Post your country's peak architecture/art/music, whatever.
Post your country's peak architecture/art/music, whatever
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We have better, prettier architecture, but the Empire State Building is so American at the height of her powers it can't be dismissed.
Stop user. Our architecture is shit compared to Central European nations like Hungary and Poland.
It's on literally every bill from the (now defunct) currency.
Yep - the crowning architectural achievement of Zimbabwe is merely setting our borders around some rocks that balance on themselves.
shit forgot pic
Vive le Québec libre!
Peak art
literally nothing
That's real funny, user.
I can't get enough of that hotel
Very nice, not german (even my ancestry isn't, mostly English) but I can feel the patriotism in the song
it's shit compared to the rest
British Gothic revival architecture is some of the best.
>start thread for peak architecture
>don’t post best building
>dunks on wh*toids
Comfy regionalism is the best architecture
It's just a big piece of glass
>runs out of oil in less than 20 years
>gets btfo by houthis
>chops up a journalist
>bans alcohol even tho all the higher ups do it
>is a puppet of the US And Israel
Shitty ally
>built by Japs with your oil money with 0 effort from your people
Built by Koors*
>Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland
I've almost forgotten that one, thank you for reminding me.
It's a sad thing that we were never able to unite all germans in one state while living in peace
Fair dinkum mate
I no joke cry myself to bed, 15% of the time, because of shit like this.
in vancouver that home is worth millions
Too many to just pick one. You know it, I know it, the whole world knows it.
Nobody can compete except fellow Italians, bridges aside.
shitty desu
There is a reason why I rarely open my curtains
Why didn't you go with a greater German unity, but with Prussian leadership, instead of the Habsburgs?
>not Dubrovnik
Yeah, too bad it's in fucken Gulargambone you dog
Newgrange is older than the Pyramids and Stonehenge
>tfw your country's peak architecture was in 3200 B.C
I think this could have happened without the loss of WW1.
Austria Hungary was doomed and the autrians strongly favored a unity with germany
Biased af but the walls of York are my favourite.
Mogadishu 1960s
That isn’t Saudi Arabia
Also we have a nice minster inside the city
I love culture.
Saw that in the Mel Gibson movie. Lol the English lost.
>used to be Rome
Mario, please
Comparing nu classical to actual classical. I see where you were mistaken.
we aren't romans
>5200 years
>still haven't surpassed a hill of dirt
the state of potato niggers
>this pinnacle of culture is only at 5 min walk from my house and reminds me how superior my country is
britannia rules the bricks
Looks beautiful
You mean tourist trap? It is nice, especially if ones into history, but way over priced and crowded. Maybe its a personal thing to me but the small towns are by order of magnitude more beautiful. But for you, pic related.
Meh, this is cool I guess.
Paris is nice. I was there before the migrants all came and it was already starting to get a little dirty so I can only imagine now. I loved the city though, its all built on a human walkable scale and I don't know how else to say it but its very metropolitan. I also went to Versailles which is obviously incredible - the palace and gardens.
I really saddens me to see how our ancestors worked to make this country and it's political institutions beautiful.
Now it's all turned to meaningless trash.
>Birmingham redevelopment in the 60s
Their ideology is about destroying our society so I'm not surprised they attack us from every angle possible, including turning the Christmas tree into a sex toy.
That can't be real
60s was architectural barbarism
it was worse than in the commie states
Modern architects deserve the rope
>german communal blocks
Modern architecture actually done right.
>British torches
Not my country but I live here now and love the architecture
It's ok'ish in most of the city, especially compared to the US which I found very dirty outside of city centres, but it's getting worst everyday
The fuck who is responisble for this is already dead
The Jewish fascination with perversities and ugliness has been the subject of much debate historically. To this day, Jewish comedians will open make jokes about feces and filth.
>german refurnishing
Its funny because no real English would live in that shit hole of a city. Nothing of value was lost.