"Whites" lack will to work together

Many complain that jews benefit from group oriented behavior, nepotism, etc. at the expense of greater society. But in America you are free to form your own groups, free to share your material wealth, knowledge, and culture with your children, and free to cooperate with those who are like yourself. See: mormons, amish, orthodox jews, chinese in chinatown, religious communities of all types, communities of recent immigrants from any country. If they can't, why can't you?

Instead of forming communities, building wealth through hard work and cooperation, it seems the new movement seeks government subsidized "white nationalism" in america. The is an is an unjust imposition on the citizens of the country, and a pathetic attempt to make up for white gentiles' lack of will or inclination to sustain healthy communities.

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Fuck white people for not being racist, they deserve to not go extinct for not being as tribal and racist as everyone else

*to go extinct

It worked exactly like this until the 70's. There were communities and shiet. I think the man behind the curtain didn't like that.

We already own all the money and power. We payed the price of having no unity for that however. Now we want to get that too. You're single moment perspective is ridiculously foolish.

>in America you are free to form your own groups
If you're heterosexual, cisgender and white, some kike will sue you for discrimination. I suggest you research "exclusionary covenants", "the civil rights act" and "protected classes".

It's not about being racist, it's mainly about taking responsibility for the education of your children, and maintaining mutually benefitial relationships with your friends, associates, family, etc. And taking part in and sustaining a culture with a shared set of values. And shit

Trying too hard for a 'gotcha'. Having control of your government is statehood 101, if you have literal commies at the helm nothing is going to save you. If you claim to be a lolbertarian, then find a way for the left to be excluded from the government as well as the right.

> And shit
Yes, a lot of shit. Taxes, retarded laws, excessive bureaucracy, frauds, theft...

This tendency of the jews to stick together, always to favor their fellow jews over non-jews, and to work for the interests of their tribe instead of just for their individual interests is a fact: a very enviable fact. It is the primary reason for their extraordinary level of wealth and power through the ages.

There are clubby little groups of White men who cooperate with each other to advance their interests. But those interests are personal and individual, not racial or even tribal. And virtually all of the really influential groups of this sort — the Council on Foreign Relations, for example, or groups of very rich and powerful men, corporate bosses or bankers, are in fact heavily larded with jews. They’re not racial groups at all, even if they don’t have any Blacks or Chinamen in them. They’re simply special-interest groups, whereas the 14 million jews of the world form a huge, self-conscious racial-interest group. They really are unique in this regard.

I wish that our people had the same degree of racial consciousness the jews do. The jews understand the power of togetherness. Most of our people don’t. And this is largely the reason why we’re in the mess we’re in today.

>It's not about being racist

>Chinese don’t live in china town because they’re a bunch of racist bugmen
>Jews aren’t racist despite explicitly stating non Jews are slave to them in their religious texts and taxing and exploiting goyim and not themselves

You’re really, really fucking stupid

The second thing for us to understand about the jews is their very unusual mode of existence, living nearly everywhere as a small minority among other peoples. If one looks at their history in the Biblical period, they were at most times a people on the move, living as strangers and aliens among other peoples, getting kicked out of one place after another, always on terms of enmity with the Gentile host population. Only for a little over 400 years, from approximately the time of King David until the Babylonian conquest, did they really have a national existence in the ordinary sense of the word, with geographical borders. When the Babylonians dispersed the jews throughout the Middle Eastern and the Mediterranean world in the middle of the sixth century BC, the jews adapted amazingly well to being a minority everywhere and a majority nowhere. Five hundred years later, in the first century BC, the Greek writer Strabo commented:

“The jews have penetrated every country, so that it is difficult to find any place in the world where their tribe has not entered and become dominant.”

Note those words: “There is no place where they have not become dominant.” The great geographer and historian Strabo was not the only scholar of the ancient world to make that observation about the jews. The jews became dominant by accumulating a substantial portion of the wealth of every country that they infiltrated. And they accumulated their wealth by collaborating with each other and preying on the host population. Their collaboration was based on their racial consciousness, on their conviction that they were a distinct and unique people, superior to the people among whom they lived and deserving of whatever they could take away from their hosts. The jews in Rome did not think of themselves as Romans who happened to believe in Judaism, but as jews who happened to live in Rome. And the same for every other country where they lived.

With the sort of attitude and behavior the jews had they were bound to be hated by everyone — and they reciprocated.

The jews regarded the hatred they had for their hosts as justified, just as they considered deceiving and exploiting their hosts to be justified; but their hosts’ hatred of the jews they regarded as “bigotry” and “persecution.” Their history is a chronicle of one “persecution” after another, right down to modern times. During the Middle Ages they were kicked en masse out of every country in Europe, repeatedly. They pretend today that this supposed “persecution” was the result of religious bigotry on the part of their hosts, but in fact it was simply self-defense on the part of their hosts, the same sort of reaction to their presence that the Egyptians and the Greeks and the Romans and everyone else in pre-Christian times had had. And it was this barrier of hatred between the jews and the rest of the world which made it possible for them to maintain their identity and their sense of racial self-consciousness. If you want to study some of these details of jewish history for yourself, there are many good books available. One I have read and found valuable is A History of the jews by Abram Sachar. Sachar was the president of Brandeis University, and of course, he looks at history very subjectively and from a very jewish point of view. But his history is revealing, and you can find it in most large libraries.

Now, this peculiar mode of existence of the jews I have described changed to a certain extent shortly after the Second World War, with the theft of Palestine and the establishment of the new state of Israel on Palestinian territory. Today one-third of the world’s jews live in Israel, but this is only made possible because the other two-thirds are continuing their existence as parasitic minorities among Gentile hosts. Without a constant supply of money extorted from Germany, the United States, and other countries, Israel could not continue to exist. Israel would have gone under half-a-dozen times in its warfare with its neighbors during the past 50 years if the United States had not provided massive military and diplomatic support. If all of the jews in America and Europe sold their television networks and newspapers and film studios and moved to Israel, that flow of blood from their hosts would be cut off, and Israel soon would cease to exist.

look at Rome's foundational myth. Whites are smart and everything but LOVE civil wars way too much. Whites are our own worst enemy


>white people form a group
>get called racist for being white and forming a group
>government and (((interest groups))) step in to break up the white group
just remember- fascism was the answer to socialism and communism, which was and is promoted by jews

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It's possible to have a group that values cohesiveness and cooperation, that is not actively hostile to others. Not to be cliche, but if you met an amish person they'd probably be very polite to you


White people don't form a groiup. zusually communities of white people are based on religion or nationality. But in america, is seems these groups are unable to thrive after a few generations. There is a lack of will and desire to maintain community among the youth. White communities that form are ephemeral and fleeting, only a byproduct of the circumstances or a matter of convenience

>another rulebreaking troll thread.

REPORT, never reply to these cunts.

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Actually its litterally illegal to do this for whites in many cases
And 'immoral' as well.


Hey man, i'm mostly talking out of my ass, but I think the topic is legitimate. The way I see it, so called "white nationalists" complain that their group is under attack, but there is a lack of emphasis and constructive discussion about forming, sustaining tangible communities. Sure they might perform random acts motivated by their beliefs, but if there is no sober multigenerational strategy it will just be a wank in the dustbin of history. Or something

People don't see church communities as immoral. If a small business owner hires someone from his church who just lost his job, no one would care. There are many ethnic churches that promote patriotism alongside spirituality (like a greek orthodox church, or an irish catholic church). "White nationalism" is an american contrivance that is more divisive than constructive. To much emphasis is put on blaming others rather than taking responsibility.