/NOVA ERA/ (formerly /hue/volution)

/NOVA ERA/ is the place to discuss Brazilian politics during Jair Bolsonaro's presidency.

Jair Messias Bolsonaro is a Brazilian congressman and former military officer. He has served as a member of the Chamber of Deputies, representing the state of Rio de Janeiro, since 1991. In an unprecedented presidential run, spending significantly less than his adversaries, under constant fire from the mainstream media, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro was elected by the popular vote to the presidency of Brazil. He will take office as the 38th president in January 1st 2019.

Bolsonaro is a pro-gun, pro-life, conservative Catholic. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and Bolivarian socialism. He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems.

Onyx Lorenzoni - Chief of Staff
Paulo Guedes - Economy
General Augusto Heleno - Defense
LTC Marcos Pontes - Science and Technology

MORE INFORMATION: pastebin.com/raw/fuZH3p7g

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Live salt in TV Senado


Just a reminder that those who voted for Amoedo are retarded.

I can still hear your nordestino there, buddy, sorry...

gib reich

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Do you never give up? Checked.

Remember being Catholic is what God intended for Brazil and the world

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Will social security reform pass?


Reminder that Dom Pedro II was based as fuck.


yeah, we need to save the catholic church from the leftists ASAP

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>those replies
The absolute state of /v/

alright fine
but i swear the other northeastern states have a much worse accent, especially in the countryside

All ypu do is fuck peoples kids and betray your narion for foreign trash

Actually if you try to speak in a slower pace people will label you as from another state. The worst accents here in NE are from Alagoas, Sergipe, Piauí and definetily Ceará and Bahia are tied with Rio de Janegro as THE worst brazilian accent.

>his nation is supposed to be christian and dictate christian values in the world
Your ancestors are turning in the grave

I shouldn't be shitting on my neighbors but dude, that accent is so unsufferable it's crazy

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and it's 404 already lmao


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Long live Bolsonaro


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Is he going to screw up the rainforest though? Maybe we should invade if they start threatening our oxygen supply.

He's got a point, y'know.

Stop with this meme. The Amazon is only responsible for 4% of Earth's oxygen.

YOu ignored that fact that he's a zionist

You should invade china if you care about the nature so much, also fuck you, we could simply burn down the whole forest and you guys can't do shit

The rainforest is just 4% of the oxygen supply.

You want some of that rainforest, burger? Go ahead and try it.
We're waiting.

Take yer swing

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Good luck. We will kill you all, if you thought Vietnam was hell, youre in for a ride. One step into our land, and we will fuck you up


cucktholics are a disgrace, they love being mediocre and poor

Who is going to be new oposition?
I know PT still has deputies and some senators, but I believe they lost most of their power/influence and some allies (by playing dirty against PDT on first round) or they will still be the main threat?

Jews commit several crimes against humanity:

Their churches tend to be more beautiful than Protestant ones though.

My guess is that Ciro Gomes will present himself as the new, honest face of the left.

i guess you could say he will divide them




Are Mestizos allowed in the Mutt Reich?

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This. Ave Maria

Can anyone post the Bolsonaro webm of him being really angry, shooting guns, reeeeing about low tolerance for cop use of force, all set to portuguese rap?

Most people here are mixed, user.

And? what is your point? Are you such a defeatist that would give up the way to salvation and the Eucharist simply because the institution isn't perfect?

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Bolsonaro 38 presidente
Trez oitao

Protestants were the ones that divided christianity in the first place. You were the ones that accepted women and faggots into the mold. Catholicism is still salvageable from the disgrace that was Vatican II, while protestancucks will wallow in their own mud and cuckolding forever.

*saves the world by nuking you and the whole amazon rainforest*
Fuck yeah

I was under the impression you were a Aryan nation less São Paulo and Rio.

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It's much MUCH more easier to subvert the protestants than the catholic church

If the institution isn't perfect, then it's no way to salvation and the eucharist is a farce. But regardless, the Catholic church is an institution that pleads allegiance to a foreign sovereign state and tha topenly advocates communism, so fuck it if they're the "way to salvation", they're not welcome in Brazil.


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>you were a Aryan nation less São Paulo and Rio.
Nobody says that. The south is mostly white outside capital cities, São Paulo is reasonably white as well, but the country is largely mixed. Official statistics place us at 48% white (self declared, lel), but we're probably some 20% white. I shouldn't have to tell you to not fall for anyone telling nobody is white or that everyone is white.

