>Wake up
>Immediately go to fridge to get a beer
>Only about half way through the bottle do I realize what I just did
Is my life effectively over at this point
>Wake up
>Immediately go to fridge to get a beer
>Only about half way through the bottle do I realize what I just did
Is my life effectively over at this point
Stop keeping alcohol in your living space, it's really that simple
are you asking me if youre dead or about to die?
Probably, but I drink while operating angle grinders and other dangerous, potentially explosive tools.
>drinking beer
Quit attention seeking.
When you get to house whiskey for breakfast 20 years straight, then call me
Just realized I meant to post this on Jow Forums
Sorry Janny
mods are madmen for stickying this
Beer in the morning?
fuck niggers and fuck the jannie
i havent had a job in years thanks to alcoholism