the woods with no one to hear it does it make a sound?"
Yeah, it makes sound waves retard
The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that
you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the
end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning;
he will know the end and will not experience death."
Ur a blasphemous faggot. All God wants from you is respect and reverence for creating everything and giving it to you for free, including eternal life because God came in the flesh and died so you don't have to. You don't even have to pay for the bullshit you've been doing your whole life and you dare go against God who did everything for you?
You're verily going to hell for all eternity, unrepentant cunt kike.
God is not time, Saturn aka Satan is time, the god of death and decay. Satan is the god of materialism, which is represented by the cube, the symbol of Saturn. The number 6 also represents saturn, as it is the number of imperfection.
Yeah, Jesus' dad was (((EL))) the timelord.
>Ur a blasphemous faggot. All God wants from you is respect and reverence for creating everything and giving it to you for free, including eternal life because God came in the flesh and died so you don't have to.
Sounds like a fucking asshole to me. Kills his son like a goat. Wants reverence like an insecure beta. You say it's free but it's constant death/life struggle.
>You don't even have to pay for the bullshit you've been doing your whole life
My mom did when I ripped her vagina in half all the way to the anus.
Then I had to pay endlessly through labor and fighting to survive. The fuck is wrong with you?
>God is not time, Saturn aka Satan is time
Satan was just a Vatican meme. They refused to translate the word "advesaries" and sold you one powerful evil compeition. Material is what you are. Kill yourself if you don't like it.
Jesus didn't call daddy "God" (some German word for Godin, Wod). He called him "Eli".
Nope. You’re and idiot everything you say is incorrect.
Insecure beta who worships Middle Eastern sacrifices, lol. It took you 5 minutes of google captcha just to say "nope"
Jsyk, you’re a very sad loser and no one cares what you think. You’re opinions are wrong because you are an idiot. Please kys
Nobody cares but you. I love you. Jesus doesn't. He's a virgin Jew sacrifice.
Saturn is the Roman equivalent of Cronus not Chronos.
You have fallen far. Wouldn´t wanna be in your shoes
I don’t care about you at all, I am commenting to show that you are wrong, plain and simple. You are a very simple minded person and should probably ask yourself why you are on a Jow Forums board trying to convince people that God = time. To anyone in the world this shows that you are a loser who isn’t even sure of his own beliefs. I KNOW that God exists and that he isn’t whatever retarded claim you are making about him, I’m just continuing to comment to show you that you can post whatever nonsense you want here, it doesn’t change any of our views, it only reveals to us how shortsighted, weak minded and lazy you are as a person. I feel bad for you
Exactly, but he is not worth feeling bad for, he isn’t even sure of his own beliefs.
>But time isn't real.
Prove your claims.
Thought so, know your fucking place.
>You have fallen far. Wouldn´t wanna be in your shoes
kek, you believe in magical spirits and torture dimensions. You're mentally ill and you're liars and you know it deep down.
>But time isn't real.
>Prove your claims.
If everyone stopped counting because they were dead, then there would be no "time". It's that simple.
>I don’t care about you at all, I am commenting to show that you are wrong, plain and simple. You are a very simple minded person and should probably ask yourself why you are on a Jow Forums board trying to convince people that God = time.
No, the bible says it. You just read an english version and don't know the culture you worship.
>I KNOW that God exists
No you don't. You call him "God". That's not biblical. That's Germanic Norse mythology.
>I feel bad for you
No you don't. You feel bad for yourself and you're projecting because you know that you're lying.
>If everybody moved away from the river, the river shall stop existing.
>I have no evidence.
>If everybody moved away from the river, the river shall stop existing.
You're dumb.
more like: If everyone died, the river wouldn't be named.
What happens to a clock or a hammer when every human dies? Does it go away? NO. It's just a part of the earth like everything else but it's not used. The clock isn't about time, it's just metal and shit rusting away. Hammer gets buried like old flint rocks from cavemen.
Why are you so stupid?
>That's Germanic Norse mythology.
