Please send these troops back home. We are not at war, we want to help these people walking, hiking...

Please send these troops back home. We are not at war, we want to help these people walking, hiking, dying for a chance in life and in freedom! Help them all.

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Can't brown people help themselves?

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no. you should know that firsthand

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No. They aren't intelligent and never responsible enough. That is why they turned their nations into shit-holes. Don't let them in because we'll be a shit hole nation as well.

>durr durr it's the job of america to babysit every third world country for the rest of eternity

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Wow this is the best you got?

Why would you want to help brown people? Saged.

>white people are evil colonizers who need to get out
>white people pls help

Few episodes ago Jacobine podcast had Puerto Rico bitch whose entire repertoire was alternating between those two. It was staggering.

The island should have been jettisoned decades ago. Spanish/American War worst day of my life, they just dumped all their worthless shithole islands on us. We managed to get rid of most of them, why do we still have this one?

So, are we brown or Asian? Make up your mind

Defending the United States of America, of which, Puerto Rico is not one.

The people of the caravan were offered asylum by Mexico, who stated they could settle where they were, in Mexico's southern provinces, and the Mexican government would provide them food and housing for a time until they could get jobs and support themselves.

They refused. In doing so they
1. Forfeited all rights to asylum. If you are offered asylum by one nation and refuse it, you cannot claim asylum in another nation.

2. Proven that they are not fleeing tyrrany, oppression and poverty. If they were, they would have accepted Mexico's offer. This is a POLITICAL stunt and an invasion of America.

>3000 dead Puerto Ricans
I see life insurance fraud has become big there now

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I dont give a fuck about sea spics

Over 7000 troops were sent to Puerto Rico, retard


The caravan size is shrinking rapidly. You cannot enter the United States of America illegally /thread.

No we don't and we won't

>1 post by this ID
OP is a faggot.

>Please send these troops back home. We are not at war, we want to help these people walking, hiking, dying for a chance in life and in freedom! Help them all.
Trump is warmly supporting killing of innocent civilians, mothers with children in Eastern Ukraine by Ukrainian war criminal President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.
Trump is supplying evil Government in Kiev with military equipment so they can kill even more innocent civilians and mothers with their children.

When will West and especially Trump and his dogs will stop supporting this International murderer.
Is Trump so blind no to see evil that Poroshenko is creating.
Or is Trump consciously supporting this massive evil ??
Why is Trump part of it ??
President TRUMP do you serve The Forces of LIGHT or do you serve The Forces of DARKNESS.
If you serve The Forces of DARKNESS you are plying with your soul Mr. Pres

Attached: Ukrainian pig-President-Poroshenko.jpg (1280x845, 151K)

you American evil blood thirsty greedy fuckers pillaged economies of Central and South American countries for decades you swines.
you prevented them from building their economies, you meddled in their political affairs,
you set them against each others and supplied weapons so they can kill each others while you were taking their natural resources.
you created that over the decades, and now proverbial chickens are coming home to roost.
you help them now.
WHAT TRUMP WILL DO NOW ?? Give order: Shoot to Kill ??

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Why throw the aid away? Where's the profit in that? How does the scam work? Are they just trying to drive up domestic prices?

Official death toll 64. Also how long ago was that? Kicking Central Americans out and letting Puerto Ricans die is consistent and fine with me.

What could Donald Trump possibly done to stop people from dying in PR, given the corruption local government and failure to cooperate?

>why didn't he send those troops to fight the hurricane?

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>begs the question
not what that phrase means

Puerto Ricans move to mainland, vote in mainland elections and put people with the same political views as the Puerto Rican governor in power in America. Communism is and always will be international.

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were they supposed to shoot the storm or something?

Report troll threads.

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The troops going to the border aren't going to harm brown people, they don't have ammo, they are providing logistical support to the border patrol. At most they are doing passive surveillance. Combat engineers building roads so the border control can patrol more effectively. It's good training


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Puertorrican here! This meme is way fucking misleading. The army and our own national guardsmen were here and helped. I still can recall the sound of the helicopters hovering around the area. Our own government refused the military takeover of the local emergency response. Also, a lot of people died because our power grid was wiped out by the hurricane. You could send the whole army, but there was no way to get such an outdated system up and rubbed in weeks going through high mountains and roads filled with mud. Democrats never gave a fuck about PR, they only care now for votes.

Use of troops is ok to protect the country they serve.
Let the Puerto Ricans save Puerto Rico

That was a mayor from one of our towns. Some of the politicans kept the aid for themselves and their friends. Modus Operandus of many of our politicians.

Puerto Rico is an American territory and all Puerto Ricans are American citizens you absolute tard.

who gives a fuck about puerto rico, seriously

Yup it's always the average American that's at fault not the (((politicians))) or other such (((elites))) that are doing subversive or evil things. These marches to the border are totally not funded by said (((elites))) too right with no regard for the people involved? Jesus fucking christ what a garbage thread! Saged

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but have this to offer...

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Not to bitch, but soldiers are for killing on the battlefield. Not appropriate to send them to Puerto Rico to clean up or send them to the border to check papers. Police and NGOs for Hurricane Relief, Border Patrol for Caravans.