Lmao, funny you say that, cause protestants have no institution whatsoever, they simply believe that by faith alone you reach salvation m8.
>But regardless, the Catholic church is an institution that pleads allegiance to a foreign sovereign state and tha topenly advocates communism, so fuck it if they're the "way to salvation", they're not welcome in Brazil.
The same institution that founded Brazil and basically made us an united country

Olha o NOVO mostrando a que veio aí:


>protestants have no institution whatsoever
Sure. Both are false religions, but most protestants will be allowed in Brazil because they don't pledge allegiance to a foreign state and don't openly advocate communism (the ones who do either of those things will not be allowed though). The Catholic Church on the other hand will be solemnly banned because it does both.
>The same institution that founded Brazil and basically made us an united country
That's false, freemasonry founded and united Brazil. But even if that were true, it doesn't matter, because just because an institution made something doesn't mean they get to destroy it.

>Both are false religions, but most protestants will be allowed in Brazil because they don't pledge allegiance to a foreign state and don't openly advocate communism (the ones who do either of those things will not be allowed though).
Lmao, so you HONESTLY think that protestant have no international affiliation? Especially the pentecostal ones?
>That's false, freemasonry founded and united Brazil. But even if that were true, it doesn't matter, because just because an institution made something doesn't mean they get to destroy it.
Ah yes, the freemason jesuits and Pedro Alvarez Cabral!

Are most Catholics faggots about piracy?

I know Kogos favors piracy, and Wagner Clemente Soto hosts a famous online library of pirated conservative PDFs... but on the whole, what is the perspective of intelligent Catholics on the matter?

Can I take Communion if I'm a naughty, naughty downloader of pirated mp3s and pdfs?

I have been considering becoming Catholic, but I don't want to become just another faggot crippled in his cultural pursuits because of scrupulosity.

I hope Trump realizes how important Brazil is to China and decides to join Netanyahu and come to Bolsonaro's inauguration.

I honestly don't give a fuck about piracy tho

the people making most mass media are satanists so it's okay

Yeah man, I don't either.

My question is if being Catholic means having to punctiliously abide by the fine print of our lovely draconian intellectual property laws.

That's a good point, and I'll take the "777" as divine confirmation.

>imagine being a cucktholic and having to tell a pervert old wizard man every time you masturbate
top kek

>so you HONESTLY think that protestant have no international affiliation?
Are you dense? First, you're confusing allegiance with affilliation. Second, of course they don't have any allegiance to foreign states, because they always have a NATIONAL allegiance by definition. That's why protestant churches are national churches (e. g. Church of England, Church of Norway, etc.). Stop talking about what you don't understand, you're uninformed and clueless.
Only did shit, they failed miserably at attempting to civilize subhuman savages. Brazil would've been a better country if we just genocided the animals like the Americans did.
>Pedro Alvarez Cabral
What did he do? He only stopped here to gather supplies and then went his way! Also, you misspelled his name, faggot.

#MARCELOD2RACISTA, explain this autism?

To be quite frank I don't know

He called Bolsonaro's father in law an Uncle Tom.

He said a close friend of Bolsonaro is an Uncle Tom.

>Second, of course they don't have any allegiance to foreign states, because they always have a NATIONAL allegiance by definition. That's why protestant churches are national churches
Protestant Churches are divided into one BAZILLION churches and even in traditional places like Sweden, Norway and others they are entitled to allegiance with supranational believes to the point of the Church of Sweden shilling globalism and LGBT shit, also taking in account the biggest protestant country of the world, which is the USA, your whole reasoning falls to shit, when most of them got also supranationals beliefs and the most famous ones are related to Israeli sovereignty and Dispensationalism. Every church got a global plan of expansion and global domination and serve some interests, you are dumb believing that some church can simply be only national and serve only temporal political interests, pretty much like the Orthodox Church nowadays, which is a puppet for Putin
>Only did shit, they failed miserably at attempting to civilize subhuman savages. Brazil would've been a better country if we just genocided the animals like the Americans did.
Failed miserably? Literally the whole settlement point and the victory over the French/Spaniards/Dutch was mostly done by the natives, slaves and some Portuguese m8. The whole history pre-Marques de Pombal is due to them, you don't even know our own history!

>these divines trips
okay it is, then

Left screeching

And the guy is friend of Bolsonaro for more than 40 years.

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20. That's not him.

Supranational beliefs and affinity to certain countries are different than outright ALLEGIANCE. The Catholic Chuch pledges allegiance to the Vatican. That a whole nother level of cucking. I'm not saying the protestants aren't cucked, I admited they are. But the difference is most of them are to a tolerable level. The Catholic church on the other hand is by nature unacceptable.
>The whole history pre-Marques de Pombal is due to them
Exactly. Our history began with the Marquês de Pombal.