Odin: Old Norse Óðinn, to Old High German Wotan and Old English Wōden. From Proto-Germanic *Wōdanaz, derived from Proto-Germanic *wōþuz
God: From Middle English god, from Old English god (“deity”), from Proto-Germanic *gudą, from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰutós (“invoked (one)”), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰewH- (“to call, to invoke”) or *ǵʰew-
>“invoked (one)”)
Odin is the invoked one, retard. That's his very identity. See: Stop using modern dicitionaries online and thinking you're smart. Learn to use etymology. Authority is a fallacy.
>If everybody moved away from the river, the river shall stop existing.
>more like: If everyone died, the river wouldn't be named.
Proving my point that time would exist without humans, humans simply measure it.
>B-but time doesn't exist.
Lmao, ftfy.
Ask plato, god is a useful idiot.
I believe in Jesus Christ, God made flesh +
>Proving my point that time would exist without humans, humans simply measure it.
No dumbo.
Humans measuring change and marking it with solar based numbers = time
see clock
You're saying change doesn't exist without your stupid fucking number system or measures. You're that stupid.
>I believe in Jesus Christ, God made flesh +
No you don't. You just yell it a lot to re-enforce the fact that deep down you know you're a liar.
Time is the flow that perpetuates everything in existence, humans simply have learned to measure it.
Your arguments are based on semantics, not facts uwu.
Know your fucking place owo.
>Humans measuring change and marking it with solar based numbers = time
You're thinking of second which is the numerical representation of time. Time exist with or without humans.
>Time is the flow that perpetuates everything in existence
That's just New Age bullshit.
>humans simply have learned to measure it.
measure what? Change and effects? Yeah... but the measuring is the system we created called "time". Time isn't the measuring, it's the ruler we measure change with.
>Your arguments are based on semantics, not facts
lol, we're dealing with word definitions you massive fucking meme spouting retard. Why are all you fags saying, "Your arguments are based on semantics" lately? Because it's the new NPC phrase. You're so fucking programmed, it's just sad.
Yeah, abstractions are just langauge tools. Escapism is degenerate.
>Time exist with or without humans.
Time is real if space is real. Time is a result of space, space is a result of time. Describing the position of objects, the amounts of entropy and feedback, that is time. There are no moments, just thin strands of events that are only possible to perceive by those looking through air, and not at it. God is real in the minds of man, and so is real. One god does not rule everything, and we are not all part of that god which you speak of. Reality is a song and Jow Forums is the guitar solo.
The elite worship saturn and have been sacrificing children since biblical times. We are their finiancial slaves.
Which is wrong, time isn't the ruler measuring change. A clock is the equivalent of the ruler and it measures time.
>Time is real if space is real. Time is a result of space, space is a result of time
No it's not. Time is just a human tool. Watch:
>Describing the position of objects, the amounts of entropy and feedback, that is time.
See, "DESCRIBING". All that shit happens without describing. The describing is "time", not the actions or phenomenons themselves.
>There are no moments,
contradicting yourself.
>God is real in the minds of man, and so is real.
I say you're getting fucked in the ass by Hillary. So it's real.
>Reality is a song and Jow Forums is the guitar solo.
And you're emo singing in the background.
>The elite worship saturn and have been sacrificing children since biblical times. We are their finiancial slaves.
So do the NPCs. They don't know that the bible "god" is the same thing. If Romans said Judeans worship Saturn. That's why they fucked up their temple and built a temple of Jupiter there. And if you know this you'll understand what Revelations was really about. Plus Mt. Vesuvius blowing up.
>time isn't the ruler measuring change.
>A clock is the ruler measuring time.
lol, you just contridicted yourself again, idiot. A clock is the time.
>What time is it??!!!
Checks clock
Cronus is synonymous to chronos (time) since he maintains the course and cycles of seasons and the periods of time, whereas the Latin name Saturn denotes that he is saturated with years since he was devouring his sons, which implies that time devours the ages and gorges
>I have no evidence.
