Kavanaugh is Guilty!

Jow Forums utterly btfo. This is the difference between Mueller and your rapist judge Brett.
You bigots can’t refute this.

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Robert Mueller went against Sonoma county's wishes and gave Issac Asimov's son a very very light sentence for having thousands of child porn videos plus dozen commercial video duplicators, etc, in what was supposedly the largest child porn bust in California history.

less than 2 years later he was head of the FBI, put in charge just in time for 9/11 and the anthrax attacks. Mueller seems like a fixer for the bush dynasty, lucifarians love certain Sci-Fi authors as they help usher in the new era (HG Wells, Isaac Asimov, etc)



maybe you shouldn't bring us every little piece of trash you find

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Didn’t know that about Azimov‘s son. Jesus, I didn’t know I could get any more blackpilled but here we are...

I doubt it's legal for him to ask the employer he was the head of at the time of the accusation to now investigate it

yea I had already made up my mind about Mueller because of 9/11 and the Anthrax attacks, and it seems like he was critical in covering up the truth about those... but when I heard about this Pedo cover up shit I realized that these people are gangster thugs who don't really care what the public thinks of them

>put in charge just in time for 9/11 and the anthrax attacks
The later of which was a complete botch job that ended with the FBI bullying a man who has been helping them and suffered from mental illness into suicide. Later effectively all his coworkers called bullshit on the FBI fantastical tale of him clandestinely using the lab's equipment to grow the anthrax unknown to everyone else because Biosafety level 4 facilities are apparently high school science classes and the delinquents can cook up biological weapons in the back while the teacher isn't looking. Ironically the FBI accused him based on techniques that he himself has developed and probably overstated the effectiveness of. When confronted by this Mueller's response was "No ragrets."

Mueller is a career fuck up who has been failing upward for decades and Trump would have been smart to just fire him and Rosenstein almost immediately then do damage control later without subversives waving Famous But Incompetent badges around.

>Mueller is a career fuck up who has been failing upward for decades and Trump would have been smart to just fire him and Rosenstein almost immediately then do damage control later
Disagree. There's something quite just about letting them both expose themselves to the entire American public as bumbling incompetents first

Mueller is using the fbi to suppress and prevent the news from coming out proving he's a pedophile rapist. Also he's using the fbi to target and threaten his victims.

>be in a position of power
>spend 1/4 of your time explaining what you had for dinner 20 years ago to the FBI every time someone makes an allegation

It's like they're trying to make us all women.

Oh no user you cracked the case what will kavanaugh do now

more on SAIC deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-10020.html

And then despite shitting the bed the media will celebrate them as heroes and collect their taxpayer funded pensions for the rest of their lives. Really just.

Trump should have put Rosenstein's head on a pike when he had him squirming about having casually tossed around the idea of committing high treason and publicly reminded every government employee that they serve at the pleasure of the American public via their elected officials. Then he should have taken the chance to clean house and rebuild the bureau in the image of something other than corruption and incompetence. Hopefully he'll still fire him after the midterms but it was a missed opportunity to catch Mueller and his ilk on the backfoot.

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what a fucking mensch

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> "credibly accused" NLP
> Mueller's rape accusation from 2010 is illegitimate
> but Brettboi is somehow "avoiding" the FBI by not personally calling for a frivolous investigation into hearsay from 35 years ago

>the FBI is right which is why Mueller went to them but they are wrong about Kavanaugh

in the options field

Mueller is going down tomorrow
Jacob Wohl is about to bring fourth the "Credible Sexually Assaulted Woman" at a press conference Thursday.
Once that happens; Right wing media is about to blow this story up HUGE
Trump is already preparing his hot little hands to tweet about "Corrupt Mueller"
and that he is "Very disappointed". Screen cap this.

Kill yourself, you worthless fucking faggot. Hang yourself in a public place with this tweet printed out and stapled to your chest, holy shit!!!!!

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