/NOVA ERA/ (formerly /hue/volution) - JUSTICE MINISTER MORO EDITION

/NOVA ERA/ is the place to discuss Brazilian politics during Jair Bolsonaro's presidency.

Jair Messias Bolsonaro is a Brazilian congressman and former military officer. He has served as a member of the Chamber of Deputies, representing the state of Rio de Janeiro, since 1991. In an unprecedented presidential run, spending significantly less than his adversaries, under constant fire from the mainstream media, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro was elected by the popular vote to the presidency of Brazil. He will take office as the 38th president in January 1st 2019.

Bolsonaro is a pro-gun, pro-life, conservative Catholic. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and Bolivarian socialism. He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems.

Onyx Lorenzoni - Chief of Staff
Paulo Guedes - Economy
General Augusto Heleno - Defense
LTC Marcos Pontes - Science and Technology

MORE INFORMATION: pastebin.com/raw/fuZH3p7g

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We should ruin the rest of this fag career

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Let me know when anime is real so I can pack my bags

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>children's literature

What career? He's been Filipe Dillon tier for a while now, there's no career.

Who would be our Shia??


What should be done
a)Get first place as the most voted idea on the senate page
>Thats 253.804 votes + 1

b)Get social influencers, /ourguys/ retweeting this and discussing this
>Nando Moura
>Olavo de Carvalho
>Bolsonaro kids
>Danilo Gentili
>PSL redhaired girl from the south
>PSL military police with a big mustache
>Police instagram pages on facebook and instagram
>Right wing pages on facebook and instagram

c)Push it to the leftist bubbles, so they can viralize this in fear too
>Midia ninja
>Quebrando o tabu

d)Create OC to push this idea to the entire nation that is on social media
>Sikeira Jr memes
>Proerd memes
>Alborghetti memes

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In other news, Moro is apparently going to accept the soon-to-be super Ministry of Justice and D2 is going to jail for racism.

Now gib reich.

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Felipe Neto

Caua Reymond

>fiction made for shekels
Why are they all like this?

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wow so brave

How do I deal with the fact she isn't my gf

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>toneladas de apoiadores do Bolsonaro não param de falar de mercado global e mundo global inclusive o Eduardo Bolsonaro

Essa merda de país vai ser escravo pra sempre.

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January 1st, but it has already started to materialize.

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Brazilian Lauren Southern is on her way to become nation-wide famous now. I hope the does like Lauren and moves past provocateur and learns some serious politics.

What's wrong with you? Stop giving attention to thots.

>não quer ser primeiro mundo
vá à merda, isentão

She's not a thot,

Are we Death Eaters?

saying black can only belong to him.

Children literature is political commentary. Man, i have not seen so much imaturity since people over 30 years old still watching cartoons

Who the fuck made this shit? It's fucking retarded, why there isn't any mention of, "if positive the maconheiro de merda will be arrasted on the spot" and hopefully with a good beating.

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>mfw racism backfires at leftists
jail soon

I myself liked HP when I was a kid/early teenager, but why can't the left grow out of a children's book?

all women are

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"Confira como devem ser os ministérios de Bolsonaro:

1) Casa Civil - assumindo funções do Governo
2) Economia - fusão de Fazenda, Planejamento e Indústria, Comércio Exterior
3) Defesa
4) Saúde
5) Ciência e Tecnologia (com ensino superior)
6) Educação, Esportes e Cultura
7) Trabalho
8) Minas e Energia
9) Justiça e Segurança
10) Integração Nacional ( com Cidades e Turismo)
11) Infraestrutura, englobando Transportes
12) Gabinete de Segurança Institucional
13) Desenvolvimento Social (com Direitos Humanos)
14) Relações Exteriores
15) Agricultura e Meio Ambiente"


even your mamma?

legit chuckle


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>only reads fiction
>claims literature free minds and makes you think

Que merda de raciocinio é esse, lixo globalista é liberaloide e com intenção de destruir países de primeiro mundo.

she will fuck 2m tall negroes using public money
you mad incel?

lefties are getting a bit weird

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No race-mixing pls

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I saw a chart of the new congress once, does someone still have it?
Im afraid if Bolso will be able to pass social security reform and PL3722

OMG he flew on a piece of equipment which was derived from the work of Nazi scientists! He's definitely a Nazi!!!!!one

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I wonder why... Maybe because they never leave the mental adolescence? I have seen supposed doctors in universities refusing to say the name of the guy.


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how can you be so fucking retarded? I even like harry potter but I'm not fucking retarded

>Who would be our Shia?

D2 is pretty uppity and aggressive rn, he'd be great at it.

this but unironically, cold war USA was low-key nazi

>s-she is not a t-thot guise

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Translation for burgers:
>"Confira como devem ser os ministérios de Bolsonaro:
Check out how Bolsonaro's ministries will likely look like:
>1) Casa Civil - assumindo funções do Governo
Chief of Staf - taking over government functions
>2) Economia - fusão de Fazenda, Planejamento e Indústria, Comércio Exterior
Economy - fusion of Finance, Planning and Industry and Foreign Commerce
>3) Defesa
>4) Saúde
>5) Ciência e Tecnologia (com ensino superior)
Science and technology (with superior education)
>6) Educação, Esportes e Cultura
Education, Sports and Culture
>7) Trabalho
>8) Minas e Energia
Mines and Energy
>9) Justiça e Segurança
Justice and Safety
>10) Integração Nacional ( com Cidades e Turismo)
National Integration (with Cities and Tourism)
>11) Infraestrutura, englobando Transportes
Infrastructure, including Transports
>12) Gabinete de Segurança Institucional
Institutional Security Cabinet, which controls ABIN
>13) Desenvolvimento Social (com Direitos Humanos)
social Development (with human rights)
>14) Relações Exteriores
Foreign relationships
>15) Agricultura e Meio Ambiente"
Agriculture and the Environment

Not me, but I know for a fact these proposals have a very strict size limit, maybe the beating part didn't fit.

she is actually. at least some people here claimed she was, that she has fucked dozens

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You are thinking too deeply, its just a pun. NASA = NASISTA.