>Instead let me prove your points and simply have a hissyfit over semantics.
Exactly uwu, you make claims, you have no evidence, I do.
a.A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future." Thefreedictionary.com/time
>I: Evidence
>You: thoroughly been set into your place.
Whatever you say nose, keep digging.
>Cronus is synonymous to chronos (time) since he maintains the course and cycles of seasons and the periods of time, whereas the Latin name Saturn denotes
Yeah but they get conflated together. Besides the bible (((El))) god is time. It says so on the first and last page.
I'm not an NPC. I don't buy into the fallacy of authority. All dictionaries and acedemia and science is controlled by the Cube worshipers, the esoteric bible thumbers.
Look into NASA
>keep digging.
keep lying
>All dictionaries and acedemia and science is controlled by the Cube worshipers
Those damn linguists are controlling the world!
>A nonspatial continuum
> in which events occur
human definitions
>in apparently irreversible succession
ie, apparently we can't reverse existence hurrr durrr
> from the past
human measurements
>through the present
>to the future.
= human measurements
People are so easy to lead. Use big words and complex sentences and they just believe in any abstractions.
>Those damn linguists are controlling the world!
Yeah, linguists actually can control the world. See the fake definitions on "race" and "race-ism", genius.
>You're right, I'm wrong, you have shown me my place.
Yes I have.
>Please enjoy my hissyfit of not only not accepting the truth, but also supplying zero evidence to prove my claims, again.
>Le tinfoil hat tip.
Lmao, dance puppet dance, take your meds.
>Yes I have proven you wrong. reeeeeeeee!
So you give up.
>Le tinfoil hat tip.
So you're resorting it lefty meme because now you're mad
Checked & praised
>N-no u, derail derail.
Stay mad my dude, truth prevails as always.
>t. Doesn't know physics
You should post less and read more.
>Stay mad my dude
Come to Jow Forums. thinks he can use online dictionaries to win arguments. kek
I bet you think niggers are human
>Doesn't know physics
muh fallacy of authority. Muh NPC big brain agreement. I bet you think niggers are human too
>Who needs sources, facts or science in general?
>Oh wait, here, have one on biology, anything regarding time doesn't matter though.
>I am right because I say so, when I say so.
Sweet delusion, stay mad breh.
"I'm right because others agree with me like dictionary online! reeeeeeeee"
You worship time. You believe in abstractions. You do this because you were told to.
>I'm right because I disagree with everything, what evidence, oh no no, have some semantics.
Come on get mad.
>I'm right because I disagree with everything, what evidence, oh no no, have some semantics.
"Give me evidence of things that don't exist reeeeeeeeee!"
When you're dealing with definitions in philosophy or physics, you're dealing with semantics. Dealing with semantics doesn't mean it's wrong. It's not dealing with sophistry. It's dealing with the meaning of classifications, the nature of a thing. Since time isn't a "thing", you're dealing with the definitions of the abstract idea of "time".
Point to time without using a clock, the sun, the moon, the things that move. You can't. Time has no nature (classification of forms). It's an abstract tool, like language, like numbers, that we use to define REAL WORLD THINGS changing in space.
Space isn't even a "thing". It's the backdrop of things. If all things disapeared there wouldn't be any "space". It would collapse on itself around the last thing to exist. And then something else would appear because you can't have "space" without some things to encompass.
Space is a backdrop. And that's why they had to invent a "thing" called ether in order to define it. But then what hold ether? Where does it end? What shape does it have? Not infinity, because that's just more counting until you stop counting.
Infinity is like + - or division, it's a symbol that helps define numbers. And numbers are only useful or real when they are used to define things. Without humans, numbers are just left over material in books that have ants crawling on them or whatever. Just like clocks. It's just material without human definitions.
You trust too much. Stop worshiping heavenly forms.
Cool story brah; evidence let's go.
Thought so.
l>evidence let's go.
You can't give evidence of "time" or "space" without comparing it to real things, natural real world things. I just proved it. AND YOU BITCHED OUT
>Appeal to ambiguity
Thought so.
