Why do Republicans hate poor people?

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Because corporations don't care about the common man, which is what a republic is. Corporations have presidents, sovereign states have a sovereign. Our Queen was appointed by God, your president chosen by a committee

Because poor people who demand free healthcare are usually poor due to low iq and no impulse control. More free shit won’t solve their fundamental retardation

It's called socialism and it was popularized by the USSR and National Socialist Germany

How’d that pan out? Oh yeah

Why do Democrats hate the middle class?

>our queen
Come on man, we both know that's in title only.

Because the poor are people who don't work and collect handouts while complaining that life is too difficult while I work my ass off at a shitty job so I can pay my bills and watch my tax dollars go to said poor faggots.

Problem isn't poor people, it's the people giving handouts to them; we should be providing better programs to reintegrate them into the workforce, not giving them a free ride.

>Pay government taxes
>Government spends money on non taxpayers
>Get a shittier product as a result
Most government programs can eat a dick. This country has too much dead weight as it is.

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Based and Redpilled.
Though socialism works free healthcare doesnt neccessarily. Food stamps and medicare and shit for individuals who work, are married, served in the military, have kids, and dont have a crazy long list of criminal activity on their record like robbery, murder, drug trafficking are ok. This is often never talked about. Socialism works so long as its invested in decent citizens only. Drug test welfare recipients, and socialism works. Put prisoners to work at hard labor. Reduce prison population by getting rid of war on drugs, decriminalize drugs(but keep drug tests for welfare recipients, dont drug test someone seeking employment). This way of thinking is unpopular, as most liberals would think its racist as most nigs wouldnt receive welfare in this system.

You really should pass Econ 101 before you post here you faggot. Free shit does not work and never has. It's not different this time you cock smoker.

Poor people taking handouts is part of the problem, and panhandling has become a growing problem in my state for the last year. I've seen people dressed in nicer clothes than I own asking for handouts on the sides of roads and it pisses me off knowing they'll be making $100/day or more

a based leaf, maybe your country might have hope

Yeah the free ride needs to end.The majority don’t want to integrate into the workforce. They want to ride social services for a free high everyday. They will not work. I’ve seen people with jobs purposefully get fired to get back on welfare for free drugs because they got cut off for making too much money.

Socialism is a failure, just like republicanism and atheism
No it's not dumb ass Queerbecker, she is chosen by the Grace of God.
It was by chance that George V's elder brother passed, by chance that Edward VIII abdicated? No it was all planned

They are stupid and they stink

That sounds pretty badass, except the part about work. I'd much prefer that companies kept costs down by preventing stoners from filing suit against them when they cut their stupid fingers off in a press.

What's worse is Democrats have turned that backs on poor people in favor of letting in shittons of migrant refugees, which only worsens the growing difference between wages and living expenses.

Works pretty good in Denmark (that is, until we got invaded by sand niggers).

Actually, I find it quite spooky that Americans find comfort in a society with that amount of commercials, salesmen, bankers, and lawyers, whose work consist of selling, speculating and capitalizing on a system without contributing with any value for society in return. It's like a big drain of manpower, which will always be pursued, because the rewards here are much higher than a ex. roadworkers.

why do democrats hate dumb people?

>medicare and shit for individuals who work
RIP cancer patients and retards i guess

why do liberals hate poor whites?

The entire world hates the Anglo race