So anybody got inside baseball on TRS? Mike seems extremely uninterested in episodes and the last strike and mike was complete shit. anybody know what's going on over there?
I have been peetering off these podcast anyways - too much constant input about how clown world everything is is not good for the soul but It's making it really easy for me. The content is getting extremely stagnant.
Just wondering if anyone knows whats going on, out of sheer curiosity.
I swear sven is high on methatemines every episode.
Its a simple formula that they strayed from
> mike goes on long rant > sven is sound guy with OCCASIONAL quips
Killstream is better right now, but I think this is just a roadbumb and TRS will improve.
Brayden Hill
okay memeflag faggot.
Owen Morales
They used to have a brighter outlook on the future before CVille. They pretend they didn't but when you compare the before and after energy its obvious. Sadly they fell for the activism PSYOP. In reality protests are just victory laps, a smoke screen. When the million man march and MLK were doing their thing the establishment had already decided to enact civil rights. The protests and marches and speeches were a show for the general public. The decision was already taken because it would benefit the interests of the establishment.
Cameron Lee
I occasionally catch the paranormies. Everything else is getting tired. Even let my pay wall sub die
Kayden Rodriguez
I’ve basically switched to FTN. At some point the comedy gets old and I want more substance. TDS is very light on the substance lately but FTN has always been good. This week on the alt right and public space are also good usually.
Samuel Martinez
Adrian Thompson
Lawsuit really got to Mike too. He's still constantly trying to moderate what he and others say