Time and space are real; for they can be measured, you not accepting the evidence for that, has no consequence on it.
you are not measuring time and space, you are measuring objects against other objects with time and space
something is only so large as set up against something
something only takes place (time) against something (meet me at ten o clock in the town square)
so they are tools we use to measure but not measurable themselves
The original argument was.
>Time doesn't real.
Counter argument
>Yes it is, one can even measure it.
Ftfy, read the thread idiot.
>Measure the measurable, you can't explain that.
You just did, thanks for proving my point.
Meaning you're too religious to challenge your "time" meme. There was nothing ambiguous about what I said. Again, point to "time" without using a clock or things like the sun, moon, or changing items and taking measurements of their change.
>Time and space are real;
lol, you sound like a Christian screaming, "the lord is real!". You've been taught to worship abstractions.
>for they can be measured
You can't measure time. You use time to measure things, stupid. We've gone over this.
>you not accepting the evidence for that,
There is evidence of things changing, for things coming out of change. You confuse change with "time".
Cringe... Sorry fanatic, but I'm Bobby Fisher and you're a religious Rabbi.
See: >you are not measuring time and space, you are measuring objects against other objects with time and space
>something is only so large as set up against something
>something only takes place (time) against something (meet me at ten o clock in the town square)
>so they are tools we use to measure but not measurable themselves
This user gets it.
Time is a construct like the cm, without humans there would be no such things.
Chronos and Cronus.. Yeah everyone knows that dipshit. You don't think they have any relation though? Some sources say that they were the same being in some regions. Chronos is probably just the aspect of Cronus, the actual deity.
>The original argument was.
>Time doesn't real.
LOL. The original argument is about the Time god:
>But time isn't real. It's just a tool humans invented,, so why does everyone worship
Plus you argued the opposite the entire thread. That is was real unto itself.
>I refuse your previous evidence, so my assertion without evidence must be true.
Just supply evidence yourself my dude, your ramblings simply do not hold up and contradicts itself.
Stay mad brah.
Read the first entry, ftfy
Evidence let's go.
>But time isn't real.
As such that assertion has been proven wrong, not only that, it has been proven by me repeatedly.
Stay fucked brah.
>repeats himself over and over
>BTFO by two anons over and over
>talks like a Californian but has Neatherwhere flag
>Still posting free dictionary as his "evidence"
>Time is actually relative, and flexible and, according to Albert Einstein himself, "the dividing line between past, present, and future is an illusion". Below in the video Prof. Brian Greene explains this concepts beautifully…. So watch and learn.
Supplies evidence.
>I don't agree with it.
>Supplies no evidence himself.
>Agree with it!.
Ftfy, the absolute state.
>Time doesn't exist.
>Posts link to Einstein proving that time exists and can be measured.
Thanks for proving my point user.
ok this is getting boring, good day sir
Good, know your fucking place.
Spacetime is real you feral mongrelized nigger.
Crack open a book and put down the crack pipe.
Albertsen, N., & Diken, B. (2006). Society with/out Organs. In M. Fuglsang, & B. Meier Sorensen (Eds.), Deleuze and the social (pp. 231-249). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
clocks are tools men invented, time is something completely different. Time is like the air, or water, it is something we live in.
What you're looking at there has nothing to do with Christianity.
Neither was Christ a jew. He was a Galilean. Galilee was under the influence of the Pharisees who had wrestled control from the other kike nasties in the holy land at the time who were the Saducees. Kikes literally jewed the Romans in to giving them a degree of autonomy which led to the collapse of the Roman Empire. So in addition to killing Christ, they destroyed a civilisation. Literal descendents of Cain who all need to die.
What you call "Time" only lives in the Mind.
Its a tool to measure shit you've done, will do, and will come.
But "time" is not real. It's a meme to help rationalise shit in the Now.
Past, present, future only exist in the Mind, to whom he uses "TIME" to arrange stuff.
We are always living in the Now.
Thats what Anons mean when saying Time is a tool.