>But the difference is most of them are to a tolerable level. The Catholic church on the other hand is by nature unacceptable.
Tolerable level? If anything your argument is reaching subjective levels now, every country pledges allegiance to something greater based on their believes and their own power. The whole point of the church is to plead allegiance to God and what he deems right, if you are worried about submission and cuckoldry you should either become an atheist or a freemason or other shit
>Exactly. Our history began with the Marquês de Pombal.
Ok my fellow historian, then burn all the books and the documents proving that our history dates from the 1500s and then I will start to agree with you

>The whole point of the church is to plead allegiance to God
God is not a foreign state.
>burn all the books and the documents proving that our history dates from the 1500s
Read any book, it will corroborate what I'm saying: Brazil was nothing until the Marquês's reforms. Stop being dumb.

Be aware cancer level too high:

Jovens reacionários defensores da liberdade combatendo o mal
Jovens reacionários defensores da liberdade combatendo o mal Mas o que é que tem um cara se dizer tão estudado e participar de um governo que caga pra ciência e tecnologia, além de ser um baita reaça né? Olha só, também não podemos criticar o paulo guedes como ministro da economia né? Afinal, ele é economista

Ass: Barbie

Jovens reacionários defensores da liberdade combatendo o mal
Jovens reacionários defensores da liberdade combatendo o mal Mds existem minions do cara estudadão que nunca publicou um estudo científico relevante na vida e vive de palestras motivacionais. Tenho certeza que se pesquisar o histórico dessa galera, eles também aplaudiram o gestor pornô quando ele abriu mão do salário de prefeito. Mas olha, é cada uma que vou te contar...

Jovens reacionários defensores da liberdade combatendo o mal Não podemos desmerecer o generalzinho que o boçalnaro escolheu como ministro da educação. Ele é ufólogo e estudou o caso do ET Bilu, o extraterrestre brasileiro

Victória M. Pessoa Mano, o cara tem bacharelado em tecnologia aeronautica pela AFA, é engenheiro aeronautico pelo ITA, mestrado em engenharia de sistemas por uma universidade da Califórnia e olha só que bacana, bacharelado em ADMINISTRAÇÃO PÚBLICA!

Luiz Gustavo Gardona Se fosse só por currículo, quem tinha que estar lá era o Haddad e não o Bolsonaro

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The best way to restore the glory of the Catholic Church is Paulo Ricardo as Pope

>God is not a foreign state.
It can honestly be as well, the concept of nations basically derive from the concept of morality and religion. A difference in religion has and can honestly spark a destruction of a country. You are so retarded about this Nation über alles that you don't even question what is the whole point of a country existing and what purpose does it fulfills
>Read any book, it will corroborate what I'm saying: Brazil was nothing until the Marquês's reforms. Stop being dumb.
Brazil being nothing =/= Brazil not existing

Lefties shitting on Pontes just shows how ignorant they are, never interrupt your enemy when he's doing a mistake.

lol nah

>ok a centralized state is a bad idea but hear this one
>let's have a centralized church
>and make it dictate how the bible must be interpreted
>nevermind that even the apostles didn't agree on everything
>what could possibly go wrong?
my agenda if I was satan

what do you guys think about "trabalhismo participativo"?

>O Trabalho gera riquezas, que por sua vez se transformam em bem-estar social. Quando todos tivermos acesso a compartilhar das oportunidades criadas, seja como empregados ou como empregadores, poderemos mais rápido desenvolver o País, proporcionando substanciais melhorias de condições de vida, onde a saúde, a educação, a habitação e a segurança passem a ser bens materiais compartilháveis com mais eqüidade entre todos. Todos somos absolutamente necessários uns aos outros, especialmente ao desenvolvimento da Nação Brasileira.

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>Luiz Gustavo Gardona Se fosse só por currículo, quem tinha que estar lá era o Haddad e não o Bolsonaro
Well, if we were talking about minstries this faggot would be right, but we are talking about a democratic election.

>the catholic church is centralized
Pls m8, stop being dumb

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Futuros ministérios.

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>human rights gone

that's the point user
stop shilling for making it so

literally communsim

oh shit sorry, I was thinking you were the nazbol guy and I didn't read everything

>Not merging Infraestrutura and Integração Nacional
Cutting down to 15 is fucking wonderful anyhow. Dilma had fucking 40 ministries.

Divide and conquer
>Divide and conquer
Divide and conquer

you did it you crazy monkeys
do not fail us now, sort out your shit asap
whole south america needs a saviour

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I was looking at some Europeans governments structure earlier and it's pretty similar, even the Environment and Agriculture being together is pretty common.

>no more farm ministry
thank god


>you did it
Nigga we elect a fucking neoliberal

Shut the fuck up, macaco.

I can't access it, what is this "legitima discurso do pt"[proves PT's speech]? What kind of speech?
Also are the commentaries pro or against it? (Please be against it)

download noscript m8

Someone post it here, i won't sign up for their shit