A bit of ASMR to celebrate Wtizel's RWDS snipers.

Caralho como eu odeio """""""cultura nerd""""""".

Operation Paperclip. We took as many Nazi scientist as possible and so did the Soviet Union. NASA was literally founded by a Nazi.

It is a joke ?

lmao is there any video?

Nenhum argumento.

of course the one speaking BR says the most stupid shit. we're going to open the market for investment, regardless if its from here or foreign investment. we combat globalism with conservatism

Our principal target it isnt the creation of the law. Is the chaos and lolz generated. If is not funny (in some twisted way at least) anons will not mobilized to do HUE


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Where I went to college, it’s not unusual for Burger women to have 30+ sexual partners in just 4 years of college.

what does integração nacional do?

Anyone else feeling that BRs are much more redpilled and bold than the burguers?

nope, some here just said that
I know, too many thots


Pitúpill me on the merging of Agriculture and Environment into one super ministry.

I do know it was mostly done to kill the bureaucracy that made them slow as fuck, but will it really work better in the long run?

tell him that if its hair testing, it doesn't leave the body for many months

That is what we say about every woman, there is really no way to tell and who the fuck cares.

Ministério da Integração Nacional é um órgão do governo federal brasileiro cuja criação se deu em 29 de julho de 1999, através da medida provisória nº 1.911-8, convertida na lei nº 10.683/2003, e teve sua estrutura regimental aprovada pelo decreto nº 5.847 de 14 de julho de 2006, que estabeleceu as seguintes competências para a instituição:

Formular e conduzir a política de desenvolvimento nacional integrada
Formular planos e programas regionais de desenvolvimento
Estabelecer estratégias de integração das economias regionais
Estabelecer diretrizes e prioridades na aplicação dos recursos dos programas de financiamento, de que trata a Constituição Federal
Estabelecer diretrizes e prioridades na aplicação dos recursos do Fundo de Desenvolvimento da Amazônia e do Fundo de Desenvolvimento do Nordeste
Estabelecer de normas para cumprimento dos programas de financiamento dos fundos constitucionais e das programações orçamentárias dos fundos de investimentos regionais
Acompanhar e avaliar os programas integrados de desenvolvimento nacional
Defesa civil
Obras contra as secas e de infraestrutura hídrica
Formular e conduzir a política nacional de irrigação
Ordenação territorial
Obras públicas em faixas de fronteiras

Tem por diretriz maior de sua atuação a Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento Regional (PNDR), instrumento que orienta os programas e ações do Ministério. Nesse sentido a PNDR orienta a formulação e implementação de grandes projetos estruturantes macrorregionais, que resultam, na prática, em resultados positivos para a construção de relações federativas entre os três entes de Governo - Federal, Estadual e Municipal - e de participação social ampla dos atores sub-regionais.

my grandma will share this project, she is a quite influential teologist and she knows fucking Edir Macedo. hopefully this attracts the attention of the christians.

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Every woman who uses male attention to acquire fame, wealth and social status is a thot.

Dirigismo com base na Industrialização de Substituição de Importações é a razão pelo qual a gente ainda é um país de renda média, seu animal. O nosso capital humano e tecnológico é patético, precisamos de recursos de fora para avançarmos como uma nação.

Fifth Empire when?



regional development planning, usually aimed at the less developed regions

Regional development (Sudene, etc) and literally integrating the country's economics and infrastructure

>Minas e Energia

As in actual mines? We have mines in Brazil? Is there where all the niobio is? Unrelated to that I want more trains and metros traffic is gay and stupid

I know, was just making another joke.

Purge Time ?

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isn't 4?

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Of course we have mines, dumb nigga. lol

That's a very small number, I don't give a fuck.

wtf man how can you not know that

The problem it is not fusing the two. It is big farmers using this to escape enviromental policies and socialist scientists selling all to NGOs complaining about it trying to pass themselves as protectors of nature. I am a biologist, The corruption is everywhere in the Enviroment Ministry now, i have no job perspective. Nowdays the ministry is almost useless. But the big farmers have no interest in using less land, poison or fertilizers.

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>We have mines in Brazil?
iron ore is our second largest export

its already done

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Our niggers are much more redpilled than burguer niggers


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Big farmers DON'T want to escape them. The market highly values "green" products, they are highly incentive to have all the best (private foreign) qualifications.

Also this:

maybe if she sucks my cock

Cultural marxism failed here, to be implemented.

What stupid shit retard?

>we combat globalism with conservatism
Do you even know what you're talking about, the globalists will shove their whole agenda into us, and "conservatism" you mean the Jeb! tier cucks that are all over here, that is a fucking mess.

The country is held back really hard by socialist policies, taking it away will be enough to prop up the country.

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>biggest iron ore reserves on the planet
>one of the smallest rail network if the biggest countries