Dna and race

does anybody have hard data on actual genetic differences between negroids, australoids, europids and mongoloids?
you can see the 'less than 0.1%' figure a lot but anybody who's read culture of critique or has a bit of common sense realizes that's horseshit(pic related).
also what's the genetic difference between other species of a genus, for example eastern vs western gorilla?

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>Rothschild's Giraffe

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Mammals with less genetic distance have subdivisions.
Either we change how those animals and many other animals are categorized.
Or we acknowledge bioligal bases for human subdivision.
Scientific understanding of genetics is the most effective way to get rid of colorism and colonial era racism.
Genetics are the code to unlocking our real history.
Diverse societies have massive advantages when they are informed and cohesive.

so do you have any numbers?

>Diverse societies have massive advantages when they are informed and cohesive.
for example? also lol go be cohesive with a nigger pls.

Australian Abos are still genetically closer than Sub-Saharan niggers are.

People often forget how abnormal it is to have Sub-Saharan nigger monkeys in your living environment, given how distatant they are genetically.

It should never be OK to see one of those Homo Erectus chimps from Sub-Sahara in a white environment. They should be quarantined to their own jungles.

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You’re not any better finngol.

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>A pug and a great dane are the same species
>A human with slightly different facial and body structure isn't

Even 1% of this disgusting monkey DNA, which makes you dumber, shorter, darker, uglier, is one step away from humanity.

>This is fucking hilarious!

>So you know about 23andme, right? There's a service called Gedmatch where you can upload your raw DNA data provided by 23andme and it then converts this into percentiles of population clusters your DNA is most similar to.

>So a bunch of academics did a DNA test on monkeys and the monkey DNA was run through the same algorithm used on actual human DNA - The result? The monkey DNA had the greatest similarity to apefreakan human populations by far.

>Of course the liberal academics tried to SHUT IT DOWN and bury it but the word got out pretty quick on this kek, make sure to spread the word far and wide


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god bless!

You wolf supremacist!

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>Diverse societies have massive advantages when they are informed and cohesive.

"Let's keep dividing people up so they have even more differences culturally and linguistically, then I'm sure society wilk move forward"

Even if you were right theoretically immigration is too intense right now that there is no time for society to settle and for people to gel. We don't have diversity, we have division. Little colonies everywhere all squabbling and not driving each other forward while people above us force wages down and call us bigots if we all don't play fair.

Lurk more, go into the workforce in any "diverse" mid to lower class area and tell me how everyone speaking broken English is amazing.

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You have no idea what you’re talking about.

How many Finn's are in your country faggot? Seriously if you don't get that, that's the crux of the issue then you're lost.

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Even computerized AI classifies Africans as gorillas. It doesn't take a genius to see this relationship from their simian face.

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>Diverse societies have massive advantages when they are informed and cohesive.
Diversity lowers social cohesion and trust.

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What is that classification based on?

you’re a pseud

On geometric data analyzed mathematically by machine learning.

It's literally a fact that they look like gorillas based on the shapes and proportions of their faces.

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>It's literally a fact that they look like gorillas based on the shapes and proportions of their faces.

Not all Africans have the same skull types and facial features you’re suggesting.