I saw a thread that said that in a town the population was White. Come Halloween, no problem. Then it received the first wave of brown, not black immigrants. Halloween time again, some quirks, the Pakis and Koreans got accustomed, not too big of an issue.
Then came th blacks.
First Halloween two kids got jumped and robbed.
Second Halloween the neighbours went with their kids to protect them.
Grade 2 chimpout and 12 homes got broken into.
Third Halloween, now the police patrols the area and the nogs simmedred down.
Do you know talk in your houses about such things? how do you see your replacement?
For USAnons
> gimme cute centreal european gf
it's very simple my Romanian friend. I plan on leaving the United States
Halloween is supposed to be spooky. Niggers around every corner help with that.
I invite a whole pack of niggers to sleep in my house every Halloween weekend.
Same as here. The ones that's aren't retarded talk about how niggers fuck everything up. NPCs pretend everything is fine
I just moved into a gated community with many young children, I'm not too worried but I'm armed just in case. I have no children of my own
Must have been a small town if it was all white. I live in a Houston suburb, the city is full of subhumans but trick or treating is fine because the neighborhoods are mainly white or Hispanic. Also I still hate the spics but they are okay for trick or treating.
is there a higher risk of being mugged or something like that now that everybody and their cousin in wearing a mask?
Only if they're big guys.
how is it after the groid invaison after Katrina?
...for you.
I just saw a video on IG of some beaner stealing someone's decorations with his kid, all the candy too. Literally stole a scare crow decoration - who the fuck does that.
There is no place to run
My town was almost all white just a few years ago
Perfect place to grow up. Rural small town USA like in the movies
Then the niggers and spics began moving in because of section 8 housing (along with some white trash)
FBI raided an arms dealer (Mexican)
Cars are stopped randomly for heroine trafficers
Gas stations and one of the banks have been robbed
Blacks and spics roam the town at night while whites are asleep
Shit even went down at the liquor store the other day with some white trash dude
My town is a small piece of whats going on across the US and Europe
And we got a fuckin Walmart as well with all the shit moving in. Whenever I go there, it is full of shitskins and trash, people that were not here when I was growing up
To answer your question of how I see my "replacement" its fucking awful. I see mutts, I see unfriendly faces. I feel like a stranger in my own land. And it is truly awful. I see mixed couples, and I see white grand parents with mutt grand children. It makes me want to off myself when Im the only white person at the store. People speak in Spanish around me, all while I wonder where my nation, my hometown, has gone
Much worse. There are entire areas that are unsafe because of them and often their niggotry ends up in the suburbs. They are literal subhumans. It’s insane how retarded they are. If you want to get an idea of the average nigger intellect look up our politician Shiela Jackson Lee
Yeah spics are shitty. I really despise them. They often make enough money to move to the older suburbs and the majority aren’t so bad they make it unsafe or something but there are a lot of them that embrace nigger culture and do that sort of stuff or petty crime like selling weed or breaking into cars.
My town was more of a big village with some industrial aspects. Some roads were not paved or asphalted and chestnut and willow trees grew flanking my street and giving a shady and cool place to grow up in.
After some years, some of my neighbors moved to Deutschland.
After some more, the kids became this new shade of brown i was not used to.
Then the willows and chestnut trees were gone and in their place, layed only cigarette butts and empty beercans and manele music (gyppo shit) flooded the air.
A couple days ago I started to hear the gippo language in my town.
In the shadow of what used to be my town.,
Why haven't you guys just fucking gassed those rats yet?
Before ww2, they were not that many.
Antonescu (based fashy dude) wanted to build schools for them. Not so based.
Ceausescu had programs to reward their mothers for excessive breeding.
Now, they are released maybe in an area near you.
>not having your warmode turned on
>being this much of a pleb faggot
ffs Op get on this niggas leveland quit being a bitch
I am sorry for what has become of your home town. It is truly awful witnessing the "cultural enrichment" happen before your eyes. What has become of mine, it eats away at me at night. I am amazed we don't have muslims, as there is a huge muslim center one town over, but there are almost no arabs in the area. I think racism in the community when they built it a couple decades ago has kept them away.
We have some industry, asphalt plant, steel mill a town over, but never anything big. One day I was coming home and I started looking out my car window, I could not find a white person in the cars around me. All were either black or Hispanic. It really hit me then. I hear rap music, where as I used to hear country or rock from car windows.
The people that used to live here, the farmers, theyre selling and moving on, so the white flight has begun too. My home town is gonna die, and it really bothers me.
im handing out candy right now
little blonde haired girls dressed up as princesses
they're fucking adorable and worth saving
i really, really, really fucking wish nonwhites didn't exist.
> pakis
> not an issue
Gypsies, everyone.
only shills or agent provocateurs speak like you
The rape of my hometown has not helped my opinion of other races.
I was somewhat open before,
>Not all are that bad just some
No longer. That's been broken pretty bad.
i hope you still have some resources to build and a strong foundation to do it on. Worst case scenario, you end up with a high mileage Stacy that wants to repent for her sins and chooses you. but that Stacy is at least White. My biggest fear is that i do not fuck or god-forbid marry a gip.
Well you have the nipps, we have the gipps.
>My biggest fear is that i do not fuck or god-forbid marry a gip.
Yeah my fear is I fail to find a white woman to marry. Ive been hit on by black women, and even a muslim when I was out of town. Was a weird feel. Things looking bad but who knows.
Good luck to you user
holy shit is this real?
Well you just faggoted yourself.
Good luck to you too. Never let the light get put out.
They'll be fucking niggers ASAP.
>I saw a thread that said that in a town the population was Negroid. Come Halloween, no problem. Then it received the first wave of white, not pink immigrants. Halloween time again, some quirks, the Pakis and Koreans got accustomed, not too big of an issue.Then came th pinks.First Halloween two kids got jumped and robbed.Second Halloween the neighbours went with their kids to protect them.Grade 2 pinkout and 12 homes got broken into.Third Halloween, now the police patrols the area and the pinks simmedred down.Do you know talk in your houses about such things? how do you see your replacement?
^did your Dad dry fuck you?...or are you bitter because a gym teacher raped you?...which 1?
You do not deserve to marry anyone if your primary concern is fucking her first.
>Procreation isn't important
fuck off