Professional Good Guy

Ford didn't turn down her million or her book deals... Just saying.

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Brett "one man rape gang" Kavanaugh.


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>Meanwhile his accuser silently runs off with a cool $1 million.

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Did you seriously expect anything else tho? We're talking about demoncrats dude, they are evil. Not even joking... they are legit evil.

>in baby voice
Death to the terror sponsor state Israel. Justice for zionist treason. Justice for the victims of taxpayer-funded ISIS barbarity and slavery. Justice for 9/11, and the 2 million victims murdered by Israeli ethno-nationalist expansion

women are pieces of shit, I know, I fucked enough of them and got married to one.
What a waste of life

He should have taken it and donated 100% of it to charities dedicated to helping out actual abused women. That would be a very good thing to do, and the optics would be hilarious.
>Do we take $250k from Kavanaugh?
Put them in a position where they must either accept the funds graciously, or turn them down in spite of there being no evidence against him.

>That would be a very good thing to do, and the optics would be hilarious.
All they would report would be that he took the money, then they would focus on his entire family's history of wealth before ever mentioning what he did with the money

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If he had taken it and donated the money, the truth would have gotten out.

To avoid that, he would have to make a big public spectacle over it. And that's likely about the last thing he wants right now.

And the media still wouldn't report it. No matter what he did, how often did the media mention his volunteering at homeless shelters or entire history of being an impartial judge during his show-trial?

I wonder what happens to the money.

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>To avoid that, he would have to make a big public spectacle over it.
A simple tweet showing how the money was donated would have dispelled any myths the media would have put out. However, I would let them lie for a few days about it just so they could dig a hole for themselves to climb out of. Hell, if I were him, I would donate $600k first...a few days in advance, and then take the money to recoup. That way the receipts show that it was donated in advance of cashing out the go-fund-me.

>Ford didn't turn down her million or her book deals... Just saying.

Well, that is because she was in it for the money. Kavanaugh was in it for the power and cocaine you get on the Supreme Court.

The confirmation is indellible (sic) in the hippocampus.

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Should be
>Indelible in the hippocampus is the confirmation
you nitwit

Dems would have spun that as an admission of guilt. Fuck them.

this is the united states. hes a white male. statistically hes probably molested a child or 3 by the time hes 40

he took one of those oaths that people forget as soon as they stop talking and he doesnt remember which one applies to judges. was it the hypocratic oath? is it hypocritcal oath? is that what those gheys on scubs took? he doesnt know he just knows he wasnt suppose to do something

One tweet by Trump and it would have gotten out.

I can't imagine being this much of a leftist

Returned faggot.

People still think Trump called all Mexicans rapists.

They'll just say that it's because of guilt.

They are being paid for their "opinion" The opinion they were told they had at orientation.

To believe her story is lunacy. They just wanted it to be true so that they could feel they got a win, regardless if he was innocent or not.

Should have set you p a foundation for the falsely accused.

>When you can't tell if user is trolling or if user is a Democrat

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based KAV

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They're literally demonic. Good and evil are inverted for them, and they see themselves as "progressing", which is why they always find new, and more obscene ways to pervert truth and slander beauty. They have a spiritual mind-virus, which seeks to reproduce, which is why they're so heavily overrepresented in media and academia from kindergarten to college. They are evil, and must be destroyed.

The number is over 2 mil, she had multiple platforms

Hes loaded though.

Its easy to turn down something you dont need. Just like its easy not to steal bread until youre starving.


Networth of 1.2 million is nothing. Mine is easily that and I am middle class.

>It's easy to turn down over half a million fucking dollars
Are you an actual retard?

can confirm is retarded

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Seriously. Ford easily has a networth over 1,2 million. Now her networth is going to be closer to 5 million.

Her house alone was like 600-700k?

absolutely indelible

Indelible in the hippocampus is the hand-wringing.

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Oh man. He is really going to be kicking himself when he sobers up.

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He is set for life, he doesn't need the money. Is half this board money hungry kikes?

So is she, look up her career.

Well I couldn't imagine being a dog either and it's basically the same shit.

>Turning down six hundred grand, no strings attached, when nobody would fault you for doing so
You're a fucking idiot. That's half his net worth, as mentioned. You must not have children or plan to have children if you think even a million in net worth is enough for a man to leave his family, especially after the last twenty years of inflation.

Already posted discrediting this.

"Why can't it read?"

2 million is absolutely worth getting a conservative on the supreme court. If thats the going rate, i gladly pay